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HELP! Cant jailbreak v2.1 1st gen Itouch!!

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:53 am
by Brownsound
I have a First Gen Itouch. I bought it and upgraded it to 1.1.5 and jailbroke it using Ziphone. Now i purchased the upgrade to 2.1 and i cant get it to jailbreak using Quickpwn. Can anyone help getting very frustrated. ive followed multiple tutorials to get 2.1 to crack using Quickpwn and none of them work. Is there one that does? And if neccesary, is there a way to downgrade back to 1.1.5? I have a copy of the 2.1 update file so i wouldnt have to repurchase it. Help!

Re: HELP! Cant jailbreak v2.1 1st gen Itouch!!

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:08 am
by wiggs1441
i cant help you. hokay. tell me which version of itunes you have

Re: HELP! Cant jailbreak v2.1 1st gen Itouch!!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:37 am
by Jacob
What exactly won't work when trying to use QuickPwn?

I have my First Gen iPhone QuickPwnd 2.1 on a Mac.

Running Mac or Windows?

PwnageTool didn't work for me, but you may have better luck. Or, even better, find a custom firmware at pr0x

Be careful with the custom firmware, though

Re: HELP! Cant jailbreak v2.1 1st gen Itouch!!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:42 pm
by wiggs1441
ok. lets do it. just follow this video.