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Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:48 am
by ejk41
Just a random thought I had the other day.. but I honestly hope Sum 41 continues to make a lot more albums in the future.. But I was thinking if at some point, like all bands, Sum 41 eventually broke up.. could you picture Deryck doing the whole solo thing?? I could, and I actually think it might be pretty cool if he did do that sometime after sum .. or maybe like as a solo project inbetween sum 41 albums like other bands do.. Not really sure, but i could possibly picture him doing a more acoustic/piano thing, possibly more alternative sound?? haha i dont know.. any thoughts?

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:10 am
by LTS
i could see him doing becoming a duo with Avril...kind of...

i can imagine steve in another band, but for some reason, i feel like if sum 41 breaks up, cone will just kind of dissapear.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:52 am
by Dan
I can see him doing solo stuff post Sum 41, but I think it would be ideas that wouldnt fit in the Sum style. Influcences of various things, but mainly acoutic driven.

I think he would probably go into producing and probably contribute to songs on other artists stuff.

Steve would probably do more music... and I agree with Luke, Cone would probably just fade away, as much as we love him.

But I dont want to think about Sum splitting up... It makes me sad...

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:26 am
by heartcore-prisoners
cone has the operation md
im sure that will grow

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:01 am
by xmarryxx
urg just the thought of sum 41 breaking up hurts. but yeah i could definatly see Deryck doing something on his own. It seems like he does most of the sum 41 music anyway. I mean not all of it of course, but definatly alot, or at least on the Underclass Hero album. like steve said he does, what? 90% of it on his own? maybe that was an exageration, but i don't think what he would do on his own would sound much different from sum 41. I just wonder if it would be better or worse? hmmm I'd like to hear what it would sound like. he should try it.

And about Cone dissappearing. i really don't think he would, he seems really intrested in the music business. he'd probably (if the band broke up) continue with operation md, and eventually go into a different band. Steve wouldnt dissapear because hes so loud. :)

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:17 am
by Gibsum 41
yea if Sum would split Cone would probably make the Operation his main band making it bigger than it is right now.

deryck as a solo artist. i think he'd defeneitly give it a shot but im not sure how good it would be. not trying to take anything against deryck but for example he did most of Underclass Hero and it turned out being their worst album (in my opinion).

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:06 am
by Phili
Yeah, actually I can picture Steve fading away more than Cone.

But it makes me totally uncomfortable talking about a future break-up so...

Deryck would probably become a solo act. End of me talking about this.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:27 am
by Pedro
yes and soon he'll probably make a collaboration album with Avril

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:30 am
by tomhoppus
Yes.....and oh my god, I will shoot myself if he does Mig.

If the would split up Cone would go to The op and Steve would direct videos.

I dont see why they would break up though...

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:40 am
by Mr. Maker
heartcore-prisoners wrote:cone has the operation md
im sure that will grow
AHHAHAHAHA! I dont think so my friend.
I think Deryck would go solo and make songs similar to John Lennon, the slow and ballady songs that have enormous meaning. As for Cone I think he'll just follow Deryck and play bass for him if he does end up going solo, but not be an acredited band member. Stevo would probably find another kick ass band to play drums for because he is one of the best currently.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:55 am
by d4rkst4r
Yeah, this topic as always been in the back of my mind. Deryck definitely would purse a solo act. He almost does that when this last album was only about him. I'm wondering though what the next Sum 41 album will sound like with deryck expressing himself totally in Underclass Hero, he can't write anymore about himself.

If deryck did decide to go solo, I don't think I would like it as much as when he was still Sum 41 because TBH, when deryck admitted that he doesn't consider himself a guitar player as opposed to a songwriter, I was a little confused inside because I personally though he wrote better music when he wasn't doing all of this piano and solo stuff way back in the HHOP/AKNF/DTLI days. Just my input.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:22 pm
by samueeL
I'd like to hear deryck solo

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:45 pm
by Phili
daredbus wrote:yes and soon he'll probably make a collaboration album with Avril
For anyone who believes this... Avril and Deryck have both made a huge deal about how cheesy that would be.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:49 pm
by xmarryxx
" I personally though he wrote better music when he wasn't doing all of this piano and solo stuff way back in the HHOP/AKNF/DTLI days. Just my input."

idk the piano stuff was really pretty. its just really different from the other albums, well there all really different. I think i liked the last album the most, but its hard to say.

"I'd like to hear deryck solo"

me 2

"daredbus wrote:
yes and soon he'll probably make a collaboration album with Avril
For anyone who believes this... Avril and Deryck have both made a huge deal about how cheesy that would be."

really? i didn't hear about it?

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:51 pm
by HilgaMan
Yes I can see him as a solo artist. It would be pretty interesting but I think Sum 41 stuff would be better.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:19 pm
by budgie
HilgaMan wrote:Yes I can see him as a solo artist. It would be pretty interesting but I think Sum 41 stuff would be better.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:22 pm
by Bass Cone
Yeah he probably would go solo. He seems to have a big passion for writing songs and nothing would restrict him as a solo artist. He could also produce some albums for other bands. Cone would probably make the Op. MD bigger like a lot of you have said because it has potential to be a great band. As for Steve, I can't really see him in any other band. Maybe he would just direct videos.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:25 pm
by Nic
I could see Deryck being more of a producer than a solo artist.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:04 pm
by d4rkst4r
Nic wrote:I could see Deryck being more of a producer than a solo artist.
But's he's even admitted that he doesn't really like producing.

Re: Can you see Deryck Whibley as a solo artist in the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:08 pm
by washburn
i would love to hear deryck make a solo indie/pop/rock kind of album! kind of oasis style or something..