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Just talked to Useless ID singer Yotam Ben-Horin...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:57 pm
by Hentaiman
And he told me some cool stuff, I bet all Useless ID fans would like to hear:

*He finished recording his solo album, and mixing starts in the next few weeks. He hopes to release the album around February/March 2010. Its gonna be an laid down acoustic/alternative album.

Here's a demo of a song thats going to be on the album:
*He finished writing 6 songs already for a new Useless ID album. He said they will go into the studio soon and definitely finish the album by 2010, probably around the summer. Now the Sums need to learn from this haha. Useless ID just released their last album in October 2008 and they are going to have a new album in 2010 already, even the summer, when the Sums release their haha.

*They just finished recording an album with an Israeli reggae/hip hop artist named Mookie. Their album with him is going to be released very soon also. From what I understood, its all done, including mixing, mastering and stuff. Its actually Useless ID with this Mookie guy as a singer and Yotam Ben Horin as a backing vocalist, but it doesn't sound like reggae rock or rap rock or whatever, its very good actually, except the fact that its in Hebrew so you guys won't understand it. Here's the first single from the album, anyway:
And the second single: