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The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:15 pm
by sir_dandan
Just to make sure every single person who has something to say about the album doesn't go creating their own thread (Which will probably happen either way) I thought I would make a thread for peoples reviews.

If mods don't think this is a good idea, feel free to delete.

So drop your reviews here please.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:45 pm
by Lars
Good idea, although I didn't listen yet.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:29 pm
by Gregorovich
Big one coming from me.

EDIT: Whoa, this review turned out really long. I'd be as well creating my own thread. Not gonna, of course.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:05 pm
by Mitchell
I'm still too excited too write a review

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:06 pm
by Lars
Gregorovich wrote:Big one coming from me.

EDIT: Whoa, this review turned out really long. I'd be as well creating my own thread. Not gonna, of course.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:22 pm
by Wennis
Lars wrote:
Gregorovich wrote:Big one coming from me.

EDIT: Whoa, this review turned out really long. I'd be as well creating my own thread. Not gonna, of course.

Yeah ive been waiting for one

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:42 pm
by Gregorovich
Screaming Bloody Murder Track-by-Track Review

Although I’d have to give it the time and of course the full HQ versions of the songs would have to be in my hands, but I believe that Screaming Bloody Murder has the potential to be the greatest Sum 41 record yet. One or two general observations, though: On many occasions, (Don’t hate me for saying this) both Deryck’s voice and the music bears a slight resemblance to My Chemical Romance- which I love! But it’s just an observation. Also, I think that with the massive number of ideas Deryck had for the album, he wasn’t lying when he said it “Breaks all convention”- the record has a ‘patchwork’ appearance, unseen in any other music I have heard, but this can be good or bad. On the negative side, it can make the music seem a little lost and random at points. On the plus side, it helps the band express themselves through a massive variety of sounds. Also, Deryck’s ballad-writing skills have slipped slightly since Chuck! Overall, this album joins American Idiot as my only other 10/10 album. Overall: 10/10

Reason to Believe: Opening with random fading rhythms and vocals from later in the record, Screaming Bloody Murder is given quite a ghostly opening. Impressive drum and guitar work make an intro which screams, “We’re back, motherf*ckers!” Coupled with the church bells and dreary lyrics the album’s intro is one of the grimmest tracks here. The fast, heavy chorus certainly adds to the atmosphere and introduces a more upbeat element, but is nothing special. If you could call it a chorus- it plays only once. The piano outro (at least for the first bit) is incredibly effective and concludes the short song well. A great start to the album. Overall: 9/10

Screaming Bloody Murder: Opening with a piano playing like a twisted lullaby, the song soon sharpens up into a single guitar, and then multiple guitars delivering the same killer-ass riff which I can imagine will get all the fans screaming at the next concert. The only downside to it being its absence from the rest of the song. Similar to other epic songs on the album one must possess a high-end pair of headphones and a good quality copy of the track before fully appreciating Deryck’s scream of, “Tear me open!” into the chorus. The title track also has a kick-ass guitar solo, not dissimilar to MCR’s Dead! in sound. The track closes with the same twisted piano as the beginning Overall: 9/10

Skumfuk: The intro is not dissimilar to parts of A Dark Road Out of Hell or Exit Song- which is good and bad. The intro is actually quite effective, although the Sums might as well have cut out about half of it. The transition into the rest of the song is, contrary to popular opinion, quite effective. And yes- Deryck does sound very similar to Gerard Way. Though this song’s incredibly fast verses and swinging choruses serve as its high-point, the track soon spirals down at the end into a similar piano-driven ending to the previous track. Overall: 7.5/10

Time For You to Go: The first really upbeat song on the album, this track is a good example of how one can be excessively rocky without screaming and laying down killer riffs. TFYTG shows a shift in the album towards something much more… well not indie-ish, but certainly lighter, and thus proves that the album covers a massive variety of moods and sounds. The solo made me smile and reminded me of more classic rock from days gone by. If you could compare most of the rest of the album to MCR’s Black Parade (not trying to start a flame war here), this would belong solidly in Danger Days. Overall: 8/10

Jessica Kill: Another real ripper, the quiet, fast verses really build up to the chorus. Unfortunately, the chorus itself is similar to the Speak of the Devil chorus in Underclass Hero, in the respect that you can’t fully appreciate the fully glory and ‘epicness’ without £100 headphones and strong ears. Medoly-wise, one would think of Still Waiting while listening to it. Don’t get me wrong- this song could not have belonged on Does This Look Infected? due to the dark nature of it. The real highlight of Jessica Kill is the crazy-ass bridge, followed by the last, more powerful chorus. Overall: 8.5/10

What Am I to Say?: Starting off as a dreary, Best Of Me type ballad, the song soon erupts into a full-scale power ballad in the style of (Sorry) MCR- at least the chorus anyway. Though there is obviously so much emotion in the song, Deryck is not as expert in channeling his emotions into music as he was in Pieces or With Me. While the song still gives some real hands-in-the-air moments, it does not match up to the later piano ballad Crash, on the other side of the 12-minute song. Overall: 7.5/10

A Dark Road Out of Hell: Because the Sums advertised them as a single unit, and because they function best as one, I am reviewing the next 3 tracks (Holy Image of Lies, Sick of Everyone & Happiness Machine) as one track. As the opening explodes into a so-so patchwork rock song, one may feel that Deryck doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing. However, the song soon becomes more focused and refined as a sudden silence erupts into a… well a bridge? Or a riff? Anyway, the heavy chords ensuing pave the way for the second part of Holy Image of Lies as being much more epic and emotional in nature. As this section reaches an end, the solitary guitar of Sick of Everyone takes over. Erupting into a full scale rock-fest, Sick of Everyone stands out as one of the most climactic points in the album, with a chorus resembling Rise Against’s Prayer of the Refugee, and where (amusingly) Deryck’s vocals resemble not Gerard Way, but his former self in Half Hour of Power. This section literally makes you want to jump up and run around town breaking everything. However, all good things come to an end, and soon the build-up of a similar guitar to earlier in Reason to Believe or Holy Image of Lies takes over, delivering a very slow, but a very heavy, dark verse- and then the complete opposite. A slow, heavy verse alternating with a very light, faster-paced chorus is reminiscent of We’re All to Blame. Only much darker, and much more guitar-orientated, taking the focus away from vocals. Another build-up of guitar leads to the Holy Image of Lies verse/chorus combo returning, to end the song with a faint, soft outro. Jesus Chirst, what just happened? Overall: 10/10

Crash: Based on a car crash witnessed by Deryck, and NOT AVRIL, this comes as the most touching and emotional songs on the album. A solitary piano is steadily joined by an acoustic guitar, and then another piano, and then an electric guitar… and then it all goes again, leaving a solitary piano. And then it all comes back in again to deliver a very powerful, piano-driven, guitar-backed chorus as a sweet finale for one of the best ballads I’ve ever heard. The down side? It’s way too short. Overall: 9/10

Blood in My Eyes: A very heavy guitar intro leads into one of the best riffs on the album. Alternating between slow but exceedingly powerful choruses and verses, and this fast-paced riff, the track really takes off. Quite similar in appearance to the title track. In comes a wild, bass-driven and slightly random bridge and all of a sudden the song is over after a final chorus. Though this song is certainly one of the very best on the album, and certainly one of the best the Sums have ever created, it would have done it justice for the epic riff to return once more at the end. Overall: 9/10

Baby You Don’t Wanna Know: Very Similar in appearance to Time For You to Go, this track is much more reminiscent of indie-rock. With an incredibly catchy guitar chord progression making you unable to resist but tap your feet or snap your fingers to the rhythm, and a series of ‘Ooh-ooh’s and ‘Baby you don’t wanna know’s, this track is much more upbeat and happy than its Danger-Days-style predecessor. Absence of a solo, however, loses a couple of brownie points. Overall: 8.5/10

Back Where I Belong: I’m not going to make the comparison to MCR’s Famous Last Words to save my own head, but you can see the similarity. With a face-paced chorus similar in epicness to Jessica Kill and a quieter, more somber (but still aggressive) verse, this song is quite sound. That is until the bridge kicks in. From that point on, the song takes a turn for the ever-better. Seriously- the bridge is one of the most kick-ass rhythms on the record and its combination with the chorus is utterly fantastic. And of course, the Another-Time-Around-style we’re-never-gonna-stop-this-song-ever finale, the song breaks down into the same ghostly lyrics which engulfed the opening of the album, with the echoing heavy guitar and drums from Reason to Believe heard in the background. The perfect end to any record. Overall: 9/10

Exit Song: Very similar to Look at Me in terms of location, brevity and sound, Exit Song would have done much better as hidden track too. It seems as though all the energy out of the record’s finale and sapped it away in a dreary, almost-ballad not unlike the Foos’ On the Mend, only shorter and with less confidence. Though this could have easily been manipulated to carry on from the random ghostly rhythms at the end of Back Where I Belong and, in a way, resemble them. But no, as a standalone song, Exit Song drops the bar. If Screaming Bloody Murder were a live performance (which I hope, for the good of the entire world, it will be), Exit Song would be the elevator-music being played on the way out. Everybody just wants to get home. Overall: 7/10

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:42 pm
by Gregorovich
That should really count as like 10 posts. LOL.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:48 pm
by samueeL
Wow, really nice review, haha. Absence of solo in Baby You Don't Wanna Know? Hmm.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:49 pm
by Mitchell
I really enjoyed reading it.. but I don't really see the similarities between those songs and MCR songs

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:54 pm
by Hideo_Kuze
For me this is truly all killer, no filler

If you liked DTLI? and especially Chuck(including Slipped Away), but got tired of these songs, SBM is your album.
The songwriting is amazing and really unconventional. There are really cool intros with just instrumentals, generating an awesome atmosphere, then some aggressive riff, then a slow parts with really touching lyrics and great vocals, then an explosive chorus, then some more crazy shit.

The album is amazing to listen to in whole. It doesn't get boring at any point and it also has a lot of songs that stand out on their own like Jessica Kill, Blood In My Eyes or Back Where I Belong which are more like what we are used from the sums and can easily beat the best from Chuck or DTLI?.

= This is Deryck's masterpiece. I'd give SBM 5/5 stars

There could be more solos, but I don't know where they could possible fit in, so it is all right I guess.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:55 pm
by Gregorovich
samueeL wrote:Wow, really nice review, haha. Absence of solo in Baby You Don't Wanna Know? Hmm.
It's more of a bridge than a solo. By solo I mean like the one in Time For You to Go.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:32 pm
by samueeL
Okey, short track by track:

1 - Reason to Believe
I was waiting for this song basically 'cause of the piano melody in the end. After hearing preview I wasn't that excited. But the full song is great and "chorus" part is really great. I kinda hoped it'd appear again later in the song but then again, part of it's beauty is that you can hear it only once in the song. Definitely the best Sum 41 intro song. 9½/10

2 - Screaming Bloody Murder
Piano intro is great and the fact that same thing also ends the song is great. Kinda tights up the song. I like main riff and verses a lot but chorus isn't as catchy as it should be, considering it's first single. It's still good tho. 8½/10

3 - Skumfuk
Somehow new intro makes this song a lot better and transition from new intro to song itself is effective and powerful. Chorus is one of the best Sum 41 choruses, but somehow it sounds little blunt. Many song on SBM has the same problem. Melody is really great but somehow it sounds like it's just same note hitting. Hard to explain I guess. 8/10

4 - Time For You To Go
I wouldn't exactly call it highlight of the album but it's close. I've always loved honest rock'n'roll songs but those kind of songs has been recorded a long time ago and I just can't stand the quality of those. So this song is like a dream come true. Sounds a lot like MCR's Vampire Money. 9/10

5 - Jessica Kill
I like it, but I don't agree people saying it'd have fit DTLI. I think this one could go to Chuck. Bridge is fucking badass and this is one of the few songs on SBM that stays the same style till the end. And I actually kinda like it. 9½/10

6 - What Am I To Say?
Didn't like when I heard preview but after hearing full version, I love it. Especially the bridge/middle eight after guitar solo. That part is one of the best parts of this album. Vocal melody & lyrics are really great on that part. This song also changes the mood of the record a bit, which is a good thing. Vocal melody in the line before chorus reminded me of Avril's Alice. Which is a bad thing. 8/10

7 - Holy Image of Lies
3 songs in one. Intro is really great and after acoustic guitar jumps in it reminds me of Muse. Really like the "Am I alright, alive tonight" part. Piano + drum part is kinda like the one in Sick of Everyone but more mellow. It's great. When the last part of the song started I jizzed. It was just weird to hear stuff that we've heard since the second update, early 2009. Ending of this song is just epic. 9½/10

8 - Sick of Everyone
Great, just great. Might be one of my favorite Sum 41 song, only time will tell. Love how Deryck sings "quiet some time" in first verse. Also loved the drumming on this one. It goes quiet for a little bit and only bass and vocals come in. After that part the chorus strikes aggressively. It's awesome. 10/10

9 - Happiness Machine
Heavy & melodic. What else can you hope for? Verses are the most epic thing Deryck has ever wrote. It's a lot different from normal Sum 41 stuff. Riff at the middle is a bit Muse-ish. Last chorus basically was I big slap to my face, it's stunning. 10/10

10 - Crash
One of my most anticipated song on the record. And it's exactly how I wanted it to be. Could have been a bit longer but then again, it works this way perfectly. There's a lot of emotion in this song. It's just touching. I listened this first time while lying in my bed lights off. It was perfect moment, lol. 10/10

11 - Blood In My Eyes
Riff is the most badass Sum 41 riff. Verses are good, nothing special. Pre-Chorus on this song sound really huge. Really great drumming in this one too. Not much to say. 9/10

12 - Baby You Don't Wanna Know
I was probably most excited about this along with Crash. Already loved the riff when I heard it in video updates. Claps, rock'n'roll guitar and rock'n'roll vocals & lyrics. Backing vocals reminded me of Operation M.D. This song is basically like Operation M.D but a lot better. Guitar solo is great too, probably my favorite one off this album. I'd describe this as a perfect song. Best song on SBM. 10+/10

13 - Back Where I Belong
Linkin park verses, great chorus, superb breakdown. I like Deryck's screaming in this one. Haven't listened this one too much tho. Would have been perfect ending to album. 8½/10

14 - Exit Song
Song itself is ok, little bit like Slipping Away but not as good. Would have worked as hidden track. Sounds a bit like Coldplay. Tough one to judge, I'd give this one something between 6-8(10

15 - We're the Same
Definitely sounds like b-side. But then again it's really good song. Cone really showed some bass skills. And that kinda made deryck to write different guitar parts, which I like. Great solo and the chorus is one of my favorites. 9/10

Overall this is the best Sum 41 album. Songwriting is completely on new level. It's kinda hard to listen other records after hearing this one. It's not as heavy as Chuck but a lot more aggressive. I think I waited a bit more metal-ish record but it was Dave's thing so that's probably not gonna happen, and it's okay, since we already have Chuck. This album is 10/10 and I probably end up listening till grave. And I hope that my kids bury me with this album, haha.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:12 pm
by samueeL
Gregorovich wrote:
samueeL wrote:Wow, really nice review, haha. Absence of solo in Baby You Don't Wanna Know? Hmm.
It's more of a bridge than a solo. By solo I mean like the one in Time For You to Go.
Can't agree with that. It's definitely 100% guitar solo :D What others think?

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:18 pm
by Jeremy Kill
samueeL wrote:
Gregorovich wrote:
samueeL wrote:Wow, really nice review, haha. Absence of solo in Baby You Don't Wanna Know? Hmm.
It's more of a bridge than a solo. By solo I mean like the one in Time For You to Go.
Can't agree with that. It's definitely 100% guitar solo :D What others think?
I'd say it's a solo. Though, as much of as solo as Underclass Hero's or Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:21 pm
by Gregorovich
samueeL wrote:
Gregorovich wrote:
samueeL wrote:Wow, really nice review, haha. Absence of solo in Baby You Don't Wanna Know? Hmm.
It's more of a bridge than a solo. By solo I mean like the one in Time For You to Go.
Can't agree with that. It's definitely 100% guitar solo :D What others think?
On relistening, you're right. I must have it confused with another song.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:02 am
by ReasonToBelieveSomeday
Review song by song:
1. Reason to Believe:
Very Good Intro, as they said, is like a slap in the face and telling you Sum 41 'We're Back, Fuck you!", the chorus is amazing, I expected much this song at the end, the piano riff is awesome. 10/10

2. SBM
as we know, no? 9.5/10

3. Skumfuk
Without the intro I've review the song like 'UH lost song' with 5.5/10, but, now the intro change me, the song is not bad, like UH, but have their SBM touch. 8/10

4. Time for you to Go
When the fuck do a song punk pop was 'Green Day-ish', I hate them, it's a song, green day ruined it, now bands Now bands can not do pop punk songs because they called 'Green Day-ish'. The song it's so good, simple riff, simple song, original, i like it so much. 8.5/10

5. Jessica Kill
Great, Awesome, Amazing, Song, one of the best of the album, this have to be a single, the letter is so dark, perfect, part of chorus is like Still Waiting but doesn't care for me, the riffs are so good, I've waiting for this song over 1 year. 9.5/10

6. What I Am to Say
With Me Part II, the only song that does not fit the album, I don't like it so much, but, if the other users and people like it, good. 6/10

7. Holy Image of Lies
A great song, susprised me, i've listened the 30 seconds preview, and i like it, but now i Love it!, the part after the piano 'end' it's amazing!, and I fucking love how the song links to Sick of Everyone. 9/10

8. Sick of Everyone
I never thought that this song would be so good, the chorus it's so explosive, perfect, the verses so good, Everything in this song it's awesome, nothing more to say. 10/10

9. Happiness Machines
My favourite, Enter a new stage in Sum is very good, listening to the preview I thought, 'another song corny shit' but now it was like a thousand kicks in the ass, the battery before the verse, the strongest verses, the chorus quiet, I would say more brutal than're All to Blame, congratulations to Deryck. 11/10 :devious:

10. Crash
Makes me cry, other of the best songs on the album, really deep song, the letter is...amazing..beautiful, i'm still calling this song 'Over now' hehe. Excelent. 10/10

11. Blood In My eyes
EXCELENT. we know, no? 9.5/10

12. Baby Don't you Wanna Know
This song is very 'radio song' I Love it, the typical song you would hear on the radio, Love the solo, does not fit the album, but I prefer this album to have it in as a bonus. 9/10

13. Back Where I Belong
Other of my favourites, Excelent Brilliant song, fits perfectly with Chuck, the verses remember the old-good-dead Linkin Park, and the chorus it's very melodic, the riff after the second chorus, is excellent. I love the end with the 'Reason to Believe' intro. 10/10

14. Exit Song
A ending song, Look at me part II but i like this so more than Look at me, mm not the best form to ending a song (compared with 'endings' song like Another Time Around, 88..) but, i like it. 5.5/10

soo.. 10/10!! (fanatic)

critic: 9/10.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:55 am
by d4rkst4r
Lets see, a review, alright. Where do I start? Let me start with what I like about this album. I like how its much better than Underclass Hero.Its like Chuck and Underclass Hero in a blender. Its a huge difference but at the same time on certain songs you can hear Deryck's Underclass Hero songwriting style come out. My favourite songs have to be Screaming Bloody Murder, Jessica Kill, Holy Image of Lies, Sick of Everyone, Happiness Machines and Back Where I Belong. These songs in particular have awesome hardcore riffs that you can hear almost in Chuck.

I was actually listening to the album in my car and I was desperately trying to find a word to describe this album. What I came up with is...this album is bipolar. It tweaks so hard on both ends of the spectrum in a way I've never seen before. Good or bad. If you don't believe me, just listen to how often it goes from ridiculously hard guitar driven riffs to soft-easy going put you too sleep piano melodies. Also take for example, Time for You to Go which is such an indie song, yet its followed by one of the hardest rocking songs on the album, Jessica Kill. I think this explains why there is no producer. There's no structure whats so ever, but at the same time, I like it too because no other bands do this. This album would be so different with a producer. I haven't had time to surf through lyrics and see and reference to politics or whatever.

To sum up what I think, its a love-hate thing. I like Sum '41 attitude with the record, the 'I don't give a shit' which is what really pulls me in. You'll probably hear more once it sinks in.

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:30 am
by Resident Skumfuk
My review, whores:

Reason To Believe:: The song's eerie ambiance excites you and has you questioning what this album has in store.. it opens up along with vague vocals builds the tension, which is soon to be cut by booming drumbeats and heavy guitar, blasting a big fuck you, we're back! into your eardrums. The staccato beginning cuts into a fast 'chorus', which is completely carried by Steve-o's pounding drumbeat. God, this part couldn't be any better. Just as you're getting into the fast tempo, the song falls into a soft melodic harmony between Deryck and a piano. I hoped for the fast driving 'chorus' to be continued, and although it is a nice touch, I find it to be the song's only downfall. 9/10

Screaming Bloody Murder: The song drifts in with Deryck's line of mesmerizing vocals, and only a pounding drumbeat is the only hint of something bigger. A riff cuts in and brings the song to a fast tempo and is easy to love. The chorus could have been, in a sense, much catchier.. more melodic. But in another sense, that's not what this album is about. Another 8/10

Skumfuk: A soft palm muted acoustic guitar comes in, playing a desolate tune, foreshadowing the rest of the song. Deryck comes in and sings an enchanting intro, which instantly resembes a children's nursery rhyme. The transition between the old and new of this song is far from perfect. The rest of the song is very enjoyable, with a chorus definitely easy to remember and love. 9/10

Time for You to Go: A catchy summer type rock'n'roll riff instantly have you wondering if this is still Sum 41.. I love it. Deryck's voice fits seamlessly with the tone and mood of this song. It seems like this song was written to be blared all over the radio. This is a 100% successful attempt by the band to play a genre outside of their norm. The solo keeps us realizing it is Sum 41 playing through our speakers. 9.5/10

Jessica Kill: A fast and entertaining guitar lick immediately capture one's attention, just when you feel you have a grip, a perfect drumbeat rips in and the listener is thrown into Deryck's tale of a man's selfless attempt to satisfy a girl's masochistic urges. His vocal timbre successfully convey the whole albums mood. A catchy chorus is new, and one of the best in the album so far. The bridge consists of guitar shredding and screams "Chuck", satisfying all the fans of the album. A very, very solid song. 10/10

What Am I To Say: The reverbed sound crawls in at the beginning. I worried of another "With Me", but as soon as Deryck's voice reaches in, it is clear this is a more desolate and dark song. The vocals are catchy, but not extremely clever, which is not the worst thing in the world. Although cliche in form and shape, this song is still easily enjoyable, and will probably receive mainstream attention. 7.75/10

Holy Image of Lies: Fast vocals that carry a solid undertone that is totally unknown to any Sum 41 song previously composed. A forgettable pre-chorus and chorus are sung and just as things begin to feel routine, the song suddenly cuts into soft, melodic vocals, with a slow and steady backbone of drums. This is the highlight of the song and one of my favorite parts on the album. It is clear this is totally Deryck's intent, and it pleasurably defies conventional music composure. A booming sound soon overcomes the song and leads into a heavy and almost military-march like drumbeat, accompanied by a steady guitar riff. More forgettable lyrics are sung. The song, for a fourth time changes directions, carried by piano triplets and Deryck sings an anthem resembling Underclass Hero.. the song abruptly ends. 6/10

Sick of Everyone: A ripping guitar riff starts the song, miles and miles away from Underclass Hero and is soon picked up and a heavy jam is one of the most pleasing parts of the record. Just as you recognize your expectations of where this song will go, the verse begins. Against everyone of my expectations, the songs transitions to a musical piece consisting of catchy piano and soft drums. Deryck sings in a very catchy manner, with simple yet meaningful records. This is the greatest piece on the album, undoubtedly. The prechorus is a nice transition, but lacks any memorable qualities. The chorus however, belts out Deryck's frustration, and the message is successfully conveyed, with a nice melody and intelligent lyrics. This rides alongside Jessica Kill as one the best choruses on the album. 10/10

Happiness Machines: A eerie and mechanical intro leaves you wondering where the song will head next, and is quite mesmerizing and enjoyable. The verse is an amazing balance between guitar riff and carrying drum beat. Just as you expect the song to head in for a heavy chorus, Deryck pulls back and sings in a light and melodic manner. Another genius move and another great method to keep us all guessing. The bridge is good, but could use a few more defining qualities. The bridge cuts back into the chorus, but a much heavier version. A great song overall. 9.5/10

Crash: A sweet lullaby of piano notes lures in the listener, and its hard to believe how this song could get any sweeter. The lyrics come in and its very soon apparent that this song is a tragedy. My emotions are totally convinced by the sincerity in Deryck's voice and the lyrics push it over the top. This song is truly fantastic, as it speaks unflinchingly to one's heart and soul. I can't get enough of this song, even if it makes me want to shed a tear. 10/10

Blood in My Eyes: A tell-all guitar part piques one's interest and soon a kickass guitar riff speaks more than enough. The songs cuts in nicely to a soft verse and cuts back out to a harder prechorus and chorus. The chorus is very unique and is great, melodically. The song repeats and is relatively surprise free. 8.75/10

Baby You Don't Wanna Know: I thought I was listening to Time for You to Go, again, due to the similarity of the opening riff. These two songs bear too much resemblance to me, however I still can easily find their differences. I enjoy this song more than Time for You to Go. But it lacks in originality.. 9.5/10

Back Where I Belong: A boring guitar part opens the song, and I feel this will just be a nice filler track as part of the end of the album, however the song is saved by Deryck's catchy vocal part. The chorus comes in with a bang and I suddenly find this song very enjoyable. This feeling is intensified by the great guitar part after the chorus. I love the simplicity of this songs lyrics really speak to me and speak as a nice summary of the albums vibe as a whole. Just as I'm expecting more heavy material, the song cuts out down to Deryck and an acoustic guitar. Then just as I'm expecting a soft remainder of the song, it transitions back to a heavy part, and it is absolutely fantastic. The song transitions out with a creepy overlay and the drumbeat from Reason To Believe. I feel the album should've ended on this note..A solid track 10/10

Exit Song: One of my least favorite tracks. I feel the end of Back Where I Belong would've been completely perfect as the end of the record. This song is slightly forgettable and I'm not conveyed any sort of emotion. 6.5/10

All in all, this truly is an incredible record and I feel it will be around for quite some time.
Vocals 10
Musicianship 8.5
Lyrics 8
Production 9.75
Creativity 10
Lasting Value 9.5
Song Scores 9
Reviewer Tilt 10
Final Verdict: 9.5/10

9.5 / 10

Re: The "Place your SBM reviews here" Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:59 am
by lisaNL
My track by tack review. It's a good one ofcourse, probably a very unrealistic one, but what can you expect from a Sum 41 fan? :razz:

1. Reason to believe.
I think this is a really good song. It starts of with the soft sounds and Derycks voice in the background. Then the drum beat kicks in and the guitar comes after that. I also hear a bell or something. Then Deryck starts singing and his vocals are awesome, they remain awesome throughout the whole record. And a very strong chorus follows. Then it goes into the slow part, I was hoping for a second chorus after that, in my opinion it would've made the song stronger. But it's a really good opening song that gives you an idea of what the record is gonna sound like. 9/10

2. Screaming Bloody Murder.
We all know this song :grin: and it's one of my favorites of the album. I love the intro but the outro doesn't really fit in that well in my opinion. But that's the only thing I can say about it. 9.5/10

3. Skumfuk
We already knew this song but without the intro. At first I had to get used to the transition from the intro into the song. But know I love it, I really like the ooh's. And the song itself is awesome. I'm really glad it made the album. 8.5/10

4. Time for you to go
This is the happy sounding song of the album. I really like it but in my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the album. In my opinion they should've released this one as a b-side. But judging the song itself I say 8.5/10

5. Jessica kill
One of my favorite songs of the album. It reminds me of Does this look infected? It fits right in perfectly. The song has a really strong chorus. And I love the bridge 10/10

6. What am I to say
I heard a lot of different opinions about this song. Some love it, some hate it. Some people called it the with me of the album. I personally love it. Not the best song of the album but defenitely a good one. 8.5/10

7. Holy image of lies
Yeah the opener of A dark road out of hell. I love it. There are a lot of different parts in this song. I love the heavier part 'Am I alright, alive tonight'. And then the slow part follows, I love Deryck's vocals in that part and the lyrics 'if this is goodbye, forever's just a lie, big enough to make you wanna try'. And then the heavier part follows, I love it :D 9/10

8. Sick of Everyone
The middle part of A dark road out of hell. I really like this one. It starts of with the guitar riff. And then the weird sounding part follows, which I think is really cool. I think this song has a really strong chorus. 9/10

9. Happiness machines
I was most looking forward to this song because of the title. And the song itself is just as awesome as the title. This is also one of my favorite song of the album. I love the chorus with the high vocals. 10/10

10. Crash
I absolutely love this song. It's beautiful. Deryck's vocals are really vulnerable. Nothing more to say. 10/10

11. Blood in my eyes
This song is so awesome! There are a lot of tempo changes in it but that's cool. The pre-chorus is awesome. The first verse sounds a bit weird though in my opinion. 9.5/10

12. Baby you don't wanna know
This is one of my least favorite songs on the album. It's catchy and I'm sure it would do really good on the radio. But compared to the other songs I think it's really weak. I still like it but I don't love it like the other songs. 7/10

13. Back where I belong
I love this one. It reminds me of chuck a lot. The bridge is really cool. 10/10

14. Exit song
To be honest I only listened to this one once or twice. I love Deryck's voice. But in my opinion this doesn't count as a song xD I think it's an okay song to end the album with. 6.5/10

We're the same
I really like this one. I understand why it's a bonus track, it doesn't really fit with the album vibe. But It's probably one of my favorites. I want more c-sides if they're all as awesome as this one! 9/10

So overall, awesome album. my favorite sum 41 album from now on. My review sucks I know. Bye. :)