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Opposite Sex

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:54 pm
by Kylio
What type of person do you find attractive more?
I'm talking color of hair, their race, and what not.

I might sound shallow, but first off you have to be attractive, physically/your appearance. Who wants to date a freak? After that, it's all about personality and style. No dumb people though. I hate dumb people, I litterly put a thing of fruit in this girls lunchbag today and she didnt know, so I told her to shake her lunch bag. She did. :roll:

It seems I'm usually attracted to brunettes/ girls with darker hair, and they all usually are mexican, puerto rican, etc.
It doesn't matter to me though. Whatever's good.

BUT! I do want to date every single type of person there is. Lol.
I want to cover a wide variety, and then in the end I'll probably evaluate the most enjoyable 8)

For some reason, I now want to definently date an Australian chick. I like their style. Fo' Sho'.

How bout you?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:06 am
by Zam
Yeah, she's gotta be cute... but I really don't look at that much. I base girls, 80% in personality and 20% in looks. I haven't gone out with much girls... most of 'em around here are pretty shallow and boring, plus most of 'em look for money.

The only chick I've dated was Latin. Yeh, bout it.

Oh, also, they have to be able to laugh at me and understand the fact that I like joking but that I have a really serious side.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:40 am
by budgie
i prefer brunettes, short(er than me), and smart.
no vain girls either.

most important. shes gotta like the same music as me.
the last girl i went with, she kept listening to gwen stefani and it drove me insane.

as for race... i dont really mind... japanese girls are hot though..

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:10 am
by Ken
All I care is...they've gotta be somewhat out going and not like...shy or quiet. It's the truth...there's no connection if she's not willing to talk.

If she just kinda stares at you then its fucking weird.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:27 am
by Kylio
Ken of Contradiction wrote:All I care is...they've gotta be somewhat out going and not like...shy or quiet. It's the truth...there's no connection if she's not willing to talk.

If she just kinda stares at you then its fucking weird.
Yeah cant be shy. I found out if girls talk alot around me, I'll do the same. Otherwise I'm quiet too.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:38 am
by Jeremy Kill
I like girls that are outgoing, funny, independant, a good conversationalist and smart. Being attractive is pretty much a given, I have to want to look at her.

I also prefer blondes over brunettes, but that's not a big deal for me. She should be fit too... or at least have a healthy-lifestyle mentality.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:40 am
by Ken
If you can't have a conversation, then you're not gonna click and it won't work.

I CANNOT stand shy girls. I'm sorry. They can't just look at me for an hour smiling...its fucking creepy.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:42 am
by Hentaiman
I guess stereotypically enough i'm attracted more to blonde chicks and i always were, although lately i don't really care, i mean, brunettes and stuff are cool for me though, yet i don't like redheads or (this might sound racist but i'm not ...) black chicks. just not my taste.

Basically i hope for a 50%-50% with the looks and smarts. it's important she's gonna be smart but as said, nobody wants to date a freak so yeah, she has got to look good.

What else i like? well, same musical taste is me is cool although not necessary and maybe i say that because every hot and smart chick i know listens to some pop and stuff, and what can i do, most of chicks that like the same music i do are ugly or just fuckin' dumb (but not dumb in the musical taste :P ).

Although i guess she has to like laughing, cuz i like to go nuts all the time, just have fun, make fun of everything that happens and being said and so, so basically she's has to know how to have fun and have a good laugh.

Oh and at last, big breasts :lol:
What can i do... we all want that!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:59 am
by Zam
Oh! I also prefer girls that are smart... I can't stand stupid girls.

Hentaiman, I don't give a fuck whether she's got big breasts.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:04 am
by Jeremy Kill
Yeah, breast size doesn't matter much to me either. I mean if I was really into this one girl, I wouldn't dump her for the sake of chest size. In addition, I don't like women with huge chests. Like, Pam Anderson... too big.

But if she does happen to have them, right on.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:11 am
by Zam
Gunner wrote:Yeah, breast size doesn't matter much to me either. I mean if I was really into this one girl, I wouldn't dump her for the sake of chest size. In addition, I don't like women with huge chests. Like, Pam Anderson... too big.

But if she does happen to have them, right on.
Haha. Yeah, huge breasts would freak the shit outta me...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:16 am
by poups41
I like em, sounded gay as hell. But im not dependent on them. just at least a handfull, flat is a definet out just cause. i hooked up with a chick who barely had ne rack and it was just wierd. plus she was self conscious about her little ones which was a turn off. *back on topic*I tend to like dark hair more and she needs to be at least a little fit or have a fit lifestyle cause thats wut i follow. first she needs to take care of herself then she can take care of a relationship. sense of humor is vital also

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:26 am
by Dylan
oh God. all i really know is i like girls who look good, without crossing the line to becomeing whores. they also have to be smart and not timid, but not very talkative to the pint of being annoying. shes got to be funny and have a sense of humour. im also more attracted to girls who are around the same height as me. which is difficult because im 5 foot four. i have never dated , mostly because i am shy....

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:33 am
by mattyw_rules
lol no chicls hav ansered this yet

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:59 am
by Phili
What about the homosexuals, dude?

Anyway. Ummm... All I need is for him to be taller than me, not be completely unattractive, have a good sense of humour, not be a cocky bastard, and be smart ('cause I could NOT date a complete dumbass).

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:16 am
by shivv_55
um... i like guys who are not unattractive, taller than me
can make me laugh and are funny, cept they need to have a serious and sensitive side aswell
and not too up themselves and has a good personality
and be smart (not like genius smart but not stupid)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:28 pm
by UnderclassHeroine
I like guys with long-ish hair.
I hate burs and really short hair.
It bothers me.
I like guys with cute butts. ;)
On eye color, I've came to like brown or blue.
Hair color...I don't care.
Piercings are cool.
I want them to be funny, nice, and caring.
They can sure have a party side as long as they know when to stop.
Be some what intelligent.
Taller than me.
Because every guy I've dated has been shorter than me except one.
And I'm not all that picky on personality sometimes.
As long as they aren't a JERK!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:39 pm
by poups41
im curious about wut some girls think about tattoos....ive been debating a 41 on my tricep for like a year. not just cause its a tattoo but my buddies would rip on me so hard for that. pretty much nonstop

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:26 pm
by boof
pretty much i like guys who are laid back, funny and share some of the same interests... so yeh i base it alot on personality... the thing i find most unattractive in a guy is if hes a total prick or wanker... if thats the case then forget it...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:44 pm
by Boni
I'm not that fussy, If I get the feeling of like, I go for it.