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iPhone 4

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:15 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Okay, so I was thinking of getting an unlocked iPhone 4. It just seems ideal to not have to be a part of annoying contracts and just just SIM cards from different service providers, especially since I might be living in California with my uncle for a few months. I just have some questions that hopefully some of you guys might be able to answer.

I still have about a year left on my contract with Rogers. Would I have to end that contract in order to use my iPhone? I plan on just using the SIM cards from Rogers.

I'm taking the phone from Canada to the US, so would I be able to continue to use the phone with just SIM cards from the US? It'd be nice not to have to sign up with AT&T.

I haven't had much time to research the answers as I've been at work most of this time, so if anyone can help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Re: iPhone 4

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:46 pm
by Jake
im not sure if you'd get charged extra for stuff holding a canadian contract but being in america.

And if your current tarif dosen't have unlimited/a fairly decent amount of data then you may wanna upgrade slightly, but otherwise, you wouldn't have to end the contract. (i live with a 750mb fair usage policy)

your current sim card will work, but you need to cut it to fit the iphone 4's micro sim format, otherwise you should be able to call your provider and ask them to send you a micro sim.

As always, if you buy an unlocked iPhone it will work on any network, anywhere. And should you wish to change providers in the future, the option will remain open.

iPhone's are also pretty easy to self-unlock, so long as you don't update the firmware without there being a new unlock for that firmware.

Re: iPhone 4

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:06 pm
by Queso Man
I've heard the being out of the country really buttfucks you with an iPhone. Like it will insanely charge you for whatever calls or data you make, and you don't realize

Re: iPhone 4

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:24 pm
by Max
You'd have to pay off or use your existing contract with your iPhone 4.

If you were swapping SIMs moving between US and Canada you'd have to make sure you paid for data usage on the SIMs otherwise you'd have to pay a lot. At the end of the day there's no point paying for both so you might as well just wait to find out if you're gonna be living in California or not.

You're best asking someone in the US/Canada with an iPhone 4 cause I'm only guessing from what I know in the UK.