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My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:26 am
by Stevo32jr.
This took me about five minutes to write and its my first ever set of lyrics but I really think it kinda stinks, but the tune is supposed to be like the one from the song Dr. Worm by They Might Be Giants

You may think I am crazy
I tell you I am not
I only killed a man
Now just sit on the cot
I’ll tell you everything
You will realize I’m not
A crazy man


This is how it happened
I was going down the street
That’s when I saw a man
I was just looking at my feet
That’s when I looked at him
I told him take a seat
I wanted to ask him something
That’s when he said beat


So I only grabbed him
He shouldn’t have tried to fight back
That’s when I pulled out my knife
He tried to take a crack
At my face
That’s when I karate chopped him in the back
He almost got right up
, But that’s when I stabbed his backpack
However it was a little stronger than I thought
And so it stabbed him in the heart

Now I tell you Im not crazy
I just wanted to tell him something
That was when I picked off of the ground
What looked like his wedding ring
Which is a terrible shame
Because I think he could sing

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:37 am
by upperclasszero
thts the shit right there

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:10 pm
by Bizzy-C92
I think it's interesting......=)...

so why don't you record it, and post it...???....

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:18 am
by Stevo32jr.
maybe someone else can because I don't have the equipment or the musical skill I just thought Id try my hand at writing lyrics and maybe I could write lyrics for people here or something like that


damn it lost again

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:51 pm
by Bizzy-C92
Stevo32jr. wrote:maybe someone else can because I don't have the equipment or the musical skill I just thought Id try my hand at writing lyrics and maybe I could write lyrics for people here or something like that


damn it lost again
But nobody except you.....know how to sing it...=)...

but....can you write some lyrics for me....=)....??? should be about me and my girl.....

if this is possible....and please let me know it..=) was really nice....

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:10 pm
by Stevo32jr.
well how to sing it and the music is up to them and you can just send me like what the song should include about you and your girl and like how long it should be and stuff like that

Re: My lyrics "Crazy"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:37 pm
by Bizzy-C92
ok thx....=)...

I'll think about it....and tomorrow post some facts....=)....

thx for help...=)....

Re: Important note for your security

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:23 am
by Stevo32jr.
cdef546 wrote:Be a Professional Game Shop ,we sincerelywow gold
hope all of our Customers can have a smooth and secure transaction with us , so please keep in mind after you made an order from us[url=]gold[/url]:
Don't tell your char name or password to anyone except our supporters
keep your computer away from keylogs. And make surewow gold
there is no one by your side when you arewow gold
buying GP at our site.
what the fuck is this about :spam: