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9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:39 am
by Bobbyjames
so, Sunday marks the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. one of, if not the most significant world events of our generation. I've been watching a few documentaries on the day itself and the aftermath this week, seems so weird that it has been 10 years already. last night I watched 9/11 - 10 Years Later, a documentary made by a couple of French film makers who were making a film about a young rookie Fire Fighter around the time and ended up following/filming the fire crew during and after the attack. you might of seem some of the footage before in other documentaries, they recorded saome of the only known footage of inside the towers that day.


Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:07 am
by FuckT41182

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:18 am
by Bobbyjames
I knew you would be straight in here with the conspiracy theories!

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:24 am
by Tyler.
The only theory that could be true is that the government didn't tell the whole story, like there could've been terrorists on the ground that had got into the buildings and shit like that. The theories about the government being the ones that performed the attack are the funniest/most ridiculous theories I've seen though.

But anyway this daily news/talk show has had stories about 9/11 for the last week or so. It's so depressing and scary seeing the footage and what some of the people went through.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:57 am
by FuckT41182
Bobbyjames wrote:I knew you would be straight in here with the conspiracy theories!
I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, I don't really give a fuck, they might be true, they might not, there is no enough people who want to find out anyway so shit can be changed, maybe one day these theorists who we laugh at will be the only ones left with smiles on their faces, maybe not, but it tastes good to be right, especially when nobody believes you ...
Tyler. wrote:The only theory that could be true is that the government didn't tell the whole story, like there could've been terrorists on the ground that had got into the buildings and shit like that. The theories about the government being the ones that performed the attack are the funniest/most ridiculous theories I've seen though.

But anyway this daily news/talk show has had stories about 9/11 for the last week or so. It's so depressing and scary seeing the footage and what some of the people went through.
yeah, the theories are pretty science-fiction, I have no insight into it so I don't wanna say that some conspiracy was really done on 9/11 ...

but, why do people always say that they wouldn't kill their own people ? Throughout the history, how many men were there who would kill their own mother and eat her ? Hitler would kill everyone he doesn't like, Stalin left his own people without food just to prove that he can take care of Slovakia, he took food from Ukraine and gave it to us, many people in Ukraine died from hunger ...

so, isn't it only probable that there are men who are unbelievably rich, crazy, cold-hearted, BUT intelligent and with an ability to work quietly ?

so, I don't really support conspiracy theories, I just can't believe that people laugh at them, cause they make sense, not all the time, but sometimes they do, and when there is probability, it should at least be taken as an option,possibility, cause otherwise you might get fucked with when some of the conspiracy theories proves itself true ...

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:05 am
by Bobbyjames
people who ask "why would they kill their own people?" don't know the Human race that well.

people = shit.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:10 am
by Boni
I've never really been interested in this to be honest. The subject bores me and I really just don't care.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:21 am
by FuckT41182
Bobbyjames wrote:people who ask "why would they kill their own people?" don't know the Human race that well.

people = shit.
exactly, that's why some CT's are scarier than others, I have even read one where people say that due to overpopulation of our planet, some powerful men(allegedly members of some cult, name of which I can't remember) have decided to destroy 90% of the generation and start a new era, just imagine the shiz, those who are the worst of this already bad enough human race, well, those will survive to start a new population ... it hurts to even think of it, at least it's just a conspiracy theory, probably a hoax made because of a fact that overpopulation has to be solved, and there really seems to be no other solution than genocide or sterilization ...

9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:25 am
by Jeremy Kill
Good thing Osama got killed just in time for the 10-Year Anniversary.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:31 am
by FuckT41182
Jeremy Kill wrote:Good thing Osama got killed just in time for the 10-Year Anniversary.
you kiddin', right ? XD He's probably celebrating it right now with George Bush Jr. :winkwink:

9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:39 am
by Jeremy Kill
I don't really want to get into the whole conspiracy theory stuff as it's pretty sensitive material for some people, but it would be nice to see a photo of Dead Osama. I mean, there hasn't been a photo yet, right?

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:42 am
by FuckT41182
it is sensitive for some people, but I believe that if they don't believe what the government says, than I'm sure they wanna know the truth ... and I also don't believe all the families of the people who died on 9/11 trust everything that is said, cause as we all know, nowadays lies are much more popular than the truth, no matter how many people have passed away in the fight for the truth in the past ...

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:14 pm
by dbauer91
wierd, i actually know of that immortal technique song already (probably cuz i'm like the only rap fan on here). and as much as i like immortal technique, that shit's whack. planes that terrorists hijacked hit the buildings, there were no bombs or inside jobs or any of that shit. i don't give 2 fucks what whackjob "evidence" there is to support this, but what happened happened and it was incredibly sad, deal with it.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:27 pm
by FuckT41182
dbauer91 wrote:wierd, i actually know of that immortal technique song already (probably cuz i'm like the only rap fan on here). and as much as i like immortal technique, that shit's whack. planes that terrorists hijacked hit the buildings, there were no bombs or inside jobs or any of that shit. i don't give 2 fucks what whackjob "evidence" there is to support this, but what happened happened and it was incredibly sad, deal with it.
strange, to me, your statements theoretically say that a person that has been cleared of his/her crimes for lack of tangible evidence should not be prosecuted later on when the clear and bulletproof evidence is present

I'm not saying that the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job is, by any chance, tangible, I'm just saying that no evidence should be overlooked ... I personally don't know what evidence is out there to support the theory, I only know that theorists give away motives, which means nothing, cause I have a real motive to kill my brother, yet he is still alive

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:32 pm
by gejmik
I actually kinda like conspiracy theories.. but we don't know a shit. all we can do is speculate.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:41 pm
by Shelley41
gejmik wrote:I actually kinda like conspiracy theories.. but we don't know a shit. all we can do is speculate.
I like it's mistery but I don't like the fact that this could've been the reason for the attack.

I think we could discuss this forever!

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:39 pm
by SickofEveryone
Tyler. wrote:The only theory that could be true is that the government didn't tell the whole story, like there could've been terrorists on the ground that had got into the buildings and shit like that. The theories about the government being the ones that performed the attack are the funniest/most ridiculous theories I've seen though.

But anyway this daily news/talk show has had stories about 9/11 for the last week or so. It's so depressing and scary seeing the footage and what some of the people went through.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:20 pm
by TomiT14
Why is it that every WTC memorial thread always has to be turned into conspiracy thread?

This event hit me hard when it happened, and it still gives me chills when I think about it.
I always thought it was the coolest building ever, and I finally got a chance to visit the WTC. And less than a year later that building didn't exist anymore. I've also visited Washington DC too when I was little.

Watching the event live on TV, the second plane crash on the tower, the collapse, it was just so unreal. Afterwards I heard that our friend happened to be there. Luckily he was on the lower floors, so he got out before the collapse, unlike many others. It was devastating to listen to his story about the events.

Every year on that day, I spend the day watching documentaries and just thinking about the events and the lives lost that day. I've visited NYC a few times after that, always taking a visit to the Ground Zero, to see that huge hole there.
And ever since it happened, I promised myself that I'd be there for the 10th anniversary. My family didn't approve my plans, so I decided to postpone my visit by a couple of days. Would've been great to attend the anniversary thing.

I have heard and read so many stories about it, and every time it wrecks my mind to think how horrible the events were.

So it really shocks me that Boni doesn't care at all.


Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:30 pm
by Gregorovich
I can't view the video on this computer so I don't know what theory you guys are talking about, but I believe in the Tower 7 Theory. The fact that a fourth hijacked plane came down in a field outside DC, yet Tower 7 still came down basically proves the fact that there were already explosives within the buildings. In the ruins of all the towers they found melted supports in the basement - which can only be the result of a fire, or explosives. Scientists have also deduced that a plane hitting the towers in such a way it did would not cause the same reaction (eg. the towers had some 'assistance' coming down). Thus, I believe that explosives were placed in the basements of all three towers as assistance, and while the planes helped bring down the first two, Tower 7 collapsed 'by itself' because the plane destined for it came down outside DC.

Re: 9/11 - 10 Years On...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:56 pm
by Madjid
I really dunno what to say, because i'm not sure what really happened.
I know one thing for sure, i'm sorry for the people that had to die for no reason.