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Gears of War 3 announced.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:34 pm
by Jake-41

Only about a year from now.. Maybe it'll still be able to come out on Xbox 360. Hopefully, anyway.

Re: Gears of War 3 announced.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:34 pm
by Queso Man
What you mean "maybe"? Of course it's coming out on Xbox 360. It's an Xbox Exclusive. Well, except for the PC port.

Re: Gears of War 3 announced.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:48 am
by Boni
Unless you mean to say that the next generation of the Microsoft console will be released then I can safely say you'll be waiting at least 3 years to wait until the next generation of consoles (maybe except Nintendo since their console needed an upgrade when it first came out). Xbox 360 still has a good life left in it. Graphics and processing power hasn't improved that much since there release compared to the single core/multiple core a few years ago.

Short Answer: It will be coming out for the Xbox 360.