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So you think Tom Delonge is a dick for how he left

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:12 pm
by Rick
read em and weep.

especially these parts.

They made it seem as it was your decision. You were the one that changed your phone number, you were the one who had your manager speak on your behalf...

[Tom] Absolutely I did not talk to them. That is totally true…absolutely… and absolutely they were pissed about it. But that was after we argued for weeks and weeks and there was nothing left to say. Like nothing. If we would started arguing about it again it would be like the movie that you have seen for the 75th time in one month. It was like what are we fucking doing? I guess we feared to talk about the same things again and again. I mean we are talking about arguments with tears and screaming backstage in Europe for days and days. I mean then we got home and they wanted to start talking about it again after we agreed to take a break, and I could go home with to my kids. Then they wanted to start booking tours, and they got all pissed. That’s why. And they all wanted to go out and tell everybody, and they went out and they were mad. I mean they had every reason to be angry. I took away from them something they wanted to keep doing, but I told them. I don’t want to quit this band. I started this band. It was me. It wasn’t like that. I didn’t want to do that. But it just came to that situation were they sort made me choose between how I wanted father my kids. You know I can do that. That is really what it was. I don’t know.

Why do you think the fans still have this animosity towards you?

Well for one, I think it is because I am the one in the limelight right now, and at first I was an easy target. But I think a lot of them like that band (+44)…I like that band a lot too. So I don’t think they have much to be bummed out about. But I think once the documentary comes out I think everyone will get a lot better perspective of what actually went down. Ummm...I didn’t quit that band because I wanted to. I quit that band because I had to. Because when people give you an ultimatum about your family, what are you going to do? But the problem was no one was being truthful at the time. You know I was all spun out on painkillers and there were a lot of other things going on in the band. There was no communication, there was no friendship left, and there were arguments for about a month. For weeks and weeks of it in Europe and we would never solve anything. I was gone from my 2-year-old daughter for two years straight and I needed to go home and no one really wanted that. So I had to leave. But I never really went on to the public and talked about it much and said I needed to make a major life change and surround myself with people that supported the fact I was responsible for these human beings, my kids. Or supported the fact that I wanted to go out and do really positive good things with my music that can really affect people. And I can’t do that with people that you are not talking to. I mean in Blink we didn’t hang out, we didn’t share dressing rooms. We never rehearsed; we never got together because we were just not friends anymore. I don’t know, people always ask me "When you are getting back together?" and I say "So when are you are getting back together with those 3 guys in high school?”. They go "What are you talking about?" I say “You know those 3 guys you hung out with in Junior High and High School.” The point was we started when we were teenagers, and now that we are in our 30s we are just not connected. We are totally different people. They are amazing guys and amazing musicians and we had a really brilliant time at the beginning, but it got to a point to where there were no…I mean personally I wasn’t getting anything out of it. It wasn’t about money at all. It was about I had a family I had to raise and I had to spend 90% of my time on the road with people I never talked to, and we had totally different goals of what we wanted to do. Travis wanted to go more and more into the hip hop area, Mark wanted to stay around where we were, and I still wanted to be the biggest band in the world at the time, but I knew I had to go home. It was 6 months to a year without me seeing my daughter and I was trying to be a dad for the first time. It just really didn’t work.


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:42 pm
by pierre29
i believe in tom....

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:00 pm
by tomhoppus
fuck no!! mark and travis PWN evrything

im happier for tom now

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:25 pm
by Janet
I've never thought he was an asshole. I understand that family is important and they weren't the same persons as they were before, Blink was going to fall apart eventually anyways, it was good while it lasted. It's good that he was honest about how it really was, now people know the truth.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:44 am
by BrandonCorey
Travis kicks ass
Mark rocks

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:31 am
by Gibsum 41
Ive never really liked tom actually

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:04 am
by SociallyInept
It was just kinda dicky how he kept saying AvA was going to be so epic and then it ended up being an immense fail.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:52 am
by AVA182b
I love all 3 members of Blink-182. Tom had his reasons about leaving the band and ive come to terms with the fact that Blink will mostlikely never reunite. But the least the 3 of them could do would be to be friends again. But they are to high and mighty on themselves to even speak to oneanother

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:38 am
by Blastero
I dunno, this still doesn't change much of how I view Tom after the breakup.

There's a difference between sitting down and civilly discussing an issue regarding touring and family with the other members of your band, and making demands left and right without negotiating.

Yeah, sure, it's great to want to be with one's family, but serioulsy, he was in a multi-platinum band. He can't just out of nowhere start randomly complaining about the drawbacks of that, and blaming it on others, when it's essentially though his own doing that he's in such a predicament.

I find it hard to believe that there were long lasting relationship problems that led to the breakup. Tom seemed just as much into the band as Mark and Travis did during the recording of the last album. Hell, they seemed more together as a band than EVER in that process. I find it ridiculous that Tom went along with this whole "rebirth of blink" stuff, and got so into it and hyped it up and shit, only to burn it down barely a year later.

My verdict? I still dislike him. He can talk about "family" all he wants, but the fact of the matter is, he was the one who started the band with Mark, he was a third of the reason they got to where they were at that time, he has NO right to just start whining out of nowhere.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:04 am
by sumday4182
no he is'nt a dick when it comes down to family you have to do wuts rite but breaking up the band was just a extream it should not have been takin to, and this whole do positive things whit my music and really touch people thing, it would have been 10x easier and 10x more affective with blink, it was a toataly career killing move to leave that band, and then he goes to say he wasnt friends with them anymore? bull shit him and mark are so alike and they are best friends i find it as an excuse for his actions, maby they werent friends for like the last of the euro tour but im sure they would of gotten through it, i mean yea they will prolly never git bak together but they shouldnt have broken up just take a year break to git over it then go back to how it should be but what ev.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:26 am
ultimately, its up to them to put egos aside

i like the anology of talking to your friends from highschool, cause so many ppl can relate.

until none of them hold any grudges and come to terms with the past, then thats the time to restart a relationship if they so choose.

in terms of who's a dick, no-one will really know how each of them feel.

they're all dicks for going out the way they did and what they did to each other.

Both bands are good.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:00 am
by Spanky.
There all equal to me.
Always have been.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:56 pm
by K.
I-empire's music doesn't affect me but lyrics are good i think.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:15 pm
by Asho_DirtyPoo
I never liked Tom *lol* So I still am not fond of him.

But his reasoning for leaving is absolutely respectable...if that all is true.

Not saying it isn't, but it's hard to tell with celebrities because there's halftruths and exaggerations or downplays everywhere with them.

But yeah - I never thought Tom was a dick for "omg leaving!" or whatever, since there's always a part of every story (ESPECIALLY celebrity) that we will never, ever know.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:17 pm
by Asho_DirtyPoo
sumday4182 wrote:him and mark are so alike and they are best friends

Because you know them personally and all...

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:34 am
by sumday4182
Asho_DirtyPoo wrote:
sumday4182 wrote:him and mark are so alike and they are best friends

Because you know them personally and all...

haha i do.. sike but no i own both ureathra chronicles DVD's and thats pretty much a direct quote from the videos and yea they say they will be bestfriends forever and all this stuff so thats where i got that from.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:14 am
by Asho_DirtyPoo
A lot of people think they'll be friends forever...and they aren't. People change, relationships change.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:45 pm
by Druska
Asho_DirtyPoo wrote:I never liked Tom *lol* So I still am not fond of him.

But his reasoning for leaving is absolutely respectable...if that all is true.

Not saying it isn't, but it's hard to tell with celebrities because there's halftruths and exaggerations or downplays everywhere with them.

But yeah - I never thought Tom was a dick for "omg leaving!" or whatever, since there's always a part of every story (ESPECIALLY celebrity) that we will never, ever know.
I agree with you

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:56 pm
by Phili
Hmmm... I still REALLY don't like him. That interview's not really making me weep or shut the fuck up...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:34 am
by Bobbyjames
Asho_DirtyPoo wrote:A lot of people think they'll be friends forever...and they aren't. People change, relationships change.
true. which is basically what tom was sayin. i ond't hate him for what happened, he was one of my idols growing up, im not gonna start hating just cos "he split up my favourite band".

this interview is kinda the same as one he did with kerrang like 2 years ago, not in much detail, but sayin he had to leave for his family, which i a totally fair decision, you can't blame someone for wanting to spend time with their family, especially when you have new borin kids at home.