Featured Piano Player on Crash

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Featured Piano Player on Crash

Post by Faeyaner »

Might be a very sophisticated question but ntl:

I just came across the booklet to SBM the other day and wondered myself if the guy who contributed to Crash was possibly the James Levine. In the world of classical music he's a fairly famous conductor and I happened to see him once with the Boston Symphony Orchestra when I was in the States some years ago.

Would be interesting to know what his relation to Deryck was back then and how he came to participate in the recording process of such a record over in California - assuming that there is no rather unkown keyboarder playing in the downtown scene of L.A. and having the same name of course :devious:
have a try and test your knowledge:
http://www.allthetests.com/quiz33/quiz/ ... um-41-test
D. wrote:Actually I don’t think playing the guitar means that you can like fuckin' wank off really fast. That’s fuckin' easy. That’s technical, anyone can fuckin' do that.
It’s like sounding really nice, having a good feel, that’s all about the guitar.
That’s what I care about. I’d rather be a better strummer than fuckin' jizz all over the fuckin' fretboard...
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