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Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:59 am
by Jake-41

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:00 am
by samueeL

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:05 am
by CIRCUITzach
avril mad him quit hense the song best of me

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:40 am
by Jeremy Kill
Yeah, he used to do cocaine back when he was cool!

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:41 am
by CIRCUITzach
its sugar

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:00 am
by Jake-41
I have NEVER seen this before! And i could NEVER imagine him doin coke.
Btw, i stole this off usamari's twitter.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:23 am
by Jeremy Kill
Jake-41 wrote:I have NEVER seen this before! And i could NEVER imagine him doin coke.
Btw, i stole this off usamari's twitter.
He also smoked weed and did acid with Stevo in Japan.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:16 am
by Jake-41
Gunner wrote:
Jake-41 wrote:I have NEVER seen this before! And i could NEVER imagine him doin coke.
Btw, i stole this off usamari's twitter.
He also smoked weed and did acid with Stevo in Japan.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:25 am
by sprinks41
aside from the white powder that's noted on the side, it looks like an autograph signing to me. look at his right hand, he's holding a sharpie marker. and as for his facial expression with his left hand slightly covering it, it was probably just bad timing with the camera.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:35 am
by Jeremy Kill
Jake-41 wrote:
Gunner wrote:
Jake-41 wrote:I have NEVER seen this before! And i could NEVER imagine him doin coke.
Btw, i stole this off usamari's twitter.
He also smoked weed and did acid with Stevo in Japan.
Would you be willing to bet yours and your family's life? Because I'm 100% right on that. ... k-Whibley/
He's only 22, but in his short time here on earth Deryck Whibley has had entirely too much sex. The lead singer for potty-mouthed Canadian rockers Sum 41 played a whopping 300 shows in 2001 to support the band's debut album, All Killer No Filler -- and bagged babes in just about every town. His favorite female flavor? This guy licks the rainbow cone. "Sometimes I like really tall chicks and sometimes I like small, cute girls," he tells "It varies from day to day and from drink to drink."

When we found out the kings of booger punk had named their latest record Does This Look Infected, we couldn't resist asking Deryck the hard questions. We caught up with Deryck on tour and got his take on slam pieces, Carmen Electra and his "wenis."

1. Let's start at the beginning. How'd you lose your virginity?

Deryck Whibley: I was in eighth grade, and I wanted to be the first guy in my school to have sex. I had this girlfriend who was a big slut. After a week of dating her, I boned her. We did it in my parents' house when my mom went away for two days. It was very, very quick. I've definitely had better sex since then.

2. What kind of music do you listen to during sex?

Whibley: When I was 14 I was a big Nirvana fan, so I'd put that on. But when I'm on the road I'm usually doing it in a hotel. So it's just hotel porn in the background.

3. Got any nicknames for your dick?

Whibley: You mean my wenis? Our whole band just calls it "wenis." Or "The D." Someone said that once, and it kind of caught on.

4. Speaking of letters, your nickname is "Bizzy D." Do you live up to it on the road?

Whibley: See, I'm way more of a quality-over-quantity kind of person. It's pretty easy to go out in the show and find some, but you're not really going to be excited about it the next morning. I like to be more excited the next day than I am the night before. When I wake up and I'm like, "All right, I did that last night," instead of, "What did I do last night?" In my younger days, when I was 19 and we were first touring, I just had too many of those.

5. Have you ever done it in front of your bandmates?

Whibley: Well, when you're on a tour bus, it happens. A lot of times me and Steve [Jocz, Sum 41's drummer] have to do the two-beds, two-babes, two-feet-apart-from-each-other thing. It's really not that weird. I don't care, and the girls usually don't care. They get into it. You try not to stare at each other, but if it's happening, it's not a big deal.

6. Ever have a threesome?

Whibley: Not that I can remember. There was one time that I woke up after getting really drunk with two girls, and I still don't remember what happened the night before. I'm assuming something may have happened, but I don't know.

7. What's the craziest stunt a groupie's ever pulled to try to have sex with you?

Whibley: They don't really do anything crazy. They'll just be really blunt. I'll be signing autographs, and some girl will whisper in my ear, "Have sex with me." I mean, it's the first thing she says. But I've never taken up a girl on an offer, because the kind of girls that do that aren't really the kind of girls that I'm into. I like it when I meet a girl who doesn't necessarily know who our band is, or that I don't meet at a concert.
A girl who hasn't fucked every other band.

8. Ever use drugs to enhance your sexual experience?

Whibley: I've never taken drugs for sex, but I have had sex on drugs. When I'm coming down from coke, I can't be alone for some reason. I always want to then. But when I'm high I'm more into talking and having fun.

9. Have you ever slept with more than one woman in a day?

Whibley: In high school I had.I guess you'd call them slam pieces. [Laughs] Girls that are friends that I wasn't dating. I did three in one day. They all lived in the same town, and it was one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night. I wasn't worn out at all. I guess that'll happen when I get older.

10. Sum 41 hangs out at strip clubs a lot. Are you a big fan of strippers?

Whibley: I was for a while. Strippers are actually more difficult to get into bed. I think that's why we kind of got into strip clubs. The girls were more of a challenge. We were getting bored with just random girls at shows. It became too easy. One time in Cleveland, we brought our bus up to a strip club, and when it closed we invited five or six of them to come back on the bus and keep it going.

11. What celebrity would you like to score with?

Whibley: That's a hard one, because there are a lot. I'd have to say Carmen Electra, and not just because I think she's hot. I've read interviews with her, and she seems like she's a really cool girl. Do you know her? Can you help me out here? Nah, I'm just kidding.

12. What's better than sex?

Whibley: You know when you hold a piss for a really long time and you finally get to go? That's up there. That's one of my favorite feelings. ... sted_youth
Only Canadian kids could still sound so wholesome while spinning such depraved road stories. For instance, just the week before we meet in New York in early November, there was the little episode in Tokyo with the liquid LSD. "We were drinking at Lexington Queen, this bar in Tokyo," Jocz remembers. "The last time we were there, we were all high on mushrooms, because they're legal in Japan. So this time, me and Deryck went to this head shop across the street and said, 'Gimme the strongest thing you got.' And he gave us four vials apiece of liquid acid. I was on my third vial before we realized what it was. There was this big poster of Scooby-Doo. We stared at it for about an hour, terrified. And everyone said, 'Steve, go up and touch it to make sure it's not real.' So I went and touched it. It was just a poster, but we were so scared. Never again!"

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:52 am
by iemnaiz

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:16 am
by Emil
What's the big deal? Pretty much everyone tries one drug or another in there life.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:26 am
by Boni
I've tried Acid and I'll never try it again!!

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:48 am
by TomiT14
samueeL wrote:Old!

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:53 pm
by Ken
It's definetly an autograph signing they probably lined up sugar or something to throw people off.

The boys did shrooms back in the day too; of course they did drugs. I doubt in this photo or this time period Deryck did, as it definetly looks like a public event.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:21 pm
by usmari_41
this picture is of My Twitter .. and is very old, I found on myspace ;P


Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:24 pm
by sumfan4
wat the hell?
sum 41 said they didn't do drugs. that's a spirit breaker

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:30 pm
by TomiT14
sumfan4 wrote:wtf?
wat the hell?
sum 41 said they didn't do drugs. that's a spirit breaker
They said they don't do drugs.

Of course they've done it in the past.

Is this really news to you guys? I'm shocked.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:36 pm
by Boni
I'm quite surprised myself that the a lot of people knew they didn't do drugs, I've always though they had since I first heard about them. Never had any proof until the Road to Ruin thing though.

Re: Seriously, Deryck?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:48 pm
by Druska
TomiT14 wrote:
sumfan4 wrote:wtf?
wat the hell?
sum 41 said they didn't do drugs. that's a spirit breaker
They said they don't do drugs.

Of course they've done it in the past.

Is this really news to you guys? I'm shocked.
yeah they say so but who knows ?