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Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:25 am
by Queso Man
Now that it's been 3 years since the official release of Underclass Hero, how do you feel about it in comparison to how you felt on that fateful day so long ago?

I feel the same hype building up for Screaming Bloody Murder, though this time I believe it will be truly amazing as a rock record should be. I love Underclass Hero, but we all know it was more poppy than we expected out of Sum 41.

Yay July 24th

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:43 am
by Billy41

I feel the same way about it as you.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:56 am
by HugoDisasters
I feel exactly the same way, I'm super excited since Scumfuck seems to get me really where i like music at most.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:31 am
by samueeL
It's been already 3 years? Dammit. It reminds me of summer of 07. I listened to it yesterday and it made me feel all summerish.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:45 am
by Hentaiman
Damn, and I hoped Screaming Bloody Murder will be released before its gonna be 3 years since UH... I mean, we all hoped for a May-June release all along since like January when they started recording.. then August and even that is not realistic anymore.. so yeah SBM will be released like 3 and a half years or whatever after UH hah.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:57 am
by FuckT41182
I think that I like it more then I did 3 years ago ...I remember the first touch with UH ...they released March of the dogs and I didn't really like it that much ...but then I fell in love with it and now as I can understand the lyrics without using a translator it's better :P I think that I like it more because I can understand what he sings now ...I like UH and I can say that Speak of the Devil is one of my favorites songs by Sum 41 ...

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:41 pm
by sumfan4
I'm not sure when I got UH. It was probably in the fall of '07, but I wasn't following Sum 41 like I do now, so I didn't know the album was out, I just saw it in Wal-Mart one time with my friend and wanted to buy it, but I waited a few months. Wow I didn't even have all their albums yet, I was still missing HHOP, which I saw the summer before in a record store, but I didn't get I'm not sure why.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:14 pm
by Jesus Christ Supermarket
Utter disapointment.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:32 pm
by Jeremy Kill
I got my copy of Underclass Hero July 14, 2007 (that's right, I downloaded the leak, lulz). I almost played it in my car on the way home from the city today, but I decided not to. It's a nice summer album, but I can't really stand listening to it anymore. I admit I was disappointed when it came out, but I still listened the shit out of it for the sake of it being new Sum 41. There are some good songs though that always remind me of waking up at 6AM in a tent, hungover from the bush party last night and then having to drive home on an empty highway. Speak of the Devil and Best of Me are, oddly, the songs that stand out and give me that feeling of "Summer 2007".

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:41 pm
by Boni
In fairness it was released in the UK 23rd of July.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:58 pm
by soft-punker
Wow, 3 years... It's the most important album in my life. My cousin gave it to me in july, 2007. This album is the reason why I started to like music, before that I just listened to different songs by different artists on the TV. It's probably my most played album, but since I know their other albums, UH is my least favourite. But it doesn't matter, I love this one, because of the memories, and what this album means to me.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:04 pm
by TomiT14
Funny thing. Checked back the 2nd anniversary thread, and my opinion has changed drastically since.
TomiT14 wrote:To me, after the release date, it was the best album I've ever listened to. I almost didn't listen to anything else for the next few months. I just loved it.

Now, it's a still great album. But now it isn't as clear favourite as it used to be. But still a good listen every once in a while.
Today, I think it's the best album I've ever heard. The whole thing from the beginning to the end is just a masterpiece.

And to compare my excitement, I listened to UH the song about 400 times before the album came out.
Now my listening count for Scumfuck is 397, so yes, I'm very excited about the new album this time too.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:20 pm
by Jeremy Kill
^Nice, I went further back to find the One Year Anniversary thread to document my posts. Needless to say, I can count on myself to be consistent, haha. ... f=4&t=6147
Underclass Hero 1 Year Anniversary (2008) wrote:Another thing, I don't think Underclass Hero really showcased a lot of the best parts about Sum 41. Deryck slacked off on guitar riffs and Cone's creativity with the bass was weak for this album and some of that had to do with Deryck. On top of that, many songs share the same chord progression and vocal melodies.

Deryck has to go back to writing riffs and let Cone be creative.

And for the record

All Killer, Infected, Chuck > Underclass Hero ... =4&t=10340
Underclass Hero 2 Year Anniversary (2009) wrote:I had the CD in my car all summer of 2007. I listened to the album front to back, never skipping a song. Fuck, I bought two copies of the exact same album because I downloaded the leak. Every song I listen to off this album is the sound of that summer.

Nonetheless, I was extremely disappointed with this album because I thought the musical direction wasn't going to change (that's what I remember Deryck saying anyway). The songs just sounded empty to me. I haven't listened to this album in a really long time actually.
EDIT: Of course, these days I'd like to think I'm not as harsh or critical towards Underclass Hero as I used to be in the past. After having to explain my reasons for not liking it so much, I guess I just got desensitized to it and stopped caring. I'm sure once Screaming Bloody Murder is released and I take that entire album all in, musical-osmosis-style, I will acknowledge Underclass Hero as a vital part of the band's growth. So far that remains true after listening to Scumfuck. Though, I hope they really push themselves this time. It would be nice to listen to the album and not feel like they've done that sort of thing already. Even if it doesn't sound like traditional Sum 41. I say, fuck tradition and fuck what the fans want, just make music. People will like it, people will hate it.

That actually brings me to another point with Underclass Hero. It was as if the band was trying to please the majority of their fans by going back to a "classic Sum 41" sound. The title track is easily the best example of why I don't like the album much. However, it's probably the only song closest to "old Sum 41" than any of the others. I'll admit the rest of the album is almost uncharted territory for the band. Wow, this was longer than I expect it to be. I'll stop here and anyone let me know if you want to hear more, haha.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:33 pm
by TomiT14
And just for a note, this is the first time the 3-year mark has been reached between the Sum 41 studio albums.
Hopefully this doesn't mean the gap between albums will continue increasing.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:54 am
by 41salute
It was released on the 23rd here in the UK. I was up early in the morning to go buy it. That was unnecessary as there was very little demand for it.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:10 am
by Jake-41
TomiT14 wrote:Funny thing. Checked back the 2nd anniversary thread, and my opinion has changed drastically since.
TomiT14 wrote:To me, after the release date, it was the best album I've ever listened to. I almost didn't listen to anything else for the next few months. I just loved it.

Now, it's a still great album. But now it isn't as clear favourite as it used to be. But still a good listen every once in a while.
Today, I think it's the best album I've ever heard. The whole thing from the beginning to the end is just a masterpiece.

And to compare my excitement, I listened to UH the song about 400 times before the album came out.
Now my listening count for Scumfuck is 397, so yes, I'm very excited about the new album this time too.
I can always count on you to write my opinions so i dont have too, lol.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:22 pm
by Mr-David-Blues
I Listened to the whole album 2day driving into work and im falling in love with it again
been listening 2 the slower songs on the album (Best of Me, With Me & So Long Goodbye) reccently but I love every song on that album <3

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:08 pm
by d4rkst4r
i feel the same way sort of as Jeremy... im actually glad it will becoming out late fall (likely), it seems like most of their good albums come out later in the year. from what I remember DTLI came out in November and Chuck was like October.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:22 pm
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
TomiT14 wrote:Funny thing. Checked back the 2nd anniversary thread, and my opinion has changed drastically since.
TomiT14 wrote:To me, after the release date, it was the best album I've ever listened to. I almost didn't listen to anything else for the next few months. I just loved it.

Now, it's a still great album. But now it isn't as clear favourite as it used to be. But still a good listen every once in a while.
Today, I think it's the best album I've ever heard. The whole thing from the beginning to the end is just a masterpiece.

And to compare my excitement, I listened to UH the song about 400 times before the album came out.
Now my listening count for Scumfuck is 397, so yes, I'm very excited about the new album this time too.
jesus christ...

oh well, i used to be like this. i promise if ALL the times i've listened to the sums since i discovered DTLI that fateful day in a backwards ass nowhere wal-mart, all the way up until i found Chuck at my library, all the way up till I bought AKNF and Chuck from a cd store, to when i got a computer and bought GCY and the other stuff, my scrobbles for sum would be 50k or a bit more, no doubt. and i've listened to scumfuck almost 200 times haha.

i miss liking sum 41 that much, so many good times listening to them/being amazed over and over at a riff or lyric, verse or loop. but now, i just don't like their music much anymore. I'm bored with a lot of it, but i still love to listen and once in a while i get that amazed feel.

UH was great when it first came out, i remember rick tried to give me the leak link but my net (dial up at the time) was so slow it would of taken me 3 days to download the entire album. So i tried to get what I could off of limewire, i spent a whole day downloading 5 songs and those 5 amazed me. but that was back when I was still a huge fan-boy.

Now I look at all their music, UH is the worst for me. Too bubble-gum-sour-pop. while there are some bright spots in the album, i cant stand listening to it much. All in all, i can honestly say i DON'T like Underclass Hero.

Re: Happy 3 Years to Underclass Hero

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:07 pm
by Rocket41
I think I'm one of few who really enjoyed Underclass Hero