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Fan Fiction

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:12 am
by hattrick
Does anyone have any? Does anyone still read it anymore or write it? I have some if anyones interested...

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:21 pm
by Druska
I love fanfics but I'm not very good writing it

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:49 pm
by Phili
I write TONS of fan fics.

I have two that I wrote that I really liked. One's this wacky sci-fi one from back when Steve and Anna were dating, and the other's a weird one relating to the Holocaust that's mainly about Deryck. I tried to write another one featuring Cone, but it didn't work out too well... well, actually, I really liked the one I wrote with the Cone/Avril pairing.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:22 pm
by UnderclassHeroine
I have two.
their one

Just look up Sum 41.
And read all of them.
They are good.
Except for two.
I hate two.
But the one about the hospital.
And Cone.
Is famazing.
And the Deryck/Cone pairing is so hawt. XD

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:31 pm
by hattrick
Would it be apropriate to post them here then? Some of you who were on Sumpieces will rememeber it so it wont come as a shock to you.
Its called 'Scrapbook'...

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:10 am
by Phili
I remember that!!! I was so upset when you stopped posting it.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:16 am
by hattrick
Ill re-post what I already have...Other than that I have no promises because I don't know when Ill have the time, maybe Ill work on it tonight if I don't go out, I kind of forgot about it until I went to the show remembered how much I loved them lol, so yeah, Ill do that right now...

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:38 am
by hattrick
Life as I know it is changing forever. Hell, on one hand, this is awesome. I mean, isn't this what we've all been waiting our entire lives for? How many times have we all been sitting at one person's house or another, talking about how great it will finally feel to get out? We hated Ajax. We do hate Ajax. But isn't it comfortable? Don't you feel safe in a town in which we have a friend on every street?
Finally we're eighteen, (well... Some of us are anyway) and we have the freedom to choose our lives. But there's some sort of weight on top of it all that makes me not want to leave here. I mean, It's the first day of summer. The first official day where we can no longer be called “High School Students”, and here I am, holed up in my room, looking through box after box of pictures.

I am making a scrapbook. It's something for me but when I'm done with it I for all of you. I know Rachel will start crying as soon as she opens it, then she will hold onto Dave for dear life. He will pull a strand of fiery auburn hair from her face because we all know she can never control those wild waves. And he will laugh at her for how emotional she get, but she's always been like that, and the rest of us will know that it's one of the many things Dave has fallen in love with. Ali will pull one of her "thank God this is over, I'm so excited for the future" speeches. She will secretly cherish the book more than anyone. She'll pack rat it away like she does with everything she has ever owned and show it to her Grandchildren some day. Deryck will most likely lose it. It's not something to take to heart. The guy would lose his head if it weren't attached.
What I'm trying to get at, is that... The last ten years (Give or take; some of us have been friends for longer) have been so important to all of us. We have helped make each other. No matter what happens, it's the seven of us forever.

As I rummage through the boxes I come across my favorite picture. Do you remember in the early nineties when McDonalds was giving out fluorescent coloured cameras with each Happy Meal? Well, Jay got his hands on one, and life was never the same for the proceeding few weeks. He decided then and there, in his eight-year-old mind, that he would be a professional photographer, and let me tell you, did he ever have an eye for a good opportunity.

"Deryck! Give me back that transformer right now! I swear I will throw this sand right in your stupid face, I was playing with that one first! Didn't you mom ever teach you to share?!" I could feel the grains of sand against my tiny hands and could just about feel the satisfaction in the sand flying right into his poopey face.

"That's it, Deryck! If you don't give Natalie her toy back right now, Ill sock you one!" Ali said, raising her fist. I could always count on loyal Ali to back me up. The thing about Ali was that she actually would hit Deryck...and he knew it. He ran to a safer side of the equipment.

"Oh, I'll give it back, Ali, once Natalie just admits it."

"I WON'T SAY IT!" I screamed back, dropping the sand and grabbing a fist full of my near black hair in frustration.


"I do not! I do not! That's so gross! I'm going to clobber you, you stinky horse butt!" I yelled at Deryck, beginning the chase in his direction. "Jason! Would you put your stupid camera down for one second? Don't just stand there, HELP ME!"



A blonde streak is all I saw of Ali as she zoomed by, and before Deryck knew what hit him, the yard duty teacher was walking him to the office to get an ice pack to put on his bloody nose. In her other hand was Ali, heading to the office for an enirely different reason. (It was only her first of many office trips of her school days.)

Oh yes. We had out fights. Steve, Deryck, Jason, Dave, Rachel, Ali and I had been through it all. Jason was my next door neighbor. We have been friends since I moved to this house when I was four. I am one of the privileged few (I share the privilege with his immediate family) To call him Jay, while he is known to the rest of the world simply as Cone. Jay is a special friend of mine. And no, For the last time, not in that way. It runs deeper than any “high school relationship” could ever get. (I'm allowed to use that term because my current romantic relationship is not categorized as "high school" anymore! *whoopee!) It started when we were six. Jason's mother and mine were very close. When his parents started fighting, getting close to the divorce, his mother would drop him off to spend the night at my house. This habit continued on well after the divorce. My room is now furnished with a separate bed, "Jay's bed". He still sleeps here when he's upset, angry, wants to talk, or more likely, in recent times, too drunk to go home. My parents would sleep through a tornado. Jay's mom is up at the sound of a pin drop.

With each photo there is a story. With many of the photos, the story is significant. Each page of this scrapbook will tell the story of the photos and hopefully the story of our lives up until this point. Who knows where our lives will go from here. Some of us are off to school, some are pursuing dreams. Me? I'm undecided. But I hope, wherever you go, all of you remember us.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:35 am
by Phili
Whoaaaaaa... hold on. I think this might need to go somewhere else.

I'm going to look into getting a fan fic section added to the forums.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:54 am
by UnderclassHeroine
If we do...
Do you think we could put a thing on there saying "Mature" if they have innapropriate content?

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:32 pm
by Hentaiman
hattrick, that's nice :D
pretty cool fan fiction :)

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:43 pm
by Phili
UnderclassHeroine wrote:If we do...
Do you think we could put a thing on there saying "Mature" if they have innapropriate content?
You can always open your story with a rating.

Like "PG" or "R" or "G" or "18A"... lmao.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:16 pm
by hattrick
I'll post more when theres a better place to put it...

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:38 am
by hattrick
Okay Im thinking im just going to go ahead and post the next chapter if there isnt a better spot....

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:53 pm
by Phili
^There's a "Creative Writing" section for fan fics down in the Off Topic area now.