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Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:32 am
by Open Your Eyes
Tonight I went to Avril's show in Toronto, ON, and it was the best concert I've ever been to freaking ever. The part that made it so special was the fact that Deryck and Avril played "In Too Deep" together on stage. It was possibly the best moment of my fucking life. It also helped that, like every show I went to this tour, I had front and center to witness this.

If you don't mind, I'll just copy and paste that part of the review I posted on my site because it's 4:30 AM and I have to leave Toronto in less than three hours and I haven't gotten any sleep...
In To Deep (Featuring Mr. Whibley)
The night before the concert, Sharifa came and woke me up and said "Adam, I'm sorry for waking you, but this is worth waking up for." She plotted the computer on my lap and I read that Avril and Deryck had played on stage together in Sudbury the night before and I flipped out. If you're slow to catch on, in my world, Deryck is the king, Avril is the princess, and Avril and Deryck together is my lifestyle. It has always been my dream to see Avril and Deryck perform on stage together, and I never thought that it would happen today, but it did. I didn't want to know what song they'd be performing together, because we had just assumed he had come on for a song like "Sk8er Boi" or "I Don't Have To Try", but I didn't know it would be a Sum 41 song. Anyways, Katie accidentally leaked to me before the concert that Avril and Deryck would be performing "With Me". I flipped out, because I wasn't supposed to know, but I was so happy at the same time. So the whole concert, I was expecting to hear "With Me" during the encore, which would have been the cutest performance ever. When Deryck walked on stage, I literally flipped out. I have the potential to go crazy for Deryck, just by him making his presence known with his usual salute to the audience. I was expecting a "Hi, I'm Deryck fucking Whibley" or something like that, but there was none, he definitely knew his audience. The whole time, I was yelling my butt off. Then I heard "In Too Deep" starting to play and I was so excited. I had been expecting "With Me", but they could've played any Sum 41 song ("A.N.I.C.", and "Ma Poubelle" included) and I would've been satisfied. Deryck was his normal self, which I love, and Avril sat back and admired him. Avril took part singing the chorus, and she did a great job. It's so funny because Avril was just chilling clapping her hands and waving them in the air at points, admiring her husband whiel he rocked out. Avril was wearing her red/black striped Abbey Dawn hoodie, and Deryck was wearing a red shirt, black tie and black pants, I believe. His usual attire, I guess. It was when they were on stage together that I really realized how much alike they are on stage. Avril takes so much out of Deryck's live performance, and I think it's so admirable. They were great together, and it was really cute how Avril introduced him by saying "I have a verrrrrry special guest with me today" or something like that. It was so great. This is the one performance that I will replay in my head for years to come. I sound like a teenage girl, but just keep in mind that this was like my dream come true, and I'm not going to be shy about it."

I'll post the video once my friend uploads it. The performance was perfect.

Also (not that you care) but Avril gave a shout out to my site during her performance. She said: "You guys are insane. I see a banner at the front." [She then said something about Bandaids that got drowned out by the screaming] "I have the best damn fans! [pointing down to us] Make sure you check out Thank you all for the support over the years. You guys are awesome - this goes out to you!"

Anyways...yeah I'll post the video here, if you're interested.

Phili is going to be gutted that she didn't come to this concert with me :cry:

Cheers! (sorry for typo's it's late/early)

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:51 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:24 am
by samueeL
wow thats sounds sooo amazing! Well I went to avrils gig in here finland too, just for hoping that deryck had show up ;<

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:21 am
by burnout

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:24 pm
by Boni
I wonder when Sum 41 tour again if they'll get Avril to play Skater Boy or something at one of their shows

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:26 pm
by Jeremy Kill
That's pretty cool. Who played the solo?

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:35 pm
by Gebirgskuchen
boniboyblue wrote:I wonder when Sum 41 tour again if they'll get Avril to play Skater Boy or something at one of their shows
Hopefully NOT. :evil:

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:40 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Gebirgskuchen wrote:
boniboyblue wrote:I wonder when Sum 41 tour again if they'll get Avril to play Skater Boy or something at one of their shows
Hopefully NOT. :evil:
Haha, imagine... Sum 41 on stage with Avril playing Sk8er Boi (I think I spelled it correctly) or Complicated or Girlfriend. :roll:

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:59 pm
by punkrock101
nice to hear

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:35 pm
by iemnaiz
i don't like avril, and i think.. THINK! that she's the one who influenced deryck with all the pinkness in underclass hero. did you watch the video of her singing fat lip acoustic on youtube?
kill me please, its disgusting.
eventho i'm a hhhhuuuuuggggeeeee fan of sum 41, i dislike underclass hero, ALOT. avril's coming here end of this month! IF DERYCK IS GONNA APPEAR ON STAGE, I AM GOING!!!!! but its a low chance of him coming here, cos i'm from malaysia and I AM PRETTY SURE YOU GUYS DONT KNOW WHERE THE HECK MALAYSIA IS, including sum 41 :sad:

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:47 pm
by xmarryxx
Wow i didnt think deryck would sink in this deep.

It is sweet though, but wierd. idk i never thought deryck would do that. He just didn't seem the kind of person who would do something like that. i do no one thing though. from now on i'm going to Avril's shows.

Also if he's playing for avril's audience, then why can't he play fro us! WHY DOESN'T HE START TOURING AGAIN!?!?

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:06 pm
by wiggs1441
wow... it felt really awkward watching the video

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:06 pm
by Druska
damn you're lucky adam i missed her two shows in barcelona well just one, the first one coz well i was 14 and according to my dad i was too young , and the second one i had exams, and you know the trucker strike excuse

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:37 pm
by heartcore-prisoners
he's FULLY selling out sum41 tradition for his wife
in my opinion, its sweet, but totally WRONG

coming from a sum41 fan :)

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:45 pm
by xmarryxx
"he's FULLY selling out sum41 tradition for his wife
in my opinion, its sweet, but totally WRONG

coming from a sum41 fan :)

i agree with you... its a little sad

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:59 pm
by erkwhy
fucking awesome:D

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:07 pm
by V

And congratulations about the site!

I'd love to see Deryck yell about TheresNoSolution!

I'm so excited right now... Thanks for that!


Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:50 pm
by Druska
I found a video
avril and deryck singing in too deep

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:27 pm
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
^ Uh, burnout JUST posted that.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:31 pm
by V
sumfan wrote:^ Uh, burnout JUST posted that.
But I like her so we can let this pass...

As for the next time, dear Andrea... We may not be this kind and we will punish you by making you listen to... Let's say... Ashlee Simpson's latest record for a whole day. So make sure you check for links before you post them, missy.
