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6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:00 pm
by TomiT14
(I wrote more than expected. Excuse me for letting this out.) :glad:

That's right. We waited for what, almost 3 very long years for the greatest album ever. The waiting felt like it took ages, and the frustration was at its highest. But at the same time it was very exciting, and I think the waiting time united the forum members more than ever. I really loved waiting for the ever postponing release date.

Sum 41's long awaited sixth studio album, Screaming Bloody Murder, was released on March 29th this year, exactly 6 months ago. Although waiting for it felt like an eternity, the time after the release date has gone so fast, for me at least. Feels like it was released only month or two ago, jeez.

I thought Underclass Hero was a perfect album. The songs fitted perfectly together, every single piece of it was carefully planned. The songs were really good, just the way I expected, just the way I loved my favorite band.
So it was really hard to imagine how they would top that.

When Always was released, I was surprised by the direction the Sums were taking. I was very eager to hear the new stuff. When Scumfuck came out, it was something I've never heard from Sums. Yeah, every time they were making a new album, the band said it's something they've never done before. But only this time they really meant it. After listening to Scumfuck for the first time, I was like "Is this really Deryck??" I was so full of jizz that moment.

Deryck told me that Scumfuck didn't describe the rest of the album at all. I was like "Yeah, whatever, I love this track, so I'll love this album". When SBM the single was released, my mind was blown again. It wasn't Sum 41. There was no way it was a song by the same band I've listened to for 10 years. That song was too epic compared to their previous material. I was shocked, happily shocked.

I was so going to love this album. But seriously, I had heard only 2 tracks out of many, so I kept my expectations low to avoid disappointment. I tried to listen to the Sums as rarely as possible, and for a month before the album release I didn't listen to a single track by them. I almost forgot there was an album coming out.

Then it was March 29th. I picked the album the first thing in the morning. Unfortunately I had to work all day, so I couldn't have a chance to listen to it until late in the evening. The day ended up being very exhausted, and I was half pissed, so I decided that it wasn't the mood I wanted to be in while opening my long-awaited present.

March 30th, dark room, 5.1 surround system, excitement at its fullest. The opening riff of Reason To Believe started rolling, and I was ready to die as a happy man. After the first listen of the album, I couldn't recall much about it, other than that I was so excited. So I had to listen to it again to actually concentrate on the songs. :glad:

Now, after cooling off for months, I'm able to give my honest opinion about the album. I'm surprised how much I have to agree with Deryck. The album wasn't planned to be an album, it was just a collection of songs. The songs weren't meant to flow from song to song like in UH, since they were all written separately. But somehow, this method made this collection of songs into a true album feel. The songs fit surprisingly well together, and the exciting dark atmosphere keeps the album together from start to end.

My instant favorites were Reason To Believe, Jessica Kill and Sick Of Everyone. Back then I thought the middle part in Reason To Believe should've been longer, and the outro was way too long for an opening track. Still it was a masterpiece. Jessica and Sick had some DTLI feel to them, and that's the sound I love the most from Sums.

When the album came out, I absolutely hated Exit Song, it was just waste of space. No chorus, no melody, it was just same shit from start to end. Time For You To Go was too similar with Baby, so I skipped it almost every time. Crash was too slow for this album, and it stopped the moment upbeat moment for no reason.
But just like with every album before, the songs have grown with time for me. Exit Song was my favorite at one point, learned to play it on guitar right after Reason To Believe. At some point I listened to Time For You To Go non-stop, just couldn't get enough of that upbeat feel. And Crash? The most beautiful song I've ever heard. Ever.

So, to sum up, I love every single song from the album. The only downside, if you can call it that, was that I expected a bit more from Deryck's backing vocals. I was looking forward to backing vocals that would've had some lyrics, other than the ah's and oh's. But the songs work great without, so why add something that's not necessary?

I can honestly say, that this album was definitely worth the 3-year wait. Even when the album wasn't even meant to be an album, I think it's the best journey from start to end that I've ever experienced. A perfect album. A Masterpiece.


LoL, didn't mean to write this much. This was supposed to be a milestone thread for SBM, but I guess this ended up being my sort of review thread. Better late than never, eh? :winkwink:

Anyways, after some time to get to know the record, what are your thoughts about it?

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:33 pm
by Jables
TomiT14 wrote:(I wrote more than expected. Excuse me for letting this out.) :glad:

That's right. We waited for what, almost 3 very long years for the greatest album ever. The waiting felt like it took ages, and the frustration was at its highest. But at the same time it was very exciting, and I think the waiting time united the forum members more than ever. I really loved waiting for the ever postponing release date.

Sum 41's long awaited sixth studio album, Screaming Bloody Murder, was released on March 29th this year, exactly 6 months ago. Although waiting for it felt like an eternity, the time after the release date has gone so fast, for me at least. Feels like it was released only month or two ago, jeez.

I thought Underclass Hero was a perfect album. The songs fitted perfectly together, every single piece of it was carefully planned. The songs were really good, just the way I expected, just the way I loved my favorite band.
So it was really hard to imagine how they would top that.

When Always was released, I was surprised by the direction the Sums were taking. I was very eager to hear the new stuff. When Scumfuck came out, it was something I've never heard from Sums. Yeah, every time they were making a new album, the band said it's something they've never done before. But only this time they really meant it. After listening to Scumfuck for the first time, I was like "Is this really Deryck??" I was so full of jizz that moment.

Deryck told me that Scumfuck didn't describe the rest of the album at all. I was like "Yeah, whatever, I love this track, so I'll love this album". When SBM the single was released, my mind was blown again. It wasn't Sum 41. There was no way it was a song by the same band I've listened to for 10 years. That song was too epic compared to their previous material. I was shocked, happily shocked.

I was so going to love this album. But seriously, I had heard only 2 tracks out of many, so I kept my expectations low to avoid disappointment. I tried to listen to the Sums as rarely as possible, and for a month before the album release I didn't listen to a single track by them. I almost forgot there was an album coming out.

Then it was March 29th. I picked the album the first thing in the morning. Unfortunately I had to work all day, so I couldn't have a chance to listen to it until late in the evening. The day ended up being very exhausted, and I was half pissed, so I decided that it wasn't the mood I wanted to be in while opening my long-awaited present.

March 30th, dark room, 5.1 surround system, excitement at its fullest. The opening riff of Reason To Believe started rolling, and I was ready to die as a happy man. After the first listen of the album, I couldn't recall much about it, other than that I was so excited. So I had to listen to it again to actually concentrate on the songs. :glad:

Now, after cooling off for months, I'm able to give my honest opinion about the album. I'm surprised how much I have to agree with Deryck. The album wasn't planned to be an album, it was just a collection of songs. The songs weren't meant to flow from song to song like in UH, since they were all written separately. But somehow, this method made this collection of songs into a true album feel. The songs fit surprisingly well together, and the exciting dark atmosphere keeps the album together from start to end.

My instant favorites were Reason To Believe, Jessica Kill and Sick Of Everyone. Back then I thought the middle part in Reason To Believe should've been longer, and the outro was way too long for an opening track. Still it was a masterpiece. Jessica and Sick had some DTLI feel to them, and that's the sound I love the most from Sums.

When the album came out, I absolutely hated Exit Song, it was just waste of space. No chorus, no melody, it was just same shit from start to end. Time For You To Go was too similar with Baby, so I skipped it almost every time. Crash was too slow for this album, and it stopped the moment upbeat moment for no reason.
But just like with every album before, the songs have grown with time for me. Exit Song was my favorite at one point, learned to play it on guitar right after Reason To Believe. At some point I listened to Time For You To Go non-stop, just couldn't get enough of that upbeat feel. And Crash? The most beautiful song I've ever heard. Ever.

So, to sum up, I love every single song from the album. The only downside, if you can call it that, was that I expected a bit more from Deryck's backing vocals. I was looking forward to backing vocals that would've had some lyrics, other than the ah's and oh's. But the songs work great without, so why add something that's not necessary?

I can honestly say, that this album was definitely worth the 3-year wait. Even when the album wasn't even meant to be an album, I think it's the best journey from start to end that I've ever experienced. A perfect album. A Masterpiece.


LoL, didn't mean to write this much. This was supposed to be a milestone thread for SBM, but I guess this ended up being my sort of review thread. Better late than never, eh? :winkwink:

Anyways, after some time to get to know the record, what are your thoughts about it?

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:41 pm
by Gregorovich
A very interesting review/announcement. I personally feel that my initial experience of the album was ruined for various reasons. Firstly, I listened to SBM, Skumfuk & BIME before the release, and later I listened to all the previews and ADROOH. So by the time I finally got down to listening to the album as a whole, I'd already heard half of it. Secondly, when the album finally leaked, I only had access to the internet on my iPhone so could only download the low-quality versions with a shitty downloader app. I then listened to the album in two halves during school. So yeah, my initial impressions were skewed.

It wasn't until much later when I obtained the FLAC copy of the entire album and then edited ADROOH together that I finally learned to appreciate the album as a whole. I fell in love the the opening of RTB, the riff in SBM, the bridge in HIOL, the SOE chorus, the riff in BIME and, of course, the chorus of BWIB (possibly the most epic example of music I have ever heard when listened to at max volume). But later on I began to appreciate more of the album and full songs such as Jessica Kill, HIOL, Crash, BYDWK began to appeal much more to me. Now I absolutely adore ADROOH even if I do feel that HM does lose a little momentum initially. While I do still feel like tracks such as TFYTG, WAITS & ES could have been far better if they were a little more thought out, I really do love this album in terms of both sound, complexity and lyrical content.

Overall, I believe that the potential of this album was absolutely massive and, to an extent, the band have fulfilled much of this potential. However, this album could still have been much better (at least in my opinion) if the songs were a little more thought-out, concise and structured. Opinion? Fuck yeah.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:15 pm
by Heather
lol Tomi, I read your whole post.

I had your opinion about Skumfuk, it didn't sound like the band and actually took me a while to get use to it. And when I heard SBM and BIME on the bus I didn't like I liked SBM's intro and outro but I don't think I really digested the rest of the song or BIME since I was about to pass out, so bad first listen...haha

But then hearing SBM on the radio, loved! I thought I liked BIME better when it came out cause it was so different, but after the album was released, SBM is, imo, the most cohesive and put together song on the album.

I listened to some of the leaks and I think my moment of "this is going to be an amazing album" came when I heard the chorus of Happiness Machines. When I heard it full I was kinda disappointed with the verses cause I thought they would have the vibe of the chorus, so again took time to enjoy the whole song. I think it was like that was pretty much with every track, you didn't expect what came next so it was hard to figure out what you felt about certain songs at first listen, at least that was my reaction. Especially with Dark Road Out of Hell, I was like "what am I listening to? I think I like it but I'm not sure" haha Unlike you I absolutely loved Exit Song the first listen, think it was the only song I liked at first listen.

There isn't one song on the album I don't like. I could go on and on with breaking down each song and saying where I hear brilliance, but I'd be here a while.

I'll just say its the Sums most diverse and unique album to date and combines all the elements that make up their previous albums into one epic sound.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:31 pm
by SumGeek
It's weird that you've made this thread because the other day I was like "Wow, has it really been 6 months already?" half a year ago. I often think back to six months before March 29th, 2011 and it just blows my mind that 6 months before the release, those 6 months were very long but the 6 months that just had passed, didn't feel long at all.

Listening to Skumfuk (the demo, and the first bit of SBM we hear), I had thought the album was going to be much different to what I was hoping for, especially with the outro. I didn't really know what to think of the album coming along at that point until I heard the studio version of Screaming Bloody Murder that premiered on 89x in February sometime (I think?) At that point, I knew The Sums weren't gonna let me down with this album. I remember just searching Youtube for the song after the premiere and listening to it over and over while I was finishing an assignment.

My first listen of the album, as soon as I heard the intro to Reason To Believe and the drum beat kicked in, I knew that this was the best I've ever heard The Sums and that their hard work and all the 4 years of waiting for this album had paid off and was well worth it. In my opinion, The Sums gave us the best album they could. Quick favourites as I listened through were Reason To Believe, Time For You To Go and Jessica Kill, and of course, DROOH. Now, my favourites from that album haven't changed much. It's hard to pick favourites because everytime I listen to each song I like something more about it. I guess if you were to ask me to pick favourites I'd say; Reason To Believe, Baby You Don't Wanna Know, Jessica Kill, DROOH, Blood In My Eyes.

My thoughts on the album haven't changed at all. Every time I listen to the album, I feel the exact way I did on March 29th, when I rushed home from the mall to play the album for the first time, sitting in my room for 9 hours straight, just listening to the amazing album that is Screaming Bloody Murder. I can't just listen to one particular track, I have to listen to SBM in it's entirety. The album was much more than what I expected and could of ever hoped for it to turn out. In my opinion, it's The Sums' best work.

Ah, writing this just makes me wanna listen to the album at this very moment. I think I shall in honour of it's 6 months!

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:11 pm
by Emil
I like the record but is till think they should have stuck with Gil Norton to have some outside input.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:32 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Hm, haha, I was actually thinking of doing an "album review" sometime after letting the album sink in, but I think this is a good of time as any! Don't worry Tomi, I will have a long post too.

Since Chuck was released, I've been waiting for my "perfect version" of Sum 41. A little bit of back story: I thought the songs on Chuck were too similar and the energy felt lacking and on Underclass Hero there was a lot more energy and melody, but I didn't like the poppiness of the songs and they just didn't feel like they had any real emotion - with the exception of With Me and Best of Me.

Fast-forward to when Skumfuk came out, I instantly fell in love with the song. The first thing I noticed was that Sum 41's old attitude and energy was back and it wasn't being faked. I didn't notice Deryck's voice being different or that they were doing something new with their music until later listens of the song. I was just focused on the fact that the band found their balls again and it made me happy. Still, I didn't get my hopes up.

The first time hearing Screaming Bloody Murder on the radio was - pardon me for getting corny - magical. The opening line "I'm not quite myself these days" is just so tragic, especially when you think about Deryck's divorce. I know not all the songs were supposed to be about that, but you watch the documentary, "Don't Try This At Home" and you'll hear the guys saying that this album was Deryck's remedy for getting over the divorce. Even Matt was going through a divorce back then (which makes me see why his favorite song was Blood In My Eyes). The following two months after the radio premiere, I listened to the title track every day. This song was the epitome of my "perfect version" of Sum 41.

Blood In My Eyes didn't have the same effect on me unfortunately and I listened to it less often than I did Screaming Bloody Murder, but maybe I just couldn't believe we were getting ever so closer to finally hearing the album after 3+ years. In the end, I ended up listening to the previews and downloading the leak.

I can't remember my first listen of the album nor what was going through my head at the time. I just knew that this was going to be one of my favorite albums for years to come, with songs that I can relate to, even if it's just one lyric or a single chorus of a song. That being said, I don't feel this is a perfect album as that's subjective depending on how much music you listen to.

I listened to the album in its entirety for the first few listens and no song was ever so "bad" that I had to skip it. I didn't like the chorus of What Am I to Say, but I enjoyed the bridge - especially the vocals. The two rock and rollers (Time and Baby) were alright, although they come off as just being written in 5 minutes or less and the lyrics are really superficial. Basically, these songs serve the only purpose of balancing out the darkness of the album and are simply fun songs to listen to. No message trying to be conveyed by Deryck rather just cliche rock and roll lyrics. That being said, if the sun is shining and I'm having a good day, chances are I'll be listening to Baby You Don't Wanna Know.

The rest of the album is a great and diverse collection of songs. I still get chills hearing Deryck scream "you can't get everything you want now" in Reason to Believe. I would've liked to see how the song would sound if Deryck kept it as a fast song and then have the slower, piano part as a separate song. However, hooks are short enough that it leaves you wanting more, so you end up listening to the song over and over again. I have to say that the riff is pretty plain, nothing spectacular, but the bigness of the song is what got me. The drums accentuated with the claps and the bell... great atmosphere to say "Sum 41 is back".

Jessica Kill used to be my all-time favorite from the album as it was most reminiscent of something off Infected, but I've grown to appreciate the title track more. Needless to say I end up always thinking about sex when I listen to that song. It's hard to believe this song has been around since the beginning of 2009 and maybe even earlier as we were expecting the EP in Spring of that year, right?

A Dark Road Out of Hell... what can I say about this song... I'm quite amazed that this song was being written back in late 2008/early 2009. I can't remember if they were 3 separate songs that worked together so they made them one or if it was a single song that could be distinguished as 3 songs. I used to listen to the entire song, but lately I tend to skip Happiness Machine. I think this is because that song follows the verse, chorus, verse structure and could easily stand on it's own. The other two songs, Holy Image of Lies and Sick of Everyone don't have any structure so it's easier to blend them as one song as they don't come off as having their own identity - they just kind of play off one another.

I've grown to enjoy Blood In My Eyes more since the first time I had listened to it. Before it just seemed like too much to handle, there was a lot going on, but I've gotten used to it. I love the bridge. It reminds me of something I might've done in my own songs. "Lay down a riff and some extra guitars, maybe it'll sound good." Back Where I Belong is a nice "closer" to the album (I see Exit Song as more of an outro to Back Where I Belong rather than a stand-alone song). Just the message "I'm on my own, but I am back where I belong" really hits me. Makes me think that Deryck believes his place in life is touring and making music and not being married to Avril. I'm not a big fan of the lyrics other than that line though. "I'm here until I'm gone" really bugs me, like it's kind of obvious. I really enjoy the riff at the bridge although I'm pretty sure it's been in a lot of rock songs before.

All in all, my favorite Sum 41 album. Actually, I have the album in the car without: Skumfuk intro, What Am I to Say, Time for You to Go, Crash, Baby You Don't Wanna Know and Exist Song. It's only about a half hour long now, but when I feel the need to just listen to the faster songs, this is the CD I'll listen to, haha. Also, my favorite song off the album is the title track. It's like traditional Sum 41 with a little oomph.

Blah, I hope I didn't write more than you did Tomi. This took me about an hour or so, haha.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:53 pm
by TomiT14
Jeremy Kill wrote:Blah, I hope I didn't write more than you did Tomi. This took me about an hour or so, haha.
I think you beat me to it, but it was a very nice read!
And damn, I didn't notice the claps in Reason To Believe before! :glad:

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:27 pm
by stevo32
I fell in love with this record since the first listening, i listen to it from the beginning till the end without skipping nothing. I hope one day to meet Deryck and say thanks to him for all the good things he did for me with the music he wrote : as he said, i don't care about what other people think, i don't care if they sell or not, i only care about them making music and playing it on stage, and i'm/we're lucky because is the only thing they care about too. Long life to the Sums.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:41 pm
by Jeremy Kill
One thing I really appreciate about this album was their attitude towards writing it. Deryck didn't try to write the "best, most artistic record" of their career. He simply wrote songs and whatever came out came out. They didn't try to appeal to anyone with this record, but to be fair I think they've done that with every record they've written.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:43 am
by sumfan4
I like their older stuff better.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:50 am
by hellsong41
Wow, time really flies when we have good music to listen to haha.

Anyways, review time!
When the Skumfuk demo was released, I was surprised. My first thought was, "I heard that riff before somewhere from their studio updates." Then in come the vocals. I was actually surprised, I couldn't tell if it was actually Deryck or Gerard from MCR. Didn't really matter, I had that song on repeat for a few days actually, and didn't listen to any other songs since I just couldn't tear myself away from it. Of course I got over it eventually lol.

Then came Screaming Bloody Murder. I wasn't able to fully enjoy it the first time, since my dad was yelling at me, but when I finally got some time to listen to it, it was amazing. It became one of my favorite songs by them, and still is one of them to this day. Pretty much everything I wanted from them. The badass instrumentals, their energeticness (not a word, but whatever), and it was all mixed up into that one song.

Then came Blood In My Eyes. This one was different. There was a lot going on in the song. The soft intro, the heavy riff that followed, Deryck's voice, the bass solo, it was all good, but a lot to take in at once.

Then the previews. I tried to not listen to them, but I eventually caved (after 10 seconds of trying to resist haha). Out of all of the parts of the songs shown in the previews, Holy Image of Lies seemed the coolest to me. I just loved the way Deryck's voice sounded in it. Overall, I knew I wouldn't be let down.

When I finally got the album and I played Reason To Believe, I got goosebumps. I recognized the drumbeat from With Me. Then the guitar part came in and it became a new kind of awesome. Anyways, skipping the whole first-time-hearing-the-album-amazement and on to my current opinion, it still is amazing. The main thing about the album seems to be that you can't just pick one song to listen to. You have to listen to the album in it's entirety to get the full effect, since the songs seem to blend together very well. Notable things are What Am I To Say's bridge, A Dark Road Out Of Hell, and Crash. The vocals on those songs are incredible.

Overall, I'm very pleased with this album and just can't believe it's already been 6 months. If it was 6 months before the album's release, it'd feel like a year. But 6 months after, it feels like only 2-3 months. For the simple version, this album is absolutely amazing.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:03 am
by Raku
Please forgive me because I know my opinion is extremely different from the rest of this forum...

Before I give my opinion on the overall SBM... Let me just explain myself on what albums I did love by them...

I am a huge fan AKNF and HHoP isn't that far behind... I would also rank Underclass Hero a favorite album by them... Hell, I even somewhat enjoy DTLI? Now the album from the past I am not that fond of is Chuck... I do realize that it could be a brother to DTLI, but Chuck is weird... It is one of those albums that I have to be in the mood to fully enjoy, and sadly those are rare... That album is alright, nothing much to say...

Now my feeling for SBM is that it is boring... At first it was great because it was new... Everyone loves new music by the band they love, but they really didn't have that many fun songs... I mean just the other day I went back and listened to All She's Got and Over My Head (better of dead) and I had a blast!

I just don't know how I really feel on this album... The only songs I truly love are Baby and Time, but they sound alike which is a same for me =/

I am more into the fun/anthem type songs... Sadly SBM didn't have that many for me =/

I am glad that Sum 41 are not like Nickleback and actually experiment with their sound... Sadly, I am not a fan of this album because the direction they chose is a bit Blasé

Meh, it's Makes No Difference lovin' time...

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:45 am
by FuckT41182
it's a good album, but definitely not something special, it's a good listen but nothing forces me to listen to it, I haven't heard the album since a week after it got released ...

so, I don't know, even though I think the album is good, I don't listen to it, I guess I just have better stuff to listen to ( better stuff for me )

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:17 pm
by Tyler.
The Sums have always suited their pop punk roots better. That's why UH had pretty good songs all round.. Trying to do another heavy record without Dave there especially, was never gonna end too well and it definitely showed in SBM. There were so many missed opportunities for great guitar parts and more fun - they could've at least had Tom work more on it or something, it was just way too boring musically after like 20 listens, a lot of people seemed to be done then. Like Reason to Believe was the biggest missed opportunity out of all their songs so built up to someone so epic then all of a sudden went quiet for the rest of the, it totally ruined what I thought was gonna be one of their top 3 songs ever.

I hope Deryck gets himself a happy marriage with someone and stops writing such dark music, they'll no doubt write another kick ass album then.

Having said that, I did enjoy the album for a while and the songs that weren't trying to be heavy like Crash, and the two songs that didn't fit, were good fun and worked great on their own.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:09 pm
by samueeL
Haven't posted in a while! Six months? Really? Had to check myself to believe this.

My opinion about this record hasn't changed during these months, I still think it kicks ass and it was the right direction to go. I haven't really listened to other Sum 41 record than SBM after it came out. Only bad thing about it is that songs with normal structure sound boring. Songs like Time For You To Go and Happiness Machines for example.

When Skumfuk came out I was jizzing over it. The whole forum was and it was exciting time. Waiting Nic to upload the song was horrible to wait, haha. The song was exactly what I wanted; new, badass sound but still Sum 41. I couldn't believe they could manage to come up with new sound, but they totally did. The song came out on Friday I think and the next Monday I had to leave for army, so it was kinda my soundtrack while being there.

Then when SBM premiered, I was really excited to hear it. I didn't even notice when it started, since I didn't recognize Derycks vocals! He doesn't sound that different in piano intro, but I don't know. Maybe it was just the moment that we're gonna hear new Sum 41 song. I had already listened to guitar pro tab that someone had made from the intro of the song, so I kinda knew the structure a bit. The song sounded exactly what I imagined it to be. The mood and tone I mean. I was a bit disappointed because I thought it wasn't catchy. Anyway, I didn't end up listening to it as much as Skumfuk.

This is great memory: I was in New York and went to check TNS in the evening. Then BAUMMM lots of post about Blood In My Eyes and I wondered if I should listen to it or not. I decided that I should, since then when I hear it, it reminds me of New York. So it'd be nice memory. I listened to it once and fell in love with it. More than SBM for sure. I listened to it only once and then went shopping to Macy's I think... And the chorus kept playing in my head for a while!

I decided not to listen to more and wait till I have to record, but then Japanese date was pushed and I just couldn't wait till 30-31th, because it was released in Finland later than anywhere else. So my plans got fucked and I decided to listen to the leak. It was kinda right decicion, because the second best thing after listening to new Sum 41 record is to talk about it with you guys. So no regrets. It was really late and I was in dark room. 6-10 songs leaked first, so I listened to Crash first, in dark room while laying in bed. Really fell in love with it.

After that I tried to resist, I really tried. I wanted to listen to album from track one to track 14. But I just couldn't, I listened to DROOH. For some reason, maybe because I play some instruments myself, I felt like after first listen I remembered every part. I've never had this. I felt like I understood everything completely. Many of you guys have said the record was kinda trip to you, it wasn't for me like that at all. It's like it was all familiar after first listen.

I should have waited till the whole record was out tho, I kinda ruined it by listening to songs in wrong order. But I don't mind right now, it doesn't matter at all. Only the first time was a bit fucked. But oh well!

I really do hope they'll make another record. I'm positive they'll do it. I have no idea what direction they should take tho. Maybe old school rock'n'roll record could kick ass? Tho it would be probably commercial suicide to them, I don't know. SBM is good record and I'm gonna keep listening to it. Is it better than Chuck? Right now I'd say no. But it all depends on moods and so on. Lots of memories about Chuck (:

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:58 pm
by Heather
TomiT14 wrote:
Jeremy Kill wrote:Blah, I hope I didn't write more than you did Tomi. This took me about an hour or so, haha.
I think you beat me to it, but it was a very nice read!
And damn, I didn't notice the claps in Reason To Believe before! :glad:
haha, me either, thought it was only in between BWIB and ES, but yeah you can hear them really well at 32 sec.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:04 pm
by Boni
My turn for my honest thoughts of the album.

I liked it... Go buy it.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:20 pm
by SickofEveryone
Boni Boy Blue wrote:My turn for my honest thoughts of the album.

I liked it... Go buy it.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:58 pm
by dbauer91
i love this album, and, mark my words, i WILL write a good review of it on sputnikmusic some time. i've been meaning to do it, but have been so busy w/ school work. seriously, it's a shame that it got such shit reviews and publicity, but it's def either my fav. or 2nd fav. (sbm or chuck) album by the sums. shit's hella good. and i agree w/ your sentiments, i thought some songs were really average at first, but now i love almost all of them. if had to tbt rate them, i'd go:

rtb - 8
sbm - 9
skumfuk - 9
tfytg - 7
jessica kill - 9
waits - 6.5
drooh - 9.5
crash - 9.5
bime - 8.5
bydwk - 8.5
bwib - 8.5
exit song - 9