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A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:15 pm
by Heather
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I arrived at the venue around 12 and met up with Matt around 1:30. I hung out with him in the catering building for like an hour. We talked about the album and the contest. Around 2pm Matt went to go wake the guys up and told me to head to the merch booth to find a guy named "Lisp" (he talks with a lisp). He said I could get two shirts for free. I got the black SBM one and a red one that looks like D's "California Scum" shirt.

For the next 40 min or so I just sat in the catering building because it was air conditioned. Then Tom walked by me, but I didn't realize it was him in time to say hey, so I walked out a little later and he was with his guitar tech working on the guitars. I went over an introduced myself. I also got some picks for the Gob contest me and Aarne are working on for

Around 3:30 Matt said Deryck wanted to say hi, and told me to come to the bust at 4:30. Later he asked if I'd like to sit in on some interviews, so at 4pm I met up with Chris, Cone and Steve at the press trailer. There were three interviews, they all asked the same questions.


After they were done we walked to the bus. I stayed there till like 6pm or so. I was telling D that everyone, including myself, liked Skumfuck. He then asked if I wanted to hear any of the new songs. So we all piled in the back lounge. Deryck, Steve, Cone, Matt, Jessy and I. Yep, Jessy Moss was there for Steve's bday. We listened to two songs. I don't want to give much away, but they are heavy and melodic just like the guys said. I think those were the two they were thinking about making into singles. I saw the 12 min song on D's laptop, but couldn't make out the name. The whole time Steve kept mimicking Tom Lord-Alge's accent, which was pretty funny.

We all went back to the front lounge and Tom and Cone were both wearing black pants with white shirts, so D said one of them should change and they started taking about what to wear. They were clearing off a bunk for Jessy and Matt came out with this case and D was like "Thats really important, thats the whole album" so I guess I got to see the master copy of the album. Didn't think to take a picture. Tom then picked up a guitar and started warming up, Then Deryck started playing it and Tom and Cone stretched. (I have it on video and will upload soon) D asked me what kind of music I like and I didn't get to finish because the guitar tech asked if I wanted to go meet up with Dan on stage. I figured they wanted some time to get ready so left with him.


This is the part where I almost die of a heat stroke because I hadn't eaten. Pennywise was on the AP stage and the guys came early to see their set. D jumped around a bit and took some pics with fans, Tom talked to the stage manager, Kenny (more on him later). Matt asked where I wanted to watch the show from and I just said where ever, then I went to the restroom to pour water all over my face so I didn't pass out. When I got back out there, they had already started Hell Song. The guitar tech took me over to the stage right beside Tom, but then the Kenny guy started screaming at me "Get behind the line" honestly I'm like 2 inches over it. I try to tell him they told me to stand here, but he wasn't buying it. Then the tech came over and said something and he seemed cool about it for a while, then said something like "ok thats enough and pushed me away" I then took one quick pic behind Steve and ran over to Dan. The dude came roaring over there at me and was going to yell again, but Dan stepped in a said something. Well at this point I'm too scared to move anywhere, thinking I'll get kicked off, so I just stayed put.


Still got some nice pics. After the set, Steve told me to follow them back to the bus. Tom comes up to me and says he was going to say something to Kenny, but I had already left that spot, so I explained it all to him. Back on the bus I get the gobfanuinte shout out. And we talked briefly about my camera battery going dead. Then Matt said they had to get cleaned up and that I needed to leave and come back. I was hoping to get on the road by 8 since its a 2 hour drive so I just decided to say goodbye and leave. I hugged them all and thanked them for putting up with me. Then walked the 3 miles back to my truck, all the time bout to pass That is my Warped Tour story

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:26 pm
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
one serious question...

did you have sex with any of them?

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:31 pm
by Jesus Christ Supermarket
What the hell does "Heavy but melodic" mean? Can you compare with any other songs?

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:33 pm
by FuckT41182
cool story ;) you just don't seem to be any excited about the two songs :P

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:35 pm
by Gutter Dreams
cool story bro.
but seriously, thats awesome.

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:35 pm
by TomiT14
Fuck this shit! You got to hear the new songs! :glad:

SO glad for you and so jealous! :devious:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:35 pm
by Heather
@Charley - LOL, no
@Scott - honestly it doesn't sound like anything they've done. Its like fast and aggressive with slower melodic parts mixed in. One of the songs was really intense. Its hard to describe
@Jacob - I only heard them once so I can't really comment on them to much. I couldn't make out all the lyrics. I really liked the melodic, slower parts personally

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:37 pm
by Gutter Dreams
wait, you got to hear new songs!?!? WUTTTTT.
lucky.. sheesh.

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:44 pm
by soft-punker
Nice story. You're so lucky.

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:48 pm
by FuckT41182
soft-punker wrote:Nice story. You're so lucky.
I don't think this has anything in common with luck ...she's a handy girl

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:50 pm
by Susanne
My jaw just literally dropped while I was reading. I am SO JEALOUS but still happy for you =)
Free t-shirts, new songs, pictures, hanging out with the band, a concert.. What more could a person need in life?? :holyshit:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:52 pm
by Jesus Christ Supermarket
Do you know the names of the two songs you listened to?

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:55 pm
by TomiT14
Jesus Christ Supermarket wrote:Do you know the names of the two songs you listened to?
Blame me if you want, but I'd prefer not to know the titles yet.
I want to avoid the spoilers as much as possible. :silly:

So please Heather, if you'll going to unveil them, put something like SPOILER ALERT before it. :winkwink:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:57 pm
by Heather
^^haha, I'm not going to talk about the titles or lyrics because I'm not sure how much I'm suppose to discuss. You guys will like them though.

@Jacob - Thanks, I too would like to think it wasn't all luck, I love what I do and they are a great band to support

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:01 pm
by TomiT14
fenderrocks wrote:^^haha, I'm not going to talk about the titles or lyrics because I'm not sure how much I'm suppose to discuss. You guys will like them though.

@Jacob - Thanks, I too would like to think it wasn't all luck, I love what I do and they are a great band to support
What was the Tom's tweet about? You gave him some special treatment? :winkwink:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:03 pm
by Heather
TomiT14 wrote:What was the Tom's tweet about? You gave him some special treatment? :winkwink:
haha, no. I'm actually a really shy person so I didn't hang all over sure what it was about, maybe helping with the gob site?

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:11 pm
by Jeremy Kill
That's awesome Heather! Wow, two new songs... It's too bad Sum 41 won't be in my city for Warped Tour (I think it was one of the four they cancelled). Otherwise, I'd be right up there, "HEEEY, I KNOW NIC AND HEATHER! LET ME IN SO I CAN LISTEN TO SOME SONGS AND GO TO A BARBEQUE!!" :smile:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:13 pm
by TomiT14
Jeremy Kill wrote:Otherwise, I'd be right up there, "HEEEY, I KNOW NIC AND HEATHER! LET ME IN SO I CAN LISTEN TO SOME SONGS AND GO TO A BARBEQUE!!" :smile:
My plans exactly on their EU tour. :devious:

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:16 pm
by soft-punker
FuckT41182 wrote:
soft-punker wrote:Nice story. You're so lucky.
I don't think this has anything in common with luck ...she's a handy girl
Yeah, you're right.

Re: A day with Sum41

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:17 pm
by Emil
One lucky bastard. But hey I met Tim McIllrath from Rise Against and he fixed me in to their sold-out show.