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Weirdest Dream

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:30 pm
by Aaron
I wanna know the weirdest dream you can remember. Here's mine:

I was on some small tropical island and me and a bunch of strangers were sleeping around a huge bonfire. We were split into small groups and each had a huge pile of skittles. I woke up and sneaked over to another group and took some of their skittles. I must have made too much noise cuz then everyone everyone jumped up and started fighting and chasing each other around the island. Then, I hopped onto this weird boat like thing and rode off into the ocean. Here's what the boat looked like. It was about as long and skinny as a school bus, it only had two long benches on it that faced each side. It also had a canopy/shelter type thing over it. My group jumped onto it and then another group started hopping onto some seadoos and chased us around the edge of the island.

Then I woke up. I had this one about a month ago. Very weird. :devious: :hehe: :silly:

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:34 pm
by Peterr
i had one when i was little..

I was in a sandbox, and there were jail bars around me. And all around me Thomas the Tank Engine was going in and out of his little "house:


the girl i liked kissed someone else to make me jealous..... that was a nightmare...

But she says she doesn't have dreams...


Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:40 pm
by Druska
i don't have dreams at least i can't remember them but i had one where me and my sis had to do a math exam and i cant remember more

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:03 pm
by turtlehobopirate
This isn't my weirdest one, but it's pretty weird. I had this when I was about 4 years old

I don't remember where I was, but Ronald McDonald gave me a lollipop. I took it and licked it, and I woke up licking the air. lol

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:17 am
by Kelbunk
i have lots, but i had this one like..a few days ago, the day before my birthday, and i can remember it sooo vividly it's strange...

So i dreamt...that i was at Cheers (from the old sitcom kinda thing), and i was sitting around drinking with all bunch of the characters on Cheers...and the beer was really refreshing, and everybody had to go to the bathroom except me...

I dunno it was weird and fun

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:26 am
by xmarryxx
i had a wierd dream like a day ago.

i dreamed that i was in a tropical forest, and there was a bunch of little forest tribes. and i think i and some other people had a mission to save the forest from some creature or something, i cant exactly remember it. but the most vivid memory i had was i looked up at a group of trees, and i saw this snake, that was as big around as the tree trunks, just kind of weaving arounnd of the trees. i could only see an outline because the sun was coming down from that direction. but i could still tell it was a giant snake. you'd think it was freaky but it actually was really cool. i wish i could remember more of it to describe it.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:16 am
by K.
i was watching straight porn

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:58 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
I Cleavland Steamed jordan.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:52 am
by ReemFTW
I dreamt I was in this summer camp thing, I was sitting on these stone benches, and I saw my cousin and my friend etc. The leader of the camp was a dude from the Flinstones, with that big blue horned hat or something. Anyway, so he was like 'Today we are going to play Underwater Golf'.

so we went to a beach, and dove in, suddenly the scene changes to the inside of a mall, and theres a big opening with water, but there's no glass covering the water to hold it, it's just standing there. So then I decided to walk in the water, but I realised I didnt have my goggles on.. so I went to the store next to me, and I saw Donald Duck in there and asked him to hold my stuff. then I swam and looked for everyone and they werent there... xD

I had this dream when I was 9 I think, but I remember it perfectly.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:18 am
by xmarryxx
GreenReem41 wrote:I dreamt I was in this summer camp thing, I was sitting on these stone benches, and I saw my cousin and my friend etc. The leader of the camp was a dude from the Flinstones, with that big blue horned hait or something. Anyway, so he was like 'Today we are going to play Underwater Golf'.

so we went to a beach, and dove in, suddenly the scene changes to the inside of a mall, and theres a big opening with water, but there's no glass covering the water to hold it, it's just standing there. So then I decided to walk in the water, but I realised I didnt have my goggles on.. so I went to the store next to me, and I saw Donald Duck in there and asked him to hold my stuff. then I swam and looked for everyone and they werent there... xD

I had this dream when I was 9 I think, but I remember it perfectly.
damn! thats really cool, what do you mean they werent there? they just dissappeared? thats a really awsome dream.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:29 am
by Susanne
I saw a weird dream about 2 weeks ago.

I was in a some sort of a night club. There was a stage that was made of wood. I was waching a musical about drag queens. They were singing and dancing on the stage.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:27 am
by Bobbyjames
a few months back i kept having this recurring dream, about being locked in ASDA while zombies attack our "wonderful" country. it was weird, but quite realistic at times.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:19 pm
by ReemFTW
xmarryxx wrote:
GreenReem41 wrote:then I swam and looked for everyone and they werent there... xD
damn! thats really cool, what do you mean they werent there? they just dissappeared? thats a really awsome dream.
Yup, the people disappeared =P oh and underwater there were these signs, like road signs and arrows telling you where to go... weird.
bobbyjames wrote:a few months back i kept having this recurring dream, about being locked in ASDA while zombies attack our "wonderful" country. it was weird, but quite realistic at times.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:53 pm
by phatass
I've dreamt of an old man walking in some arabian desert like place with a headless camel and i could hear prayers in the background. I've had waaaay too many weird dreams but I'm not in the mood to type out a book today.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:19 pm
by ReemFTW
phatass wrote:I've dreamt of an old man walking in some arabian desert like place with a headless camel and i could hear prayers in the background.
LMAO definitely signs of the UAE.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:15 pm
by Janet
Last night i saw that some girl was crying and i went to ask what was wrong and she cried on my shoulder for a long time and i kept on telling her that everything's okay, don't know what it means though.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:10 am
by budgie
bobbyjames wrote:a few months back i kept having this recurring dream, about being locked in ASDA while zombies attack our "wonderful" country. it was weird, but quite realistic at times.
dude, isnt that called, like, Newcastle?

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:26 am
by LTS
one time i had a dream where it was just a 1 stringed banjo playing itself against a white background...

that's it..

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:32 am
by withchappedlips
I once had a dream where Luke came to spook me, but then I took one little look and we began to fook.

Re: Weirdest Dream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:52 am
by LTS
I See Stars wrote:I once had a dream where Luke came to spook me, but then I took one little look and we began to fook.

I'd see your phyciatrist on that one...
"Sounds like a personal problem to me"
