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Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:44 pm
by FuckT41182
I know,but without off topic talk we'll not be able to reach 500 posts till the album release

off-topic is like lies - unstoppable

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:52 pm
by Zell1010
Bobby Skumfuk James wrote:Screaming Bloody Murder is currently at 97 in the Alternative chart on the UK iTunes store. not exactly doing too well. expected with pretty much no promotion over here though.
They haven't had any real promotion over here really since DTLI, except with any tabloid articles related to Avril and the divorce or w/e (and thats just name dropping). With regards to UH, all I saw was a sign in my local HMV saying "Sum 41 - Underclass Hero Released Today!" or something along those lines. This country only loves them for Fat Lip and In Too Deep, exemplified by the Southampton gig I went to. Shame really.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:50 pm
by Bobbyjames
Zell1010 wrote:
Bobby Skumfuk James wrote:Screaming Bloody Murder is currently at 97 in the Alternative chart on the UK iTunes store. not exactly doing too well. expected with pretty much no promotion over here though.
They haven't had any real promotion over here really since DTLI, except with any tabloid articles related to Avril and the divorce or w/e (and thats just name dropping). With regards to UH, all I saw was a sign in my local HMV saying "Sum 41 - Underclass Hero Released Today!" or something along those lines. This country only loves them for Fat Lip and In Too Deep, exemplified by the Southampton gig I went to. Shame really.
yea, I know what you mean. so many people only seem to remember Sum 41 for Fat Lip & In Too Deep and that everything they've released since has been shit. I remember seeing some adverts in a couple of magazines when UH came out, but that's it. I can't even find SBM advertised as a new single on iTunes. you actually have to search it to find it.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:42 pm
by peacock41
are there any vids from that stream

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:48 pm
by Bobbyjames
Jeremy, I've reached my target! up to you now!

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:52 pm
by Mitchell
Bobby The Rapist James wrote:Jeremy, I've reached my target! up to you now!
He's probably gonna make it.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:54 pm
by Bobbyjames
he should do, he's still got over a month.

have we still not had the official tracklist yet?

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:17 pm
by sum54184
Is this true - LINK REMOVED

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:20 pm
by Mitchell
sum54184 wrote:Is this true
Can't acces that site.. probably fake cause Mcafee says that there's malware being distributed from that site.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:25 pm
by FuckT41182
there is something on isohunt under the name of Sum 41-SBM ...40 MB but somebody from Holland wrote a comment like this - Dont download it requires a code for which you need to buy

so either he just doesn't want people to download the leak,or somebody's screwing over with Sum 41 fans and the guy from Holland fell in his game ...I would go with the second option ...

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:37 pm
by Gregorovich
I doubt either is an actual leak. I don't expect a leak till march at the earliest.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:42 pm
by Bobbyjames
I've removed the link just in case it is real, which I highly doubt.

just so newcomers are aware, if/when this album get's leaked it CANNOT be posted ANYWHERE on TNS. as far as I'm aware anyway!

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:03 pm
by Gregorovich
Not even in the media section? ;)

For some reason I'm suddenly very excited for this album. It just seems like it will be Sum 41's magnum opus- it incorporates everything. Metal influences, a 'fuck you' attitude, meaningful lyrics, a serious and light hearted mood, a sick and twisted sense of humor and kick-ass presentation!

All we need now is a fucking gory music video. Screw Island. It was probably because it featured Beiber being viciously torn apart by zombies.
Apparently they haven't completely lost the ability to make the video- some hope yet!

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:05 pm
by Heather
Gregorovich wrote:All we need now is a fucking gory music video. Screw Island. It was probably because it featured Beiber being viciously torn apart by zombies.
I don't get why they wouldn't sign off on the video...I mean have they seen some of Eminem's videos? and Pink just did a video where a girl cuts herself in the bath tub...come on IR

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:09 pm
by Mitchell
fenderrocks wrote:
Gregorovich wrote:All we need now is a fucking gory music video. Screw Island. It was probably because it featured Beiber being viciously torn apart by zombies.
I don't get why they wouldn't sign off on the video...I mean have they seen some of Eminem's videos? and Pink just did a video where a girl cuts herself in the bath tub...come on IR
What I've done by LP had some 'shocking' scenes in it..

Dunno if they belong to IR though

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:12 pm
by Simon
Any info on what the deal was with the number 7 being replaced with number 6 in the higher quality version of the cover? Intentional or last minute correction?

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:14 pm
by Mitchell
Simon wrote:Any info on what the deal was with the number 7 being replaced with number 6 in the higher quality version of the cover? Intentional or last minute correction?
The weird thing is that it got fixed on such short notice.. I think one of their friends made it.. possibly even Matt

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:18 pm
by Zell1010
Bobby 'The Rapist' James wrote:
Zell1010 wrote:
Bobby Skumfuk James wrote:Screaming Bloody Murder is currently at 97 in the Alternative chart on the UK iTunes store. not exactly doing too well. expected with pretty much no promotion over here though.
They haven't had any real promotion over here really since DTLI, except with any tabloid articles related to Avril and the divorce or w/e (and thats just name dropping). With regards to UH, all I saw was a sign in my local HMV saying "Sum 41 - Underclass Hero Released Today!" or something along those lines. This country only loves them for Fat Lip and In Too Deep, exemplified by the Southampton gig I went to. Shame really.
yea, I know what you mean. so many people only seem to remember Sum 41 for Fat Lip & In Too Deep and that everything they've released since has been shit. I remember seeing some adverts in a couple of magazines when UH came out, but that's it. I can't even find SBM advertised as a new single on iTunes. you actually have to search it to find it.
The general responses are

"Sum 41? I thought they broke up"
"Wheres the black guy?"
"Oh yeah Fat Lip. I love that song!"

To many people they are seen as still a pop punk band. What people seem to forget (and this goes with alot of bands) is that people grow up. I'm positive this album will be the band's best work and will show them in a new light.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:23 pm
by Simon
blackhawk1105 wrote:
Simon wrote:Any info on what the deal was with the number 7 being replaced with number 6 in the higher quality version of the cover? Intentional or last minute correction?
The weird thing is that it got fixed on such short notice.. I think one of their friends made it.. possibly even Matt
No offense to Matt, but I doubt he has the skills to do that. Just look at how badly edited the video updates are (wrong aspect ratio and out of focus most of the time, no audio level adjustment whatsoever, never rendered in HD, horrible text overlays, etc.) and he even got one of those crazy expensive digital SLR cameras.
But that's okay since it's not really his job to do all this anyway.

Re: "Screaming Bloody Murder" Discussion!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:28 pm
by Hentaiman
Island sucks. They should just fund the videos themselves if they really believe in it, like Deryck funded the last songs off the album by himself.