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No More Pr0n For You!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:33 pm
by Gregorovich
"Every household in the UK is to have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron is to announce.

"In his speech, Mr Cameron will say family-friendly filters will be automatically selected for all new customers - though they can choose to switch them off.
And millions of existing computer users will be contacted by their internet providers and told they must decide whether to activate "family friendly filters" to restrict adult material.
Customers who do not click on either option - accepting or declining - will have filters activated by default, Tory MP Claire Perry, Mr Cameron's adviser on the sexualisation and commercialisation of childhood, told the BBC."

Full article:

Not too fussed about the whole porn thing, but I'm more worried about the implications this might eventually have on other web services. There are loads of sites which might be blocked as a result of this - forums/message boards are often labelled as 'nsfw' to protect themselves from liability of what users post, and restrictions on copyrighted media (on any site from YouTube to Pirate Bay) could well follow in another SOPA-style controversy.

Of course little of this should matter to any other country, but being British we'd most likely be too embarrassed to call up our ISP and ask them to unblock 'nsfw content'. :hehe:

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:36 pm
by ChrisC1997
When they say "family friendly filters", that shouldn't just mean porn. There are so many fucked up websites on the internet, I don't think porn is an extreme. I think they should have campaigned this with gore sites, bit more shocking to see someone get decapitated than a pair of bouncing tits.

Though I don't live in the UK so whatever, doesn't effect me

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:56 pm
by Druska
Jesus fucking christ instead of properly teaching/educating they do this bullshit, parents should watch over their kids not the government, what I mean is that it's their job isn't it ? But i guess letting other other people do the dirty work is easier.

And I agree with the aussie above, porn is not the only problem on the internet, a few months ago i had to do a paper about death penalty you'd be surprised how easy it's to find an execution's video on the net, now that i think about it they did show footage of Saddam Hussein's execution didn't they ?

Re: No More Pr0n For You!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:50 pm
by Ardi41
Gregorovich wrote: Not too fussed about the whole porn thing
yeah sure... :winkwink:

nah but seriously, they do have the same thing in turkey. So as you said, when I'm there on vacation automatically a lot of other sites are blocked aswell wich gets pretty annoying. The other thing is though, that in turkey you don't have the power to turn that off, but you do have that in the UK, don't you ? So why even worry ?


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:04 am
by ChrisC1997
Druska wrote: you'd be surprised how easy it's to find an execution's video on the net.
Just to help back up that statement, in class my friends and I were looking up JFK a while, probably for history or something. And if you google "JFK autopsy" there is multiple angles of him laying dead on the table with his brains smeared everywhere on the table.

Porn is definitely not the Internets biggest issue, I's what it was made for :winkwink: