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Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:46 pm
by Madjid
I've always wondered about this, do Atheist people actually believe that there's no god, or they just refuse to follow any religion, so they chose this particular lifestyle?

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:51 pm
by Bass Cone
Some kids probably do it to be cool or some shit, but the majority don't think there is a god.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:06 pm
by Madjid
I came across some very interesting conversation, i think Atheist people should read it:

Two unborn babies, a believer and a non-believer are talking inside their mother's womb:

Non-Believer (N): Do you believe in life after birth?
Believer (B): Sure. There must be life after birth. We are here to become strong enough and to get ready for what comes afterwards.

N: That's nonsense, there can be no life after birth. Can you imagine what such life would be like?
B: Well, I don't know all the details but I'm sure there will be more light there than here. Maybe we'll even be able to walk on our own legs and eat with our mouths.

N: What a nonsense! Eating with our mouths — that's ridiculous. We get our nourishment through the umbilical cord. And how are we going to walk around? The cord isn't long enough!
B: I'm sure there must be something. But perhaps everything will be a little different from what we are used to now.

N: But nobody has ever come back from there yet. Life simply ends with birth. After all, life is nothing but the constant feeling of being crammed in the dark.
B: Well, I don't exactly know what it will be like when we are born, but we'll be able to see our mother, and she'll take care of us.

N: Our mother? Do you really believe in mother? And where do you think she is?
B: Everywhere, all around us! We are living in her and thanks to her. Without her, we simply wouldn't exist.

N: I don't believe that! I've never noticed a mother so she doesn't exist at all.
B: Could you tell me then, thanks to whom do we exist?

N: I can't explain it to you just yet. Let us grow a little more and we'll find an explanation to it all. But why don't you tell me where was mother during the contractions? If she is so loving and caring, why didn't she help us? Why did we have to live through that nightmare on our own?
B: I can't agree with you on that. You see, sometimes, when the world around us gets quiet, we could hear her singing and we could feel her caressing the world around us. You know, I honestly think that real life is only awaiting us afterwards, out there...

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:25 pm
by Bobbyjames
I have been brought up without religion, and I'm happy with life. to this point, i don't need religion, and I can't see why I would ever need religion.

it's not like, I strongly agree about God not existing, it's just that I never think about it. to be fair, I don't really care if God does exist or not, there are other things I'd rather worry about in life.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:29 pm
by Janet
bobbyjames wrote:I have been brought up without religion, and I'm happy with life. to this point, i don't need religion, and I can't see why I would ever need religion.

it's not like, I strongly agree about God not existing, it's just that I never think about it. to be fair, I don't really care if God does exist or not, there are other things I'd rather worry about in life.
This. I also made a really long post about how i feel about religion once.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:30 pm
by Bass Cone
I've been in Catholic school all my life and every year I discover more flaws with religion in class. I think they're doing it wrong.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:44 pm
by Bobbyjames
God's business plan is struggling during the recession

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:22 pm
by Emil
I don't really care if their is a God or not. If it do exists a God I don't think he don't really cares what you believe as long as your a good person. And if it doesn't exist a God well then why bother? As i believe it the people that started to believe in God we're just doing so to make death seem less frightning no matter what religion you believe in. I don't know about the holy books though cause they have some good points but there are also a lot of things i don't agree with.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:25 pm
by Max
Atheists believe there is no God. If you refuse to follow a religion it doesn't make you an atheist, you can still believe in God and not follow a religion. You can be Agnostic which means you're undecided on whether there's a God or not. Or even a Theist which means you believe in one or more gods, nothing more and nothing less.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:42 pm
by Boni
I don't believe in god or any kind of higher begin, I don't believe in anything to be honest. I've always though the bible was just a ploy to make money.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:12 pm
by K.
Madjid wrote:I came across some very interesting conversation, i think Atheist people should read it:

Two unborn babies, a believer and a non-believer are talking inside their mother's womb:

Non-Believer (N): Do you believe in life after birth?
Believer (B): Sure. There must be life after birth. We are here to become strong enough and to get ready for what comes afterwards.

N: That's nonsense, there can be no life after birth. Can you imagine what such life would be like?
B: Well, I don't know all the details but I'm sure there will be more light there than here. Maybe we'll even be able to walk on our own legs and eat with our mouths.

N: What a nonsense! Eating with our mouths — that's ridiculous. We get our nourishment through the umbilical cord. And how are we going to walk around? The cord isn't long enough!
B: I'm sure there must be something. But perhaps everything will be a little different from what we are used to now.

N: But nobody has ever come back from there yet. Life simply ends with birth. After all, life is nothing but the constant feeling of being crammed in the dark.
B: Well, I don't exactly know what it will be like when we are born, but we'll be able to see our mother, and she'll take care of us.

N: Our mother? Do you really believe in mother? And where do you think she is?
B: Everywhere, all around us! We are living in her and thanks to her. Without her, we simply wouldn't exist.

N: I don't believe that! I've never noticed a mother so she doesn't exist at all.
B: Could you tell me then, thanks to whom do we exist?

N: I can't explain it to you just yet. Let us grow a little more and we'll find an explanation to it all. But why don't you tell me where was mother during the contractions? If she is so loving and caring, why didn't she help us? Why did we have to live through that nightmare on our own?
B: I can't agree with you on that. You see, sometimes, when the world around us gets quiet, we could hear her singing and we could feel her caressing the world around us. You know, I honestly think that real life is only awaiting us afterwards, out there...
How could they knew english ?

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:40 pm
by Druska
Bass Cone wrote:I've been in Catholic school all my life and every year I discover more flaws with religion in class. I think they're doing it wrong.
that's what happened to me
i always thought that god was created by humans who feared death

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:43 pm
by Bass Cone
Still Waiting wrote:
Bass Cone wrote:I've been in Catholic school all my life and every year I discover more flaws with religion in class. I think they're doing it wrong.
that's what happened to me
i always thought that god was created by humans who feared death
that and by the government who can't make things perfect on earth so they filled the people's heads with "just be good and obey here and you'll make it to some place where you'll be happy forever."

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:51 pm
by Gibsum 41
Madjid wrote:I came across some very interesting conversation, i think Atheist people should read it:

Two unborn babies, a believer and a non-believer are talking inside their mother's womb:

Non-Believer (N): Do you believe in life after birth?
Believer (B): Sure. There must be life after birth. We are here to become strong enough and to get ready for what comes afterwards.

N: That's nonsense, there can be no life after birth. Can you imagine what such life would be like?
B: Well, I don't know all the details but I'm sure there will be more light there than here. Maybe we'll even be able to walk on our own legs and eat with our mouths.

N: What a nonsense! Eating with our mouths — that's ridiculous. We get our nourishment through the umbilical cord. And how are we going to walk around? The cord isn't long enough!
B: I'm sure there must be something. But perhaps everything will be a little different from what we are used to now.

N: But nobody has ever come back from there yet. Life simply ends with birth. After all, life is nothing but the constant feeling of being crammed in the dark.
B: Well, I don't exactly know what it will be like when we are born, but we'll be able to see our mother, and she'll take care of us.

N: Our mother? Do you really believe in mother? And where do you think she is?
B: Everywhere, all around us! We are living in her and thanks to her. Without her, we simply wouldn't exist.

N: I don't believe that! I've never noticed a mother so she doesn't exist at all.
B: Could you tell me then, thanks to whom do we exist?

N: I can't explain it to you just yet. Let us grow a little more and we'll find an explanation to it all. But why don't you tell me where was mother during the contractions? If she is so loving and caring, why didn't she help us? Why did we have to live through that nightmare on our own?
B: I can't agree with you on that. You see, sometimes, when the world around us gets quiet, we could hear her singing and we could feel her caressing the world around us. You know, I honestly think that real life is only awaiting us afterwards, out there...
That's ridiculous, fetuses can't talk. Aaron disproves my point though.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:08 pm
by Peterr
If there was no god, then their would be no such thing as Atheists.

If there was no god, there would no one to not believe in it.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:40 pm
by mikey41
like the other guy said being unsure or doubting is called agnostic. ive grown up in catholic schools all my life and them pushing me to believe in what they say just pisses me off. if there really is a god i don't know, but i have my whole life ahead of me to decide if i want to believe or not. for the time being i choose to not count religion as part of my life, im not saying that im atheist, cause im not, but as of now i don't really see a point to religion.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:05 pm
by the.addict
ive been raised without religion and do not believe in god. i have some ridiculous relatives who think me and my brother can be "saved". all that their attempts do is make us not like religion even more

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:07 pm
by Aaron
the bible=The biggest book of fairytales

You're Wrong by NOFX is what I follow. lol.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:54 am
by turtlehobopirate
I was raised by a Christian and a Buddhist. My dad being a Christian, my mom a Buddhist. I went to both church and temple a few times, temples more often than church. Both of my parents never forced their religion on me or even explained anything about it to me, so I just didn't believe anything. So yeah, I don't give a care about religion and it never played a part in my life, but I guess I am Atheist in some ways.

Re: Being an Atheist...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:57 am
by sumfan4
I'm not athiest, but I hate church