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Making of SBM - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:05 pm
by samueeL
I don't know if you guys are interested in stuff like this but what the hell. Back in 2008 I started making sort of time line about the new album The Sums started to write. I found the updates 4 & 5 on my computer and posted them back to youtube. I tried to make it as easy as read as possible. Please don't quote this. Reading this through made me laugh many times and kinda feel a bit of nostalgic too. I hope you enjoy if you decide to read it.

Well, too much talking. I present you making of the:

Click to view the fullsize image. ... Lyrics.jpg[/imgwidth]

Based on Underclass Hero's success Universal Music picked up their option to have Sum 41 produce a new album in 2009,
thus after completing a very successful 18 month world tour the band has started work on a new album.


Cone suggests that a little bit of writing has been done for the next Sum 41 album,
but says that Deryck will mix the b-side and start writing the new album when he gets home in early October.

26/11/08 chat with Deryck

Deryck, will you be writing any more songs like Over My Head, Still Waiting, The Hell Song, or No Reason?
In my opinion, those were the best kind of Sum 41 songs. They had great riffs, they were edgy and they had attitude.

I'm actually in the middle of writing a new EP that we want to put out early next year.
It's a lot heavier but still different than anything we've ever done. It's pretty cool.


Which album would you say that it kinda relates to not sound wise
but like aggressiveness of Chuck/Does This Look Infected? Or more of a King of Contradiction fast pace songs?

It's hard to say. It's a bit of Chuck meets DTLI I guess.
But still doesn't really sound like either of them. It's hard to explain.
But if you like our band you will like this album.


Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've posted a blog.
But I wanted to give you guys an update on what's been going on.
We've been in the studio recording this week.
We've recorded 7 new songs that we hope to put on an EP album that will come out early next year.
Stevo finished all the drums and now Cone is laying down his bass.
Also our greatest hits CD came out in Japan last week and debuted at #2! so thank you to all of our fans over there.
I will have more updates for you again.



Cone's Myspace message:

"Hey, The OpMD record is coming along. Todd will come up in Jan.
and we will start singing. The new Sum album sounds awesome.
There's some great bass parts on this album. Deryck and I worked great together.
None of the songs sounds like UH or have the same structure.
All new stuff. The B-side I sang will get mixed 1 day and hopefully we can release it somehow."


Happy holidays everyone. We're still in the studio working on new songs.
I'm not sure how many songs we have now but it seems like a lot of a sudden.
They're not all finished yet but it seems like there's a lot of good ideas.
It's still too early to tell when you guys will be able to hear this stuff.
But I'm getting really excited to put this music out. We'll have more updates as we go along.



Video update #1 from Deryck's home studio.


Of the 7 or 8 songs I've heard they're darker and heavier than the last album.
Maybe something in between DTLI and Chuck? I don't know how to describe it... But I like it.



Video update #2 from Deryck's home studio. Also there are some working titles of new songs:

- Intro
- Jessica Kill
- Panic Attack
- Sick of Everyone
- Black Eyes
- Cone Song (UH B-Side)


I would say summer would be a closer date but you never know could be earlier.
As for titles. Some song titles we use when doing demos change so the titles you saw might change but some may stay the same. It's hard to say. There'll be more update coming though.



Cone has been in LA with us putting down his bass parts on about 6 new songs.
I’m not sure how many songs we've got but we have way more than I expected we would have at this point.
For some reason I’m writing songs really fast right now. Everything so far has been really easy and really fun.
I can’t wait for you guys to hear this new music.
It looks like we may have music out sooner than we thought. We’ll keep you updated.



Jessica Kill is just a demo working title. That title will most likely change.



Video update #3 about lyrics:


EP or LP?

Right now we really don't know what we're doing... We're just working on new stuff and then when we think it's ready we'll try and put it out.
It's coming along nicely and we're super stoked. Hopefully we'll be back on the road soon!


Hey everybody. Writing has been going awesome. I wrote 2 brand new songs today!
And I really like them. One is a bit softer and melodic and the other is the opposite.
It’s really hard and aggressive. Not much else to say just thought I would share that with you guys.
More to come...



Still writing. There’s a lot of cool ideas that I’m really excited about.
I still think it’s going to be a while before we really go in and record everything fully.
There’s so many ideas and I’m in the stage of trying to make everything all work together and be cohesive.
Some of these songs are going in directions that we’ve never gone before and it’s really exciting.
Hopefully we can have some video or pics up soon.



What's crackin' dudes?

Just wanted to give you another update as to what The Sums are up to.
Last week I went over to Deryck's house to listen to some new tunes and work on some stuff,
but we ended up having one too many beverages and our productive meeting ended with me passed out on the couch
and Deryck passed out on the floor in the next room. Some things never change...
A house with 5 bedrooms and neither of us were capable of making it to one of them = Professional. Musicians.

Anyway, the new stuff sounds really cool and I've been practicing for the past few days to get ready for another recording session on Tuesday.

I think we're doing two songs. To prepare, I'm going to go on a cleanse of sorts -
no booze for one whole meal a day, some probiotics dissoved in the hip-hop vitamin water of my choice (I prefer the kind owned by that guy who was shot)
and then maybe I'll soak in the tub for a few hours. As you can see we're very busy. Check back soon for more awesome updates.



Can we expect any bass solos from you on this new upcoming EP/album?

There's so far a few cool bass things on the new stuff. Not so much a bass solo though.


Stevo and I were in the studio all day yesterday. It went better than we expected. We intended to only get 2 songs done but ended up recording 4 new songs.
We should have some pics and some video of the recording session to post soon of some. Check back soon.



What's going on?

Yesterday Deryck and I wrapped up another day of recording drums at a studio in Hollywood.
I think we got through 3 or 4 songs. I don't really remember...
I stop counting after the first couple of takes and spend the rest of the session admiring my taut biceps.
In addition to my massive arms, we're all pretty excited with how the new stuff is coming along.




How's it going?
It's been a little while since I could get on here and give you guys some updates.
Not much is really that new to be honest. We're still just working on new songs.
And so far the process has been amazing. we have bunch of stuff we really like and a lot of it is finished.
There will be some new video shit too! Dipple's been hard at work putting some road to ruins together so you should see that very soon.
Also we will have some footage of stevo and I recording some of the new songs as well. So check back soon.





There was talk about doing an EP and then that turned into other things.
Next thing you know we're sitting here with a whole bunch of songs that we really like.
So instead of doing anything else we've just decided to go and make a full album.
As to when it will come out, I don't know. I would say it's safe to say it will be out this year.
Unless for some reason we need to keep going and it pushes it back further.
But right now everything is on track and feels good.
Things are going to start moving fast here so keep checking back for updates as much as possible.



I will have a new song to post soon for you guys soon.



I hate to say this but our the powers that be, that I won't specifically mention,
Will NOT let me put out the song I was about to give you guys.
They think lyrically it's "too much" and I've gone too far. which I disagree.
I think the song is really cool and you guys will totally love it.
I am still going to try and put it out, but sometimes contracts can be a bitch.




Something very cool has been happening.

1) I've been writing a lot lately
2) Just like on every album we put out, my writing process changes every time

And to be honest I'm not sure why. It just kind of happens.
The cool thing about this time is that for some reason everything is coming so natural and I really am not thinking about any of it.
And so far I have about 16 new songs and every single song I have, I'm singing about things that I've never talked about before on any other album.

I guess I'm telling you this because I'm actually surprising myself.
And at this point I wasn't really expecting that. There's not much else to tell really, other than I'm starting to get really excited about where these songs are going.
Musically we're going somewhere different and now lyrically it's totally different. But I really feel like it's working well.



New video update #4 from studio.


New Songs, Denny's, Sleep Deprivation, Red Wine and A Massage Chair? - 1 Night in LA by Cone

I was just in LA for 3 days and 2 nights on Feb. 23rd - 25th.

I have been getting some messages from people asking me what I have been up to lately.
There had been a lot of of stuff but I thought I would share with you one day I recently had in LA.

I was on vacation for 2 weeks in the caribbean prior to going to LA. Everyone knows about the amount of partying and drinking you can do on vacation.
Done with being constantly "vacation drunk" everyday I thought when I went to LA I would take it easy.
Little did I know. I flew home to Toronto from vacation on the 25th getting in at 11PM. I get to bed just after midnight.
I was up at 5:30 AM the next morning to catch my flight to LA. A pretty bumpy flight lands around 11:30 AM LA time.

I grab a rental car and drive to meet Dipple for a Burrito. Then I had to be at Denny's for 4 PM to create our meal for their Late Night Rock Star Menu (the reason I went down to LA).
Then we all decided that we wanted to go for dinner later so Deryck went home for a bit and Steve and I went to a pub down the street for beer.
We talked about music, videos and the state and downward spiral of the real estate market (haha, yes we are old men!).

After the beer we head back out to go meet Deryck at an Italian restaurant. Steve had to drive home to Long Beach so he takes off after dinner.
Deryck invites me to come by his place to listen to a few new songs he had written. We get to Deryck's and crack a bottle of red wine.
It's my favorite red wine right now called Toasted Head Merlot. 1 glass in Deryck says "don't worry about how much you drink 'cause you can stay over tonight."

We start listening to songs, drinking wine, listening to songs, drinking wine, on and on.
Before you know it we were quickly through 2 bottles of wine and had listened to most of the new songs he had written.
They sound fucking awesome! Some of them I have heard before and already played on and some of them I had never heard. Brand new ones.
I am real excited about the new album. It doesn't really sound like anything we have ever done but still sounds like Sum 41.
I am really into it.

We then realize that we had just drank the rest of the stash of wine that he had. So then he walks in the room with a big 'ol bottle of Grey Goose Vodka.
A bunch of glasses of Vodka later my motor skills were gone. I couldn't string a sentence together. Deryck says we should go make pizza.
The pizza was great but I was so drunk that I forgot that I am lactose intolerant and the pizza had loads of cheese on it.
I should apologize to Deryck and his couch for the smells that came out of me after that. I happen to glance over at the clock and it reads "5:30 am".
I calculate in my head that it would be 8:30 am in Toronto. That would mean I would have been up for 27 hours now.

Now extremely tired and extremely drunk we sit around talking and listening to music for another half hour and Deryck says he's going to bed.
I ask him where his massage chair is and as he's walking up his stairs to bed he points to his basement.
I stumble down stairs and snoop around looking for the massage chair.
I finally find it and settle in. I put it on some random setting and pass out. I wake up about an hour later to 6 knobs driving into my back.
I shut that down and head up stairs to bed. By this time the sun is fully up. 2 days later I fly home still hung over. I think my liver is bruised from the past 3-4 weeks.
Time to decompress. Not the craziest story in the world but what happened the next night is too X-rated to tell...

The whole moral of this story, I am very excited about the new songs and I hate booze right now. Talk to you all soon. Don't drink and drive.



New video update #5 from studio.


Deryck, do you have any completely finished songs for the new album, and what previous album do they sound like most?

We have completely written songs but we don't have any "completely" recorded songs yet.
We're still in the early stages of putting ideas together. And as far as which album it sounds like, it doesn't sound like any particular album.

I can tell you so far it's darker and more aggressive than previous stuff. It's pretty in your face, balls to the walls, fast aggressive rock music.
It's much more intense than UH. I can put it that way. There's a lot of guitar playing on the new songs as well.
And I don't mean noodling for the sake of noodling. It's hard to explain I guess.

But having said all that it's still so early in the process that some things can change and some songs may not make it on the album at all.
You never know at this point. It's just too early to tell right now. not sure if that gives you any idea but that's probably the best way I can describe the new songs I'm writing right now.


Although I do like Always, most of the new stuff sounds quite different from that.
It's a lot bigger and more intense.



After small tour:
Now it's back to working on the new Sum 41 album! So far this new record is sounding pretty heavy!


26/06/09 chat with Deryck

what's the next record going to sound like?

That's a really hard question to answer just because it's not finished yet.
I'm still just in the writing phase. So far it's impossible to compare it to any of our previous albums because it's so different.
But if I had to say something, it would starting off where Chuck left off in a way.
The songs I've been writing are really big sounding and aggressive.

It's sort of like the next step from Chuck and particularly "We're All To Blame",
in the sense that it has a lot of different styles of music in one song but tends to lean more to the darker heavier side.
Again I don't mean it sounds like that but that's the best example I can give right now. Hope that makes some kind of sense.

My question is are you going to be more political on this next album?

I don't know. so far no. I did that on the last 3 albums and even I'm getting bored of it.
Also there's a lot to anticipate in politics right now. I hope for the best.

Have you written any piano ballads lately?

I have a whole bunch of ideas and they're very broad.
What I've been thinking of doing is just mixing them altogether some how.
Heavy, melodic, fast, aggressive, meaningful. I want to do it all on this album.

Found a name for the new record ?

We a few names but not one that we've decided on yet.

"We're still not anywhere close to making this album.
The songs we have so far have been really exciting but as I keep writing I keep beating the songs I wrote previously.
So I want to keep going. I'd rather take the time to make the best record we can even if it takes a little longer."



Hey thanks for tuning into the the absolutepunk chat.
There were so many questions and I was trying to answer as many as I could but obviously ended up missing a bunch.
Sorry about that. I've since seen a lot of questions regarding the new album so here's where we're at.

I was writing a lot of songs around the new year. Songs that I was really liking. And every song I would write, I was beating the songs I wrote previous.

Then we had to go out on tour and we've been either performing, or rehearsing all the old songs for the past few months and I haven't had as much time to get into writing for the new album.
The good thing is I do have a lot of ideas for songs and although I can't sit and write them out completely, I'm really excited about them.

I'm still coming up with new songs and ideas that are beating the songs I've written recently so I figure as long as I'm getting better and better
I might as well keep on writing until I can't write anything else that's very good. Because I'd rather put out a great record later than a crappy record sooner.

Thank you for everyone's patience and I promise you we're doing our best to make the greatest thing we can possibly make at this time in our lives. We'll see ya soon!



Deryck and I are going into the studio to record a new song today. It's a fucking ripper so we're pretty excited.
Tomorrow we pack up all our shit because we fly to NYC on Tuesday to start up the Offspring Tour. It's going to be awesome.
The first show is at the Roseland Ballroom which is one of our favorite venues.
We'll be update this journal from the road so check back often for more updates!!
Hope to see you at the show!!



Is there a specific direction your newer material is headed?

It’s definitely got some direction to it, yeah. We had started originally writing an EP, six or seven songs,
but when I played the material for people they would say “You’ve almost got a full album here, and this is really good.
You should keep going, it’s just five more songs.” So I kept writing songs, and now all of the original songs on the EP have been outdone.
I’m just going to keep going until I’m stop topping myself.


Whibley typically doesn't let expectations from labels, agents or fans influence him.
He's currently writing “aggressive, fast, darker, intense” material for the next Sum record, and producing songs for his wife Avril Lavigne.

“Life is pretty good, so to get me to leave my life and go on tour for a year and half, (the next album's) got to be something great,”
says Whibley, who celebrates his third wedding anniversary Wednesday.

“I don't want to put out a record that just has some good songs on it. I want to do something that goes beyond anything we've ever done.”


Deryck said they are "half way done" with the new album.


Brown Tom:
"I wrote one song already for Sum 41, I think it will be on the record because Deryck really likes it. I'll write a lot more once I finish touring,
I need to write for both bands.(Sum 41 & Gob) We both need new records.


Now we're going to knuckle down and finish this album!!
Deryck and I will probably start rehearsing once a week pretty soon and Cone will come down every month and we can battle about kick patterns,
bass parts and guitar riffs. Hell, we'll even bring Brown Tom so he can add a new dynamic to the creative experience
- strolling around in his tighty orangies.



In an interview Steve and Cone did, they said to expect the new album to be released around the summer of 2010,
although it might be released sooner 'cause in the same interview they claimed to have 5 or 6 songs done.

Watch here:

Part 1:

Part 2:


Cone did radio interview, listen to it here: ... erview.mp3


Deryck and Stevo are recording a new track today!
Maybe we can skype Cone and Brown Tom in on this and make it a Fourgie.

(Sum 41 Twitter)


Things are going very well with us right now. Still writing and recording demos.
We've got a bunch of great ideas and we're in the process of putting all these ideas into complete songs.
The most important and exciting, but also somewhat time consuming, is trying to find a producer we think will fit this record perfectly.
We have a long list of people that we're meeting and hope to finally pick someone soon. As soon as we do I'll let you all know. Thanks



Interview with Deryck:

The album is born from the creation of a EP. Why?

Well my intent was just to make an EP to bridge the gap between albums because I knew it would take a while to get a new record out.
But when EP was done and I listened to the whole thing I felt it was too good to just be an EP, and if I kept writing, maybe I could have an album done sooner than I thought.
So I've been writing and demoing a buch of songs. The only problem is that we had to do bunch of touring this year which pushed my writing aside and now I have to pick it back up again and get back into it.

How do you compose for this album? With which steps? And who works on the composition?

Well it's kind of the way it always has been. I lock myself in a room for a period of time alone and then songs come out. Some are good some are bad. Then I decide which ones I feel are the strongest and
then I send them to the rest of the band. They learn them, then we get together and practice them, then go into the studio to record them. Sometimes writing is really easy for me and sometimes it's torture.

What are the thematics for the lyrics ?

I'm still not quite at that part yet but I do have a lot of words and lines written and a few themes for certain songs. But they haven't quite taken shape yet so I can't really describe them.
All I can say is that so far everything I've written about has been something completely new that I've never talked about before.
I'm sure at the end of the day there will be something that I've sang before but in a different way. I'm just not that far yet.

It seems now that the work is well avanced, so how would you define this record? You talked about a dark, speed and agressive one, has this direction been kept?

Yes, definitely. It's really aggressive big sounding record. It's very guitar heavy. It doesn't sound like any of the other records we've done, but still sounds like something that could come out of Sum 41,
if that makes any sense. I'd say it takes off where Chuck ended but takes everything to a whole new level.
It really doesn't sound anything like Chuck or Does This Look Infected?, but if you like those records I don't see why you wouldn't like this.
But again, at the end of the day it's not finished yet and that's also just my opinion.

Stevo talked about an accordion solo of Tom. We all know that Stevo's humour is stupid but it says true things. So what about this solo?

So far that hasn't happened but anything is possible I guess. If it works in a song I'm not against the idea. But it would really have to suit the song.

We heard about a song that Cone wrote during Underclass Hero's session where he sung, but it never has been released. Will this one be on the new album?

No I don't think that song will fit on this record. That song has still never been fully completed yet. Maybe we'll release it as a B-Side or something.

In which Era of 2010 do you think this record will come out?

It's too hard to say now but I can promise you we're doing our best to get it done and out ASAP!


Off to Toronto for some rehersals w/ Coner. There for 2 weeks!



Me and Deryck were just driving around Toronto listening to our new songs. This album is gonna rule!



You recently went to Toronto with Steve to hold rehearsals with Cone, how did the guys react to the new material?

Great! They hadn't heard a lot of my new stuff. So far anyone I play it for has been really impressed and says it's our best stuff.
I mean music always comes down to matter of opinion obviously, so I guess you can take that for what it's worth.

During the Underclass Hero recording, you searched high and low for certain guitar sounds. Are you looking for new guitar tones or attitudes to use on this album?

Yes! But even more this time. I really want to try and create sounds that I've never heard before.


Deryck and I are going to start practicing new songs. We might even record one in D's home studio!



Interview about the new album with Deryck, Cone, Steve and Tom:


Studio video #6


Record is going great. I think it's a very dark sounding record.
So far it got some of the heavy stuff we've ever done but there's also a lot of new direction for us. It's a very big layered record.


Are you guys going to make a song like pieces on your new album?

Sort of. There's some mellow stuff on the record as well as really fast and heavy stuff.
And as far as sad, that's hard to say because lyrics mean different things to different people.
Like I said it is a dark feeling record so there will be a moody vibe to the songs.


Producer meetings went amazing! We think we have our guy! Going to start recording the new record November 1st. Can't wait!



Working on new music all week. Starting rehearsals and pre-production soon!



I just wrote an amazing new song on my acoustic! I can already visualize it in my head. It's going to sound epic!



Will be heading to LA in the next week or 2 to start practicing. Perfect timing it's getting fucking cold in Toronto now.



Rehearsals actually starting today! We've got a producer! Cone and Tom Booking flights! 2 new songs! 15 total! holy shit!!


Stevo & Deryck loaded all the gear into the new rehearsal space... but forgot sticks and guitar picks. So we ended early and went drinkin'.


In terms of sound, Whibley said fans should brace themselves for a less poppy, more punchy record.

“We’re talking about going to France for a bit, maybe, to record. I want to record in, like, some, like, crazy Chateau somewhere outside of Paris, just to do something different.”

"We haven’t laid down too many tracks yet but we have 15 to 18 songs written"

“We’re working right now so it'll be released hopefully by spring next year.”



Going to LA tomorrow and starting rehearsals for a few weeks. Everything is starting back up! Here we go again!



Cone is on a flight to LA right now. We're finally starting to rehearse the new record!! Fuck yeah! Brown Tom will get in sometime tomorrow. Yes!!

In true Sum 41 fashion - we settle for nothing but the very best: Our rehearsal space is in the nicest part of the ghetto and smells of the sweetest piss in the city.
All the roaches wear tuxedos and the crappy metal band across the hallway is actually gonna make it big. Toot Toot!! I'm thoroughly jazzed...

Time to knock the dust off of the beer fridge and return to our art after a long period of hibernation.
We will keep you posted. Things are REALLY happening now... (All the previous posts were bullshit...)


Yesterday was our 1st official practice for the new album. It was pretty fucking amazing
The night before, Deryck, Cone and stayed up drinking until about 5am and I passed out on Deryck's couch. When I woke up it looked like a bomb had gone off in the room.

Needless to say I was really hungover and had stains all over my shirt - I looked like a hobo and had also lost my wallet.
So I really was broke. When I went to guitar center I didn't have enough money for drumsticks and had to blow the guy for some cheap wood.
Needless to say, we didn't get a whole lot acomplished. However, we DID make friends with the nice girls that work at the bagel shop next door.... Party on - Free bagels!!

Today is practice # 2. I don't know any of these songs....



Practice is going kickass. Brown Tom was supposed to be here today but he missed his flight in NYC because "The lines were really long".
Hmm..... I think Brown Tom might be a better guitar player than liar. He probably stayed up late last night tea-bagging pizzas and slept in a pool of him own vomit.
Now THAT's forgivable!

We managed to get thru practice w/o him and blasted our way thru the 8 songs we have . This album is gonna be uber badass!!


We are back at it again today. We took the day off yesterday but now we are practicing again till I leave on Sunday.

Sum 41 Twitter


Going to look at a potential studio for the album today plus practicing a brand new song at practice.

Sum 41 Twitter


Rehearsals are going great. We've only got about 8 songs ready so it takes about 20 minutes to practice the whole record twice.
Our musicianship is spot on right now... Our web updates could use some work tho...


Today was the last day of about 10 days of rehearsals in LA. We mainly concentrated on about 8 or 9 songs.
I think Steve is happy to done for bit so he doesn't have to drive 2 or 3 hours everyday from Long Beach.
We did a little photo shoot today too with our friend John Asher. We should be able to post some new pics pretty soon. Tom and I go home tomorrow.

We will be coming back down to the sun in about 3 or 4 weeks to practice some more and start Pre Production for the album.
Deryck and I went and saw a studio today that was pretty cool. Could be a potential place to record the new record. It was pretty awesome. Thats about it.
Everything is going good and the new songs are turning out pretty fuckin' awesome and aggressive. I think all our fans will like this album a lot.
Can't wait to record and then get back on tour! Till then........... Talk to you all soon.



Well it's been a while since my last update. And a lot has been happening over the past few months. Most importantly we've finally picked our producer for the new album.
We've decided to work with the legendary Gil Norton!! Gil really gets the vision and direction of this new record and we're really excited to be working with him.
About 20 or so songs are written. We've been in a rehearsal studio for the past few weeks and plan on recording this album over the next few months.

I can't wait to get back out on the road and start playing these new songs.
As far as the sound of the new record, it's always hard to explain something you're supposed to listen to but it's definitely a darker bigger sounding record than we've ever done.
There's a lot of fast, heavy kind of stuff but there's also some really melodic interesting music as well. A bit of everything and it's pretty extreme. Not sure if that makes any sense or not... Ha ha.
See you all soon.



It's all happening now! We have a kickass producer lined up for the new record.
And his name is... Well, we can't tell you yet! BUT, he's awesome, he's done some amazing shit and it's the perfect fit for this album.
It's going to be rad!

Starting pre-pro in two weeks! Can't wait!


I go to LA in 2 weeks and we continue to practice for a bit and then start pre-production with our producer for a few weeks.
We will start recording our new album in the middle of Jan. and will probably take a few months.


Heading back into the studio in a couple of days to start pre-pro for the new record. There are about 10 songs now. Gonna be superbadass.


Today our producer Gil Norton flies into LA. Him and I are going to spend the next week talking and going over all the songs.
Next week the whole band is getting together and we officially start full pre production.
Can't wait to start recording. We've rented a house in the hollywood hills that we're all going to live in and record in. I'm sure there will be some interesting stories!



Gil Norton and I have been working in my studio for the past few days. We've mapped the whole record.
Everything has been going amazing. This record is going to be so much fun to make. It's going to be a lot of work.
Probably more work than any other record we've ever done. But it's all worth it. I love the direction this record is taking. More updates soon!



Sitting at the Toronto airport on my way to LA. The customs agent told me our band should be called "Puck Off". Haha. Get it! Hhhmmmmmm.



First day in our swanky, top of the hill, orgy den, pimp pad/recording studio. This place is pretty badass.
It's a total 60s swingers pad and I think I found one of Jimmy Page's old pubes in the bathroom - a little bit of rock history right there in my hand!!

The first day of rehearsing/practicing was badass. The songs are sounding sweet!
We went down to Ralph's to stock up on supplies to the pimp palace and ended up spending $700 on booze and potato chips. Somehow - that combination makes us more "creative".
Heading out to band dinner tonight - hopefully at one of those fancy sushi joints where you get to food off of hot babes.
We'll be adding video updates, pics, vlogs, blogs, journals, tweets, twits, twats and twoots for the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled.
Here's a pic from the deck of our bitchen' studio/house - so sick!!

Pre-Production - 31/11/09


Sloooooow day today. Working on a slow song and it's going slow.


We finally figured this slow song out & it sounds awesome! We gave it a really cool bridge. This one is single material.


Today has so far been pretty uneventful. We don't have a chorus for this one song so instead we're just sitting around eating sandwiches

Alright - we're scrapping that one for now and working on a heavier one. Thank goodness...

This one heavy song is ripping and badass. Tom wrote the riff - it has weird timing that hurts what's left of Stevo's brain...


Today deryck is at home writing. Cone & Stevo are working with Gil in the studio. Tom is out shopping for more tighty pinkies...


Most of the songs are really close now. Tomorrow is a day off. Deryck is playing w/ Camp Freddy @the roxy. We'll get back into on Sat.


New Sum 41 album in the Summer of 2010 coming!



Cone chat on

We've heard D describe the new sound, what are your thoughts on it?

Cone McCaslin:
I would say the new album is very intense. Its really hard and heavy at times and very very soft at times.
I know we say this every album and most of time its true but this new album is really like nothing we've ever done.
The best way to look at it is the whole album is in the same vein as "We're All To Blame". The way that song is all over the place.
Soft, hard, heavy, soft ect. Nothing sounds like that song but thats the idea I guess. The album goes in new directions all the time.
Thats the best way I can describe it.

What kind of bass lines can we expect on the new album?

Cone McCaslin:
I have been working with our producer Gil Norton on bass stuff and also working on bass stuff at home.
There's some cool stuff. Gil is also a bass player so its been a good experience. Some stuff I play on this album is very basic and some stuff goes off a little bit.
The main focus was just to help the song and serve the song and not do crazy bass parts just to serve my ego. Thats big enough already!

How has making this album differed from making Underclass Hero?

Cone McCaslin:
I think its good having an outside ear in the studio. Deryck will even tell you he didn't want to produce Underclass but we just couldn't find anyone on the last album that we wanted and was available.
Underclass was fun to make and I'm sure this one will be fun too.
Having Tom around on this one helps too as he can play a second guitar part in practice and hes also a song writer and front man and has made many records.
On the last one it was just the 3 of us so we were missing that fullness in practice.

At first you guys started writing EP. Any of those EP songs gonna be on the album?

Cone McCaslin:
Ya. Most of those songs will be on it. Maybe 1 or 2 won't. "Always" was going to be on the EP but now its not on the album cause we just released on the Best of.

18/01/10 ->

Sum 41 enters into studio to record their fifth full length album

Day #1

First day in the studio and... Nothing was recorded! but that's typical for the first day. we did get some sweet sounds out of the snare tho

Day #2

In the studio - We start actually tracking songs today (this time for real!)

The first drum track just got more laid than Charlie Sheen in a pile of hookers

Scratch that last one... We are starting that song over again...

2nd day in the can... We only did two songs. Hopefully tomorrow we'll pick up the pace and knock out 4. Come on Stevo - quit being a pussy

Day #3

I just recorded with snare drum that was used on November Rain. Big Red rules

Day #4

Steve just finished a song and starting a new one soon. He's about half way done everything.

Day #5

Day 5 today in the studio. Steve is just finishing up a ripper!

Deryck and Cone put fairy lights all over the studio - it looks like a whore house now...

Day #6

Today we are working on a slower song. We've vibe'd out the studio with some lights to get in the mood!

Day #7

We're working on a song that Deryck just finished writing 2 days ago.

Day #8

Going through all the drums today to make sure we got everything. Today is the last day at the studio for drums. Bass and guitars are next! - We're down with Tom Brown.

Brown Tom Interview by Sum 41 France.

Will you sing on the new album ?

As far as I know I won't be doing vocals on the new sum41 record. Deryck will likely be singing all the parts but certainly if he wants me to record some vocals I'll do it.

Did you take part in the composition? More precisely the composition of solos and lyrics.

I wrote a song for the sum 41 record and Deryck wrote the lyrics for the song, it's called "Panic Attack" it turned out awesome.
The solo is sort of a collaboration of mine and Deryck's ideas. There's also a great song that Cone wrote called "Like everyone else"
other than that Deryck wrote the songs.

What doo you think about the new album?

I think the new record combines the depth of the writing of Underclass with the cohesive heavy sound of Does this look infected so yeah, I think it will be the best album yet.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:11 pm
by Gregorovich
That was absolutely epic, man. Nice work is all I can say.


Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:16 pm
by DW_60
samueeL wrote:New video update #4 from studio.
It's Hapiness Machines
samueeL wrote:New video update #5 from studio.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:16 pm
by Andros
Gregorovich wrote:That was absolutely epic, man. Nice work is all I can say.

Agree with you, awesome, epic and it's interesting to read the whole process. Great job man.
And damn Amin those songs sounds awesome lol and I don't remember those studio updates.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:19 pm
by Nic
Wow man. Impressive. Very nice work.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:21 pm
by DW_60
Very good topic man !

Can we translate it and put it on our website ?

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:22 pm
by Jesus Christ Supermarket
Thanks! I thought all those first 5 vids vanished!

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:23 pm
by samueeL
Cheers. I like the chorus of Crash. Well at least I think it's a chorus.

Yeah of course Amin, go for it.
Jesus Christ Supermarket wrote:Thanks! I thought all those first 5 vids vanished!
I posted every one of those early updates on my youtube account just a minute ago. I don't if those first 3 got deleted too but 4 & 5 haven't been in youtube for a year or so.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:25 pm
by PTswim41
reading all this brings back so many memories hahaha

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:25 pm
by Andros
samueeL wrote:Cheers. I like the chorus of Crash. Well at least I think it's a chorus.

Yeah of course Amin, go for it.
I have a question, in this video is the chorus of Crash? Or you heard the chorus of Crash?

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:26 pm
by DW_60
samueeL wrote: Brown Tom Interview by Sum 41 France.

Will you sing on the new album ?

As far as I know I won't be doing vocals on the new sum41 record. Deryck will likely be singing all the parts but certainly if he wants me to record some vocals I'll do it.

Did you take part in the composition? More precisely the composition of solos and lyrics.

I wrote a song for the sum 41 record and Deryck wrote the lyrics for the song, it's called "Panic Attack" it turned out awesome.
The solo is sort of a collaboration of mine and Deryck's ideas. There's also a great song that Cone wrote called "Like everyone else"
other than that Deryck wrote the songs.

What doo you think about the new album?

I think the new record combines the depth of the writing of Underclass with the cohesive heavy sound of Does this look infected so yeah, I think it will be the best album yet.
Oh my interview ! Thank you for that ;)
samueeL wrote:Yeah of course Amin, go for it.
Thanks dude

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:29 pm
by DW_60
Andros wrote:
samueeL wrote:Cheers. I like the chorus of Crash. Well at least I think it's a chorus.

Yeah of course Amin, go for it.
I have a question, in this video is the chorus of Crash? Or you heard the chorus of Crash?
No this is the crash intro with Deryck voice. The intro is not that long

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:30 pm
by Andros
DW_60 wrote:
Andros wrote:
samueeL wrote:Cheers. I like the chorus of Crash. Well at least I think it's a chorus.

Yeah of course Amin, go for it.
I have a question, in this video is the chorus of Crash? Or you heard the chorus of Crash?
No this is the crash intro with Deryck voice. The intro is not that long
Thanks!!! lol do you remember some lyrics of the song?

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:31 pm
by Nic
Posted on the TNS Facebook/Twitter.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:32 pm
by gejmik
this is epic! That must've taken hours. Thanks a lot for such a topic I think it'll make clear many questions about SBM to many users.

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:35 pm
by Aaron
nice job man! this must have taken forever!

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:36 pm
by Mitchell
Nic wrote:Posted on the TNS Facebook/Twitter.
Posted on the homepage

Re: Making of The Album - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:37 pm
by Nic
blackhawk1105 wrote:
Nic wrote:Posted on the TNS Facebook/Twitter.
Posted on the homepage
You're learnin' kid. You're learnin'. :happy:

Re: Making of SBM - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:43 pm
by SickofEveryone
Thanks for posting! This is awesome!

Re: Making of SBM - Text Version

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:43 pm
by Mitchell
I'm finally done reading all of it..

I'm so fucking glad that you reuploaded update 4 & 5.. I love the music in the background and I really like how Deryck behaved around that time.. he looked a lot younger and was really serious about making this album..