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guitar/ amp question

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:36 pm
by PunkSteve

i have a Gibson Les Paul Studio Guitar, & a Line 6 Spider III Amp (30Watt)....

is this a good combination??

because the amp is sort of like a metal amp.....

im not really sure!!

& also, with this combo, can i get a good punk-rock sum41 sound??


Re: guitar/ amp question

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:25 pm
by Ortix
Hey i've got basically the same setup:

Gisbon les paul standard with a 15W line 6 spider III.

what i do is i put it on metal, lower the drive to half so it's pointing north and also the same with bass. Crank up the middle but not all the way, just a tad back and the treble pointing to the east. I get pretty good punk sound out of it.

Re: guitar/ amp question

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:30 am
by Jeremy Kill
Sounds like a decent combination if you want a punk rock sound. Experiment with "Crunch" too, supposedly it's based on the '68 Marshall Plexi 50 Watt. Marshall's are usually was Deryck uses live.

Re: guitar/ amp question

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:30 pm
by PunkSteve
thanks a lot guys :)

il try the setting out later, ive only had this set up for a little while, so im just getting used to it :) i usually just use it on insane, with full treble, no bass or mid, & full drive!

also, another question,... i usually put my guitars settings (the 2 vol, 2tone) all on full... & im not really sure on what difference they make to the sound..apart form the volume of course.... any advce?? thanks...

and finally.. when im doing a song with PM'd power chords (e.g. greenday-basketcase) , how am i to get that sound?? 'cause when i play it, theres a lot of noise in between each pick strum...

thanks again!!