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Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:34 pm
by Winton89
Okay, so last night I went to a friends party in Ottawa, I live about an hour away. And me and 3 friends got bored so we decided to walk to a near-by Tim Hortons at 2AM... in fucking -2 weather :holyshit:
So here's what happened. (I'll let you guys know that I was telling this story to a friend and I just copy and pasted it here, that's why I refer to my friend by their names)

OKAY! So me, Kassie, Dylan, And Zack decided that we wanted to go to Tim Hortons at 2 am last night. So we went and got our Timmies. And then when we were crossing the parking lot, this car drove up to us and said "Hay, do you guys know if there's a cemetary around here anywhere?" And we said "No." And then we looked in the back seat and there was this girl that looked like she had passed out. He then said "We gotta bury this girl" (IN A SERIOUS VOICE) so we said "ohh" And then they drove off and they drove back up again in like 7 seconds and said "We're not kidding eh." And then drove off again. :|

We were so scared because it looked like they were following us, so we basically ran all the way back to the house the party was at. I spilled my coffee on me and burnt my finger :( it sucked. Sick night though! :silly:

Tell me some of your favorite stories about your craziest night.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:14 pm
by wiggs1441
Thats fucking weird.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:18 pm
by Shiv
i had to bury a girl in ottawa once because i killed the bitch wen i was raping her


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:37 pm
by Druska
a dude asked me me if i wanted to do a line of coke, that was creepy

another one
we were heading back to the car and a dude came out of nowhere talking to us , i was scared as fuck but my friend started to talk with that who high or something , she did not realize he was dangerous


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:58 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Okay, I'll try to find some stories of crazy nights. I know I've got more than one. I've changed the names of any of my friends here in case they were to ever read this, haha.
Run Over wrote:So we were at this bush party getting drunk and smoking weed. Some kid arrives in his truck and one of my friends just hates him. In fact, everyone at the party pretty much hates him. I can't remember what exactly happened because I was 16 at the time, but the kid gets in his truck and drives away. As he's driving away, one of his passengers falls out and gets run over by the rear tires. Everyone is screaming, "call 911!" The kid who got run over is crying and my friend and I run over to go see him. We look down at him and the conversation goes:

"What the fuck happened???"
"I have no idea, I think he got run over."
"Dude, that's fucked!!"
"Yeah, dude. But I have the fucking munchies right now!"
"Oh yeah man, let's hit up Sev later!"
Stabbed Hand wrote:The same night the kid got run over, we come home to my friends house after the party. We're all drunk and high except for our designated driver. We had stopped off at 7-11 to get food and now we're at my friend's house eating. In an inebriated state, I go into my friend's room and pull out two real Japanese swords from under his bed and set them in the living room. A few minutes later one of my other friends goes, "Hey Chad, let's have a sword fight!" So they have a sword fight with real swords and then Chad says, "Hey, were we actually supposed to try and stab each other?" He looks at his hand and there's a four inch gash on the side of it and it's bleeding profusely. Everyone is stunned and my friend goes to wash his hand in the sink. Seconds later he screams, "Why isn't anyone fucking calling 911?!" That's when we decided it was an emergency and got his mom to take him to the hospital. He had like 38 stitches or something to close the wound.
Beat Up wrote:My friends and I were drinking out by an old elementary school and I see a guy that was a couple of years older than us walk by. I go and talk to him because we used to go to school together, but we were never really "friends". So I say hello and he says, "Yeah, is there anyone with you I can beat the shit out of?" I didn't say anything because I had realized I got my group of friends into trouble. So this guy walks up to my friends and singles out Kevin because he's from a wealthier family than the rest of the group. Long story short, this guy says he's going to get his friends to come and beat the shit out of us and Kevin says, "Bring it on!" None of us actually thought it was going to happen and we all joked about it. Next thing we know, we're at the park and a truck pulls up and 6 guys start running our way. They were all older and stronger so we basically got the shit beat out of us. But I got beat up less just because I knew the guy and most of his friends. So lucky me right?
That's all for now, haha.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:27 am
by Jake
Shiv wrote:i had to bury a girl in ottawa once because i killed the bitch wen i was raping her
if i believed for a second that the US granted you a visa, i might have believed you.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:24 am
by geeinglat

So, me and my friend were at this reeeeeally boring part in the woods. I was pretty drunk but I remember every fucking detail 'cause it scared the hell out of me. We were walking near a lake between two weird hills when we heard someone crying. The sound was coming from a river behind one of the hills. We were getting closer when I said "Fuuuuck, sounds like your sister!", he said that was not possible 'cause she was in the house at the party. We called her on the phone and one of her friends answered, he said she had gone to the bathroom and hadn't returned. My friend and I started to run like hell to the river. When we arrived the place was empty, the crying was louder and around us. Then my friend's sister called saying that she was in the house and wanted to talk to us. We went to the house and she said she heard us screaming her name at another place fucking far away and she went after us. I don't know what the hell happened there, I know I won't go back there any time soon tho.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:03 am
by sumfan4
I can't think of any right now


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:03 am
by Gutter Dreams
mines not much but:
there was this day that me and like 7 friends were playing baseball in the park and there was this man who was in the woods. We all just thought he was like looking for a dog - for some reason idk. But like every time we'd haul out a cell phone he'd like disappear. And every time we did, we'd forget to tell our parents. Soon we were all freaked out by him, and like every time one of my friends would get to the base - he'd disappear again. So we finally decided to leave.. and one of my friends being who he is screamed something like "try and catch us if you can you loser" at him. so we all ran home and never saw him again - the end.

mine sucks but i'd take if over any of the other stories O_O


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:32 am
by PTswim41
Shiv wrote:i had to bury a girl in ottawa once because i killed the bitch wen i was raping her


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:02 am
by Tyler41
sounds like bullshit to me but im high so who knows


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:56 am
by iemnaiz


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:26 pm
by Emil
iemnaiz wrote:I LOVE THIS TOPIC.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:15 pm
by phatass
Well this didnt happen to me but happened to my dad:
He was going to pick up my aunt from the airport it was late night/early morning, not a car on the road. Finally they notice a van parked on to the side of the road up ahead, obviously he was going to just mind his business and drive by it...but as soon as he was passing it, it's door slid open and someone threw a corpse in front on to the main road infront of my dad's car! Luckily my dad managed to dodge it and speed off.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:23 pm
by Gutter Dreams
hearing about all the corpses is reminding me of (it never happened to me)
but last year, or the year before (i'm not sure) these kids were outside at the park and they found this horrible smelling suitcase and there was a cut up torso inside it. all the kids had to like go to therapy.
ever body knows the full story on it now; but it was freaky shit at the time.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:03 pm
by Shiv
Shiv wrote:i had to bury a girl in ottawa once because i killed the bitch wen i was raping her


Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:05 am
by Jeremy Kill
I went to Vegas with my family a few years back and there was this dead hobo by a bridge and people were just walking around him, haha. No one cared.


Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:28 am
by Dylan
I fucking wish we had minus two weather here, it was -39 with the wind chill today... Pussy...

Crazy shit... Um... Myfriends and I wore halloween masks one night (not Halloween), and drove around screaming at people at seven to eight at night and video taped it. Then we went to my neighbours and my one friend wore an alien mask, knocked on the door and then jumped around saying alien noises like "bleep blop bloop". They freaked out, called the cops and we got taken down to the station and got warnings. They wanted to charge us with "attempted break and enter". We laughed at them. Now they're trying to move.



Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:35 am
by Jeremy Kill
2712 wrote:I fucking wish we had minus two weather here, it was -39 with the wind chill today... Pussy...
Yeah, we had about -34 today with windchill. Fucking sucks. Time to plug my car in!


Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:24 am
by Sara
Lol, it's like 25 degrees Celsius here. =/

I have no interesting stories. I live in Dubai, so yeah. But stuff do happen here, so my friends've got stories like these, but I don't. Me and Reem were being stalked by this one indian guy on a bike in her neighborhood once, though. Lame crap.