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Stevo Twitter

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:16 am
by Simon
Another great Stevo adventure after my very successful Gossip Girl attack in Q&A last year, haha (btw. now that I think about it again, seems like he actually stopped using S. to close journal posts since then, at least that's what I'm going to believe from now on, lol). Anyways, here it goes:

stevosum41: New tv came w/o powerplug so...

schlafanzyk: Liar, stand-by light is on. (@stevosum41)

stevosum41: @schlafanzyk silly goose! That's the "no power cord warning light"

schlafanzyk: @stevosum41 Oh right, it's the limited women's edition .. now I see it

stevosum41: @schlafanzyk That doesn't make any sense. But I'll take it!!

I'm not sure if he actually didn't get it or if he's just avoiding to appear sexist :devious:

So I'm thinking about what would be funny to reply. Something like:
"Of course it doesn't! But ask a regular guy how often he "fixed" the TV of a female friend with the magic powerplug move.. and I wish that was a sex reference"

It's a bit too long though.

Or may be something way more dumb? Like "Of course you'll take it .. you'll take it all the way, you dirty thing!"

Re: Stevo Twitter

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:24 pm
by FuckT41182
arguing about TV ? :) I don't understand what the man wanned to say with "It's the limited women's edition" :D
was he trying to say that no woman would notice that powerplug's missing ?? :silly:

Re: Stevo Twitter

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:50 pm
by Simon
It's all just for fun because I know Steve likes to jump at stupid things like this :winkwink:
The man is me btw. and I was saying that as a joke because women could really need a "no power cord" warning light, because a loose power connection is quite often the only reason why they declare something as broken/not working and ask guys for help.

Re: Stevo Twitter

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:32 pm
by FuckT41182
Simon wrote:It's all just for fun because I know Steve likes to jump at stupid things like this :winkwink:
The man is me btw. and I was saying that as a joke because women could really need a "no power cord" warning light, because a loose power connection is quite often the only reason why they declare something as broken/not working and ask guys for help.
yeah Stevo likes conversations like this one :D and not only women but also older people ...My cousing works in IT and one older man called him once saying that his computer suddenly stopped working :) they took a drive to his house and they found out that PC was unplugged :hehe:

Re: Stevo Twitter

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:44 pm
by Mitchell
yeah.. it has happend several times that my sister asked me to look at her DVD player cause 'it wasn't working' and 3 times I checked and found out that it wasn't plugged correctly in the tv..