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The Invention of Lying

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:53 am
by Boni
Ricky Gervais is someone that I have never liked or disliked. I'll always remember him in the office and I'll always remember how much I despised that show and wanted the the show to just go away along with all the hype about cause; it would really do my nut in when some of my friend would talk about it like it was the best show but I really didn't have a problem with them liking it cause we're all different in the end, it was just they'd always talk about it in front of me. Other than that the only other place I had really had heard any Ricky Gervais comedy was on Grand Theft Auto 4 as he is one of the stand-ups that made an appearance on the in-game comedy club and it was okay but I wasn't interested in it but I really believe that was because I was playing GTA and wanted to blow stuff up.

Now to the good bit, I recently, in the past few weeks, purchased one of his films without actually knowing Ricky Gervais was in it called Ghost Town after a friend recommended it. It was a pretty funny flick and I highly recommend the film for those people that would like a laugh and it was then I realised that Ricky Gervais was a pretty funny dude. Although he is no where near as funny as my two favourite comedians' Billy Connolly and Frankie Boyle but he did get a few laughs out of me. It was this weekend that my girlfriend had the weekend off work so we decided to go for a trip to the cinema. I really wanted to see the Bruce Willis film Surrogates but I was bitch slapped down so noticing that it had Ricky Gervais we decided to see The Invention of Lying and though that it would be good film and a good laugh.

The film was good, I wouldn't say it was epic or the best I've since in a while but it was a laugh. It's about an alternative world in which the inhabitants haven't figured out how to lie so everyone tells the truth and is sometime quite out there and can be quite harsh. Although as the movie progresses Ricky Gervais's character finally figures out how to lie and since the civilisation has no idea how to lie, they all assume that Ricky Gervais's character is telling the truth so the character has some fun with this to turn his life about and hopefully get the girl he has always wanted. It's not the best film in the world but a nice little comedy. I wouldn't compare this to epic comedies like Knocked Up but give the film a chance and maybe your like me and you'll realise that Ricky Gervais is pretty good comedian. If I had to the the film I would give it a 7 out of 10.

Hope you enjoyed my little review.
Boni Boy Blue

Re: The Invention of Lying

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:31 pm
by Jake-41
Yes i did Boni.
I really want to see this film, it's got a very creative storyline.
Plus, i mean, c'mon how awesome would it be to tell someone something completely un-legit and have them believe it? It just sounds like something that might be a little fun.

Re: The Invention of Lying

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:13 am
by turtlehobopirate
Awesome review! That must have taken a while to type up and some effort. I'm planning to see it soon.

Re: The Invention of Lying

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:37 pm
by Simon
Boni Boy Blue wrote:Ricky Gervais is someone that I have never liked or disliked.
That's exactly what I think every single time when he is on as a guest at Letterman, The Daily Show or The Colbert Report (which I watch regularly). I mean he seems pretty funny, but I am never actually interested in watching any of his stuff.

May be I should?

Re: The Invention of Lying

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:01 am
by Jeremy Kill
I've been meaning to watch this with my friend, but she's always busy that we keep putting it off. I don't even know if it would be worth seeing it now.

I know Louis CK is in it. Is he in a lot of scenes? Or is it more of a cameo?