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pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:11 pm
by Bass Cone
If you haven't noticed, I've been really bitchy lately. I'm sorry for that, it's just that I've been really stressed out lately. Here's the deal: My friends don't give a shit about me.

That might be a bit of an overstatement, but that's what I feel like. I'm always the one being excluded from shit. If there were 4 of us and we had to make groups of 3, I would be the one left out. It's happened a lot. For chemistry labs I always get left out of the group. I just found out that my friends went behind my back and picked seats for the 10 hour bus ride to a band festival. They told me I'd better find someone or else I'd sit next to the school whore. I asked who was left and of course no one was because I just had to be the last to find out about this.

No big deal, you might think, if this didn't happen a lot. The problem is, shit like this happens to me all the time. A couple months ago some kid called me a loner. I denied that and looked to my friends for support. They agreed with him. What the fuck? It's not like I really am a loner! I go to shit they invite me to, I talk to them all the time, we have good times together. So why am I the one with the social stigma? I certainly have more friends than them. They're extremely cliquey and basically don't hang out with people outside of their group. Most of them don't play sports either. I'm always busy with music or hockey or friends. I have a life. This isn't fair.

Another problem I have is boy related (lol). So I like this guy and I told my friend, it turns out she does too. She gets every guy she wants and I never do. So, she was all excited and told me I could "have" him. But, she's flirting with him a LOT and told my other friend she has a crush on him. I had a crush on one of her guys but I didn't do a thing about it because I didn't want a stupid boy to ruin our friendship. I just don't know what to think. Whenever I get close to having a boyfriend, something happens and it gets fucked up.

On top of all of that, my parents fight like crazy. They bicker about the stupidest shit and when they joke around with each other, one of them takes it seriously and gets mad. They seem like they're close to hating each other. Oh, and my grandma is a psycho who tries to ruin my life from time to time. She'll come over and tell me what a jerk I am or something to that extent.

Long story short, I have self esteem issues that are bugging the hell out of me. I just needed to vent. I would write a whole other paragraph about my music issues but I won't bore you with that.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:20 pm
by Madjid
Bass Cone wrote:If you haven't noticed, I've been really bitchy lately.
Especially to me, you really hurt my feelings at some point, you rejected my marriage proposal, foes listed me, and kinda bashed every single post i made.
I have never stopped loving you though, you pwn life. <3

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:24 pm
by Bass Cone
madjid wrote:
Bass Cone wrote:If you haven't noticed, I've been really bitchy lately.
Especially to me, you really hurt my feelings at some point, you rejected my marriage proposal, foes listed me, and kinda bashed every single post i made.
I have never stopped loving you though, you pwn life. <3
i'm sorry. i take my anger out online sometimes. yesterday I just punched a locker.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:51 pm
by Druska
Bass Cone wrote:
Another problem I have is boy related (lol). So I like this guy and I told my friend, it turns out she does too. She gets every guy she wants and I never do. So, she was all excited and told me I could "have" him. But, she's flirting with him a LOT and told my other friend she has a crush on him. I had a crush on one of her guys but I didn't do a thing about it because I didn't want a stupid boy to ruin our friendship. I just don't know what to think. Whenever I get close to having a boyfriend, something happens and it gets fucked up.

On top of all of that, my parents fight like crazy. They bicker about the stupidest shit and when they joke around with each other, one of them takes it seriously and gets mad. They seem like they're close to hating each other. Oh, and my grandma is a psycho who tries to ruin my life from time to time. She'll come over and tell me what a jerk I am or something to that extent.

Long story short, I have self esteem issues that are bugging the hell out of me. I just needed to vent. I would write a whole other paragraph about my music issues but I won't bore you with that.
been in that situation myself she didnt have the guts to tell me she had made up with him so i know exactly how are you feeling though i realize none of them were worth it both of them are druggies now
my parents fight sometimes the worst part is when they vent on me
idk if you have siblings or not but my sis is like the perfect student, the kind of girl a mother would like to have as daughter in law ... i'm well ... different
and sometimes i feel like my parents want me to be as my sis specially my dad
there's a phrase in spanish and it goes likes this" es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado" the translation would be something like it's better to be alone rather than to hang out with the wrong people
my advice you are your best friend , friends come an go you have to be strong

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:45 pm
by ReemFTW
Unfortunately, I am the worst person for advice, because I don't have any experience (xDD) with that shit, or I've experienced most of them but have done nothing about them. |:

I basically really dislike my family, except for a few aunts and my dad maybe. My mom can get on my nerves but whatever. I'm the black sheep of the family, always have been, always will. Basically, when my grandmother comes (she pisses the hell outta me too), I just shut myself in my room forever, and she just goes complains about that but I go "Whatever." My family basically looks down on me because I speak English well, I don't act very 'Arab', and my cousins have been bullying me ever since I was 5 years old, so when they found out I liked Sum 41, they instantly teased me and went 'ooh you only like them because you like some guy from the band.' How the fuck would THEY know if I liked anyone?! They just think I'm young and naiive.
Anyways that's besides the point, the point IS, is that I just basically ignore anyone who pisses me off.

My group of friends have all these problems with eachother, so now we have 'subgroups', and im not in any of those 'subgroups', I don't have a problem with anyone, I just hang out with whoever the fuck I want. One day I'm with the first subgroup, the other day I'm with the second one.

I pretty much agree with what Andrea said, but I always need to have one person who's shoulder is free to cry on, and that's my best friend Sara. I can't stand the thought of being alone in the world, I always have to depend on someone.

Actually, I'm interested to know about your problems with music, if you don't mind. Normally if you let it all out you'd feel a bit better.

I've noticed you've just been in a bad mood, but not bitchy or bad attitude-ish. Just in a bad mood, not really happy. I sometimes believe in doing what ONLY makes you happy. Sometimes.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:12 pm
by Bass Cone
Thanks guys. I do have one really good friend, but she doesn't go to my school and I don't see her a whole lot. I just constantly need to know someone cares.

My music issues just have to do with college. I want to major in music education but I always have this feeling that I'm not good enough. I play 4 instruments, but I don't know which one I'm going to really pursue in college. I want to be really good at one of them to kind of prove myself and get a scholarship. But I just don't know where I'm headed right now.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:21 pm
by ReemFTW
Oh okay, I guess the first thing you need to know is which instrument you enjoy playing the most, then you can move on to improving your skills in playing that certain instrument. I don't play any, but I'm just saying what I would do if I was in your situation.

My best friend doesn't go to my school anymore but we see eachother or phone or chat. Besides, calling a person in the same city over here is free, so it's not such a big deal. And the city we live in is really small.
I suggest making the most of your friendship with her, as much as possible at least.

good luck :mrgreen: hope that helped, at least 1%

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:26 pm
by Billy41
I don't really know you that well and stuff but I'd like to try and help you.

The problem you have with your friends sucks. I've been in that position too. But in my group there was 1 guy Ive known all my life (he's like 1 week older) and has been my best friend for ever. But he kinda bullied me along with a couple of other friends. It made me very depressed and I went to a shrink. I told this too my best friend and he felt really bad about. He started to stand up for me when some one was picking on me. After a short time I felt better and was 'healed'.

So my advice for you is: Try to find your closest friend in your group and tell him/her about it. And tell all the details about how you really feel. If he/she makes a joke about it or something, he/she is not a real friend.

You shouldn't worry to much about the boyfriend stuff. Maybe thats something everybody says but its true. You'll find some one. Or you can ask my phone number :winkwink: :hehe:

Keep your head up, everything'll work out!

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:39 pm
by Bass Cone
yeah i'm gonna bring this shit up to them because i'm sick of it.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:47 pm
by Max
At least you're capable of spelling and using proper punctuation :D I bet your friends can't do that.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:50 pm
by Jake
You listen to the clash. so you must own pretty hard!

Self esteem issues fixt yet?

But tbh. If you need to vent @ tns members, Vent at them :) its not like the majority have feelings :)

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:04 pm
by phatass
Ok about the friends thing, here's what i have to say:

Just ignore them as reem said, completely disengage, mind your business, dissappear from their sight for some time...see if they try to re-engage or contact you or show concern in any way possible...If they do, then bring it up and tell them your problem, if not then you know you got yourself a bunch of douches as friends and i personally wouldn't want anything to do with them.
Bass Cone wrote:Thanks guys. I do have one really good friend, but she doesn't go to my school and I don't see her a whole lot. I just constantly need to know someone cares.
Talk to your close friend, from time to time if not always, it will make you feel better. You could post here but...

Oh i dont know if this matters but WE care :happy:

Just cheer up man, always keep in mind when people are being titfucks that you are better than them.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:09 pm
by tomhoppus
Jake! wrote:You listen to the clash. so you must own pretty hard!

Self esteem issues fixt yet?

But tbh. If you need to vent @ tns members, Vent at them :) its not like the majority have feelings :)
Slit Jake's balls open if you do, please.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:24 pm
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Its alright, i don't like her.

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:02 pm
by Janet
Been there, i once had "best friends" who pretended to be my friends, but in the reality it was far from it, i only had one friend and she lives a 100 km away, so i had a rough time, mostly i just wondered why they'd pretend to like me instead of just ditching me, because it was pretty clear they didn't care at all. I was the ugly duckling of the class back then and everyone bullied me, it sucked.
I cut those bastards out of my life and found another friend, who i thought was lame at first, but she turned out to be amazing. She introduced me to a lot of people who were awesome. It was a long time ago, probably in the 5th or 6th grade. I now have two best friends, they mean the world to me, and i have shitloads of friends, including some of the backstabbing friends i used to have, i forgave them and they've actually grown up to be really nice, some of them moved away, so yeah, i win, haha.
I'd suggest you do the same, they wouldn't act like bitches if something wasn't wrong, confront them about it, the sooner the better, good luck mate :)

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:50 pm
by upperclasszero
that blows

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:04 pm
by Shiv
i really do feel ur pain babycakes
im a loner...i admit it. i dont do it on just happens. im not friends with many, and only recently have i basically forced myself into a group of friends, who (thankfully) have accepted me as part of the group. just keep your chin up. find other friends. i prefer stupid as that sounds, they really can be great friends. im friends with, ehhh, not necessarily "nerds", but they arent the most popular kids at school. they are the tru friends, not the drunk slutbitches that act like they know you

p.s. im single :2cool4u:

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:08 pm
by Kelbunk
that shit about the friends ditching you is basically what happens to me all the time, 'cept not in school. cuz i have other friends in school cuz we're in different classes lol
and i'm not busy with sports or anything..cuz i don't have a life

But ya i've been getting ditched for a while now, and i dunno i juss stopped giving a shit cuz it was too much trouble to care. You can give that a shot haha

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:19 pm
by Druska
Shiv wrote:i really do feel ur pain babycakes
im a loner...i admit it. i dont do it on just happens. im not friends with many, and only recently have i basically forced myself into a group of friends, who (thankfully) have accepted me as part of the group. just keep your chin up. find other friends. i prefer stupid as that sounds, they really can be great friends. im friends with, ehhh, not necessarily "nerds", but they arent the most popular kids at school. they are the tru friends, not the drunk slutbitches that act like they know you

p.s. im single :2cool4u:
when i was 6 or 7 years i was a loner and honestly,i didn't have any girl friends and i hated and still hate anything related to barbie .. guess that adolescence has changed me

Re: pardon me, venting here.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:29 am
by Peterr
that just plain sucks.... Sorry about all that BC. I don't have any advice. That is just too much... I'm really sorry.