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a poem about the world today

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:20 am
by shivv_55
this is a poem about someone who spends their whole life believing that every problem in the world is the presidents fault... when he finally realised that one person couldnt have done all that damage, its the people who define what the world is today
NOTE: no i do not like george bush and this poem is not sticking up for him

hope you like it =]

A cruel leader
Dragging us down
Until we can’t sink any lower
Into the sea of the corrupt

You, creating sadness and pain
Violence and crime,
War and panic
Is this really what you want?
What you planned the world to become
As you sat in your chair all those years ago,
Wondering how you could change to world
Wondering how to make it better

Do you feel sorry for all those who died
Defending the country
Defending the people
Defending you
Do you think about them as you lay awake at night?
Do you pray for them?

Your decisions, your mistakes
Forced us into darkness
Where the greedy are seen as normal
And the loving are a minority
Where the darkness stretches onwards
Destroying all light in its path,
Until nothing is left but panic and despair

Is it really your fault?
Could anyone else have done any better?
If another person was sitting in your chair right now
Would the world really be a better place?
The answer is no
No one is to blame but us.