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Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:20 pm
by Shiv
sup tns. as of today, i am officially renouncing my faith in god.

if he does exist, hes been dicking around with me my entire life. i have never had anything, yet he has managed to take away even that which i didnt have.

consistently hes been giving me a little, and taking away more from me.
take my girlfriend. not only did she dump me, but turns out she straight up told me that she never even liked me in the first place....

fuck you god. FUCK YOU

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:34 pm
by Druska
i'm atheist

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:36 pm
by samueeL
I'm agnostic.

Join us Shiv!

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:42 pm
by Heather
well sometimes things happen for a reason...down the road that relationship may help you make a decision about another one. Thats pretty much what the bible is, lessons to learn more than "here take it as a historical context" you can't do that. I don't really want to get into religion (I think it's as bad as politics)

Take some Sum41 wisdom. "everybody's got their problems, its just a matter how you solve them and knowing that will change the things you've been through"

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:50 pm
by Emil
Still Waiting wrote:i'm atheist

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:52 pm
by Shiv
samueeL wrote:I'm agnostic.

Join us Shiv!
ur avatar and combination of the words makes me feel uncomfortable :holyshit:

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:14 pm
jesus christ on a bicycle.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:27 pm
by Boni
If God does exisit then God is an arsehole.

I'm athesit too and although I don't mind people that believe in religion I don't want them rubbing it in my face and preaching to me about it.


btw, Does anyone else find it funny that God broke has broken some of the ten commandments.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:14 pm
by Sara
If God does exist then alright, thanks for damning me to this life on Earth.

And if he doesn't then fuck it. Who needs'm.

There isn't proof he exists and there isn't proof he doesn't. Screw religion. It's just some stuff they made up to force kids to be good and people not to comit crimes and shit. And that's happening anyway, and some of the people who do it consider themselves religious. Shut up.

I'm agnostic/atheist, and I like to believe I've got morals ( :hehe: ) without all those rules and bullshit. Religion is like.. something parents made up to make raising kids easier.

Mom says if I believe in life outside Earth then I'm a "non-believer". Well, fuck that. The universe is like, what, endless? God knows (*cough*) what's out there, man.

And, imo, people who are so religious and depend on God to give them what they want in life by praying and whatever are weak and lazy. Only you're gonna make your dreams come true, kid. You don't need to believe in ANYTHING but yourself.

No offense to anyone religious, though. This is just what I believe. And if you think I'm wrong then go ahead and bitch at me.

EDIT: And yeah, Boni's right about the ten commandments thing. Most religions have holy books and stories that CONTRADICT THEMSELVES. If God exists, he's a dumbass. Why would God write a holy book, then come back and write another one after 50 years contradicting almost everything he said before? Nothing makes sense. I might be wrong about that holy book thing, but it IS true things are contradicting others.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:30 pm
by Shiv
jeeeeeeeeez everyoones athiest

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:15 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Still Waiting wrote:i'm atheist
samueeL wrote:I'm agnostic.
And I'm awesome.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:53 pm
by Laxman 41
I'm Buddhist. It helps you to keep yourself under control while trying to question and understand things that you would have never thought of before.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:33 pm
by Jake-41
Holy fuck.

I must be on the wrong website!

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:05 pm
by Gibsum 41
I don't hate religion (though I do hate those that try to convert others into their religion) but I've found it best not to get involved with it for the past couple of years. So yeah, I'm an atheist too.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:46 pm
by Tyler41
i've been going through the most ridiculous shit regarding my beliefs for the past like 3 years. before that i had absolutely no doubt in my mind that God exists and then all of a sudden doubt got into my head. i never fully stopped believing but i questioned really really hard haha. it's just now getting to the point where i feel like i am starting to fully believe again.
basically you are going to go through tough shit in life. everyone does. that doesn't mean God doesn't exist though.
besides, i'd rather go through my whole life believing there IS a God only to find out He doesn't exist, rather than go through my whole life NOT believing only to find out that He does.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:47 pm
by sumfan4
I thought you were Hindu since ur Indian?

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:03 am
by Emil
The thing i find the most funny about religion is that apprently Jesus told everyone to be nice and then they spent the next 2000 years killing each other about how he saod it.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:20 am
by upperclasszero

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:35 am
by geeinglat
Sara wrote:If God does exist then alright, thanks for damning me to this life on Earth.

And if he doesn't then fuck it. Who needs'm.

There isn't proof he exists and there isn't proof he doesn't. Screw religion. It's just some stuff they made up to force kids to be good and people not to comit crimes and shit. And that's happening anyway, and some of the people who do it consider themselves religious. Shut up.

I'm agnostic/atheist, and I like to believe I've got morals ( :hehe: ) without all those rules and bullshit. Religion is like.. something parents made up to make raising kids easier.

Mom says if I believe in life outside Earth then I'm a "non-believer". Well, fuck that. The universe is like, what, endless? God knows (*cough*) what's out there, man.

And, imo, people who are so religious and depend on God to give them what they want in life by praying and whatever are weak and lazy. Only you're gonna make your dreams come true, kid. You don't need to believe in ANYTHING but yourself.

No offense to anyone religious, though. This is just what I believe. And if you think I'm wrong then go ahead and bitch at me.
I totally agree with you.
I stoped believing when I was 13. I go to a catolic school, so I have "Religion classes". They say a lot of shit during the classes, at the 8th grade I started to question it and realized all the things you said above. Now I don't believe in God.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:41 am
by samueeL
Yeah and about the bible, why should we follow over 2000 years old rules? And churches just follow rules that are good for them. Who is church to say no to gay marriage? These people live in past.

In Finland it seems like believers are the most intolerant people I've seen.