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Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:10 am
by BCR1299
I know I might get bottled for this but I personally like the Underclass album. Im give them a ton of credit considering Brown Sound left the band. I thought the album was just going to downright suck. I was proved wrong and after hearing them live. Ive learned to like it even more. My favorites go Chuck, Does This..,All Killer, Underclass. Although i put Underclass last. I still listen to it a crap load. It has a mix of everything fast and slow.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:34 am
by Nic
I love Underclass Hero too. I'm not afraid to say it. It's not their best album but I still love every song on it.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:54 am
by Jeremy Kill
Underclass Hero is my least favorite album, but every now and again I get urges where I just want to listen to the entire thing start to finish. I think I could talk until I'm blue in the face about the pros and cons of this album. To be honest, I've probably listened to this album more than any other Sum 41 album as well. It was in my car the entire summer the year it came out and when I wasn't listening to it in my car, it was on my iPod. I hardly listen to it now though, but when I do it's start to finish in one go. It's the only way I can enjoy it for some reason and also happens to be the way it's "supposed to be" listened to, according to Deryck.

Like I said, I can talk about this album forever, but I'll just say that the reason I don't like it as much is because it sounds like Deryck lost his bite and his attitude. With Chuck, they had done the documentary in the Congo, so every angry song on the album, I related it to the Congo and the emotion felt real. With Underclass Hero, I couldn't relate to anything (especially since all songs on that album are supposedly 100% about Deryck). He sings about not getting caught in "dead end jobs" when his band got famous when he was 19. He's had one of the best jobs in the world for over 10 years. So I just couldn't take the song seriously after that first line.

I really like music with an attitude and personality. That's the main thing that attracts me to music I enjoy and bands that I like right now.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:00 am
by CNote41
Just like pretty much every other sum fan, underclass hero is probably my least favorite yet i still love it when i'm in the mood for it. the thing i love about sum 41 in general is that theres an album for every general mood, and with UH its all pretty personal to Deryck, and i agree with Jeremy Kill, the attitude and the punch that sum 41's music had really lacked in this album. Its kinda like one of those albums where if u really want to get into deep thoughts about whatever your going through without having an aggressive or angry look at it, UH is perfect for that. I also have to listen to the entire album straight through sometimes, its kinda weird… and personally i was able to relate to some of the songs pretty well like walking disaster's feel of kinda just being the "forgotten son", running away and kinda just hating ur parents or best of me's theme of wronging someone or battling the inner demons in Speak of the Devil or Pull The Curtain. Although not their best Underclass Hero's still a great album especially when you can relate or ur in the mood for the multiple somewhat angsty moods the music has.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:05 am
by Madjid
It's all a matter of taste and what else you listen to, really.
If you're into relatively heavier stuff, you'll find DTLI and Chuck more appealing, while if you're into Hey Monday, Paramore, or whatever girls listen to, AKNF would be your favorite Sum 41 album.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:25 am
by fergal41
Jeremy Kill wrote:Underclass Hero is my least favorite album, but every now and again I get urges where I just want to listen to the entire thing start to finish. To be honest, I've probably listened to this album more than any other Sum 41 album as well.

At this point, it kind of feels like a transitional album for Sum for me. It still has great songs though. I mean, I'll always love Walking Disaster, Speak of The Devil, Count Your Last Blessings and Pull The Curtain.

Sometimes I'll throw it any and listen to the whole thing all the way through and find myself thinking "Fuck this is a great song", when songs like Dear Father, Best of Me or Confusion and Frustration come on, but those four I mentioned - for me - are stand out tracks and easily some of the best they've ever written (imo!!!!)

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:57 am
by Russiain fans
I also like this album, but most fans of Sum 41 in Russia prefer to Chuck because he was heavier (metal)

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:53 pm
by Boni
Underclass Hero is a great album even though it is my least favourite of them all.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:03 pm
by 41salute
I like every song on UH except 'Dear Father' and, maybe, 'The Jester'.
Deryck's production is awesome, but it's too compressed. I think this is especially noticable in the chorus of 'Underclass Hero'. When the chorus comes in it doesn't have the jump in energy that it should, IMO.


Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:39 pm
by Heather
Fave album, but as someone mentioned, it depends on my mood. I listen to SOTD, PTC, and BOM the most. but really I just have favorite songs from each album that I listen too. I think the new album will be my favorite because it will combine everything I like about all the albums: attitude, aggression, and artistry

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:50 pm
by Susanne
Underclass Hero used to be my favourite album but now I have no idea which one I like the most. They all have their pros and cons so it's hard to decide.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:18 pm
by Emil
To much Green Day and to much piano for my taste, not to mention the daddy issues.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:05 pm
by patenttiftw
I like it, especially the songs Speak of the Devil, Pull The Curtain and Best of Me.

...Oh yeea, and I find Underclass Hero pretty cool too. Don't know why everyone hates that song anyway.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:28 pm
by spider-man
i might be the only one who feels this way, but it's hard for me to like this album on the same level as the other ones because, as a christian, some of the lyrics (the bridge of CAFIMT for one) bothered me a little bit.

as far as the music itself alot of ways it seemed to be a step backwards, using the same 4 chords in about 5 songs. but some things were new and cool, like PTC.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:57 pm
by Emil
spider-man wrote:i might be the only one who feels this way, but it's hard for me to like this album on the same level as the other ones because, as a christian, some of the lyrics (the bridge of CAFIMT for one) bothered me a little bit.
Those lyrics was about how far we have gone and theirs no one to save our ass this time.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:59 pm
by Heather
^^yeah I took those lyrics in CFIMT Emil said, we can't ALL be saved because of how much destruction has occurred and "theres no belief in this promise land" I took as our corrupt political system and country

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:21 pm
by BCR1299
I know what you guys mean when you say it lacks the punch of the other albums. Thats why i think its good. You can still think about things without getting angry. Thats also why i like Scumfuck so much. it brought the intensity back. Dont get me wrong underclass still has some punch in it just not nearly as much as the other albums or scumfuck

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:17 pm
by HugoDisasters
I have no favorites, because all of them are my favorite! Obviously that doesn't make sense but... Fuck sense.
I'd put a bit extra score for the underclass hero record where i personally think Sum 41 looked the best visually i mean, i just love their wear and their outfits. They looked very young as well.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:53 pm
by Peterr
I am probably one of the very few that says Underclass Hero is their best album. It is one of those things I can't explain why I enjoy it so much, but it seems different from the other stuff and I just love it.

Re: Underclass Hero

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:42 pm
by TomiT14
I'm too tired of explaining myself all over again, but to me UH is the best album I've ever heard.
And yes, I mean it. DTLI and Chuck have many great individual songs (Hell Song being my ultimate favorite song), but as an album from start to end, UH is the one.

There isn't a song that I would skip while listening to it all the way through. It might not have the same edge as the previous ones with Dave, but I wasn't calling for it either. I loved the direction they evolved into from Chuck, and I'm hopeful to love their new style of SBM aswell.