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Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:29 pm
by Nirvana41
Why is it that most people (from what I've seen) on this site are hating on Underclass Hero?
I'll be honest I hated it at first too but when I gave it a chance I thought it was a very good album. It was much softer but offered some of the pretties most talented writing they've done. Maybe it's cause it wasn't heavy? Just because music doesn't have fast and loud heavy metal riffs doesn't mean it's not good. The only filler tracks I can think of were Ma Poubelle and Dear Father. I liked the pop punk/soft sound of the album and I thought the flow was great.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:30 pm
by samueeL
There's 12451251 topics about UH, you should try search and you'll find some answers.

To be honest, I tried to listen to it yesterday and I just couldn't.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:31 pm
by Nirvana41
Why not?

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:33 pm
by ReasonToBelieveSomeday
Underclass Hero makes me's so........bad..for me.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:40 pm
by Jables
I love pretty much every song on that album, but for some reason I just never listen to it, it's not that it's bad, there is just something about it that makes me not want to listen to it as an album :/ I would never consider it a failure though.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by Raku
I love this album too, I see no reason for the hate =)

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:50 pm
by 182sins
I've always stated I love UH, it was certainly not heavy, and maybe overproduced, but still, to me it sounds really great, and I love D's vocals in it !

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:57 pm
by ChapStick
Underclass hero was strange for me, one of the reasons i love DTLI and chuck so much is they took me a long time to get used to, almost a year for chuck but then they became my favourites. With Underclass hero all the tracks were catchy enough and i liked it instantly but it lacked life and got boring to the point i rarely lsiten to the songs off it these days...

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:57 pm
by Jeremy Kill
There were many reasons why I didn't like Underclass Hero. I'm bored enough to list them all again!
  • Over-used chord progressions. Sure, every pop-punk band has used them before, so what's the harm in Sum 41 using them? Well, the fact that it's an over-used chord progression, that's why! No originality.
  • Majority of songs come off as feeling fake and emotionless. The last of Deryck's (frontman of popular band Sum 41) worries is getting "caught living in a dead end job." It's like, "who cares what the song is about, it's catchy!" I expected Dear Father to be a lot more emotional or resentful than it turned out.
  • Too many songs reminded me of other bands' work. I won't get into it for the 41st time.
  • The music is too youthful for how old the band was at the time of writing. It sounds like little kids' music to be honest.
  • The pink on the album was annoying, haha. It has nothing to do with music, but God, that was the ugliest-looking CD of theirs for sure. Big eyesore!
  • The band wanted to push boundaries, but boundaries were hardly jolted sonically speaking. Whenever you hear the band talk about this album, the only thing they really mention is how deep the lyrics went. If you want to talk about breaking boundaries, Screaming Bloody Murder tore down the Berlin Wall.
There were only a few good things to come out of this album and that's the elaborate backing vocals and Pull the Curtain. I never knew Deryck could sing as well as he could.

To me, Screaming Bloody Murder is what Underclass Hero could've and should've been. However, the time and place that Deryck was in his life at the time made that impossible.

Of course, it's all just my opinion, you can take it or leave it, but Underclass Hero is in the past now.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:08 am
by SickofEveryone
Raku wrote:I love this album too, I see no reason for the hate =)

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:41 am
by Tyler.
I think there's a few problems. One is that it really sounds like Green Day, and some people that like Sum 41 might not like Green Day. Some people deny it but there's not denying it sounds a heap like Green Day, which I don't really mind.

As an album, I pretty much hate it. I don't like listening through it, but each song on their own are pretty good. All except probably 2 songs I really like on their own, but I just don't think it works as an album. It's too long without anything seeming to fit together much, idk.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:43 am
by Queso Man
Jeremy Kill wrote:There were many reasons why I didn't like Underclass Hero. I'm bored enough to list them all again!
  • Over-used chord progressions. Sure, every pop-punk band has used them before, so what's the harm in Sum 41 using them? Well, the fact that it's an over-used chord progression, that's why! No originality.
  • Majority of songs come off as feeling fake and emotionless. The last of Deryck's (frontman of popular band Sum 41) worries is getting "caught living in a dead end job." It's like, "who cares what the song is about, it's catchy!" I expected Dear Father to be a lot more emotional or resentful than it turned out.
  • Too many songs reminded me of other bands' work. I won't get into it for the 41st time.
  • The music is too youthful for how old the band was at the time of writing. It sounds like little kids' music to be honest.
  • The pink on the album was annoying, haha. It has nothing to do with music, but God, that was the ugliest-looking CD of theirs for sure. Big eyesore!
  • The band wanted to push boundaries, but boundaries were hardly jolted sonically speaking. Whenever you hear the band talk about this album, the only thing they really mention is how deep the lyrics went. If you want to talk about breaking boundaries, Screaming Bloody Murder tore down the Berlin Wall.
There were only a few good things to come out of this album and that's the elaborate backing vocals and Pull the Curtain. I never knew Deryck could sing as well as he could.

To me, Screaming Bloody Murder is what Underclass Hero could've and should've been. However, the time and place that Deryck was in his life at the time made that impossible.

Of course, it's all just my opinion, you can take it or leave it, but Underclass Hero is in the past now.
I don't disagree with you, but could you back up your lyrical views on Screaming Bloody Murder with evidence too?

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:34 am
by FuckT41182
I totally agree with Jeremy ...

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:36 am
by Bobbyjames
I don't like it, so I won't listen to it.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:58 am
by Tyler.
There's a couple problems. One is it really rips off Green Day, there's no denying that, and some people won't like that. I don't mind it.

The only thing I don't like is the album as a whole, it's kinda too long and boring. Each song on it's own I like a lot, except dear father, but as an album I get too bored.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:48 am
by Nirvana41
I can actually think of a couple really good and memerable UH songs like Speak of the Devil, Count your last blessings, March of the dogs and The Jester(Even thought this one was kind of a MCR rip off) And I think the best ones were King of contradiction (different yet original) and confusion and frustration in modern times - That song is awesome and a real classic sum 41 sounding. And the bonus tracks were good too.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:50 am
by FuckT41182
yeah but what about the other ones ? :P

Dear Father is one of the worst songs I've ever heard in this kind of music,although the last album of Good Charlotte and the 3rd album of Simple Plan are very competitive !

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:08 pm
by Hoocher
Jeremy Kill wrote:There were many reasons why I didn't like Underclass Hero. I'm bored enough to list them all again!
  • Over-used chord progressions. Sure, every pop-punk band has used them before, so what's the harm in Sum 41 using them? Well, the fact that it's an over-used chord progression, that's why! No originality.
  • Majority of songs come off as feeling fake and emotionless. The last of Deryck's (frontman of popular band Sum 41) worries is getting "caught living in a dead end job." It's like, "who cares what the song is about, it's catchy!" I expected Dear Father to be a lot more emotional or resentful than it turned out.
  • Too many songs reminded me of other bands' work. I won't get into it for the 41st time.
  • The music is too youthful for how old the band was at the time of writing. It sounds like little kids' music to be honest.
  • The pink on the album was annoying, haha. It has nothing to do with music, but God, that was the ugliest-looking CD of theirs for sure. Big eyesore!
  • The band wanted to push boundaries, but boundaries were hardly jolted sonically speaking. Whenever you hear the band talk about this album, the only thing they really mention is how deep the lyrics went. If you want to talk about breaking boundaries, Screaming Bloody Murder tore down the Berlin Wall.
There were only a few good things to come out of this album and that's the elaborate backing vocals and Pull the Curtain. I never knew Deryck could sing as well as he could.

To me, Screaming Bloody Murder is what Underclass Hero could've and should've been. However, the time and place that Deryck was in his life at the time made that impossible.

Of course, it's all just my opinion, you can take it or leave it, but Underclass Hero is in the past now.
I absolutley agree, though I can say that there was some nice work on this album. I liked Speak of the Devil, Underclass Hero, With me, Count your last blessing, Best of Me and for a while The Jester. I found Ma Poubelle, Dear Father and Look at me pretty useless, the rest were okay but not anything I can listen too over and over again. My favourite album was Chuck, but I'm sure when I'll get my (damn) copy of SBM it will rock my world.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:20 pm
by Ferdehh41
well i really liked the jester sotd koc cafimt, but the album is not so great as others.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:30 pm
by lisaNL
I love underclass hero, the songwriting in it is really good and it contains some very personal songs (dear father, best of me etc) it's not their best album no but it's not hate worthy in my opinion.