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Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:28 pm
by V
NoReason27 wrote:she's saying that "Adoption is harder than abortion"

luke said "you think that giving a child up so they can have a future is harder than slaughtering said child? What the fuck is wrong with people now adays..."

then she said "it's just my opinion. many things are wrong with society nowadays"

then read my post.

make sense now? good.
Do you happen to live in a third world country?

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:39 pm
by Dylan
why is adoption harder than abortion? why is is better to kill an unborn human, just because your too ignorant to live with it? why wouldn't you give the child a chance at life?

do you ever listen to yourself?

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:20 am
by LTS
NoReason27 wrote:why is adoption harder than abortion? why is is better to kill an unborn human, just because your too ignorant to live with it? why wouldn't you give the child a chance at life?

do you ever listen to yourself?
that's what i was trying to say...

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:29 am
by V
NoReason27 wrote:why is adoption harder than abortion? why is is better to kill an unborn human, just because your too ignorant to live with it? why wouldn't you give the child a chance at life?

do you ever listen to yourself?
Yet you haven't answered my question.

It's not a matter of ignorance (Come on! Do you know what 'ignorance' means?)

Before using all those magnificent words you are using such as 'unborn human' and 'killing' I invite you to read further:

One day you'll have a close encounter with this subject and you'll see things from an another standpoint.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:33 am
by Dylan
oh, fuck you.

a fetus that gets murdered during abortion is a human being. it's not going to turn into a cow, and ostrich or a fucking shark. it makes me sick, people like you, think only about their lives when it comes to this. you never think about the child's life that won't happen.

go crawl in a hole and die.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:49 am
by V
NoReason27 wrote:oh, fuck you.

a fetus that gets murdered during abortion is a human being. it's not going to turn into a cow, and ostrich or a fucking shark. it makes me sick, people like you, think only about their lives when it comes to this. you never think about the child's life that won't happen.

go crawl in a hole and die.
Really mature.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:20 am
by d4rkst4r
ron paul is a winner in my books, and someone should start a topic about the upcoming canadian election.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:31 am
by LTS
NoReason27 wrote:oh, fuck you.

a fetus that gets murdered during abortion is a human being. it's not going to turn into a cow, and ostrich or a fucking shark. it makes me sick, people like you, think only about their lives when it comes to this. you never think about the child's life that won't happen.

go crawl in a hole and die.
I don't agree with the "Oh Fuck you" and the "Go Crawl in a hole and die" part; but i got to say; i'm completely with him on the rest of it.

NoReason27>V in this topic, but V is calmer and less hostile, and is trying to present facts well

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:22 pm
by Druska
NoReason27 wrote:oh, fuck you.

a fetus that gets murdered during abortion is a human being. it's not going to turn into a cow, and ostrich or a fucking shark. it makes me sick, people like you, think only about their lives when it comes to this. you never think about the child's life that won't happen.

go crawl in a hole and die.
a potential human being is not a human being
and both decisions(adoption and abortion) are hard to take , what if that child ends living the whole life in a orphanage?
call me selfish if you want but i won't give up my life NOW just because i made a mistake, go and ask your girl friends what would they do if they got pregnant, 90% of mine would have abortion
ah and i got a question for you , what do you think about that magic pill, called the morning-after pill, you can kill a potential human being with too

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:23 pm
by Bobbyjames
there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them. im gonna lock this thread if the personal bashing continues, cos i have the power to do that now.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:55 am
by Dylan
I apologize.

and not just because i got a warning. i realized minutes after i posted that message "ummm, too much." but it was too late. i apologize to everyone that felt hurt by what i said. but i stand by my ideals and beliefs.

the fact is, i know many people who are adopted. i would be willing to put money on it that each one of them would confront their birth parents and thank them for letting them have life. each one of those people would not be here if their birth parents would have taken the easy way out and gotten an abortion. wether it be because they were too poor, didn't protect themselves, or just didn't want a child just yet. they still gave the child a better life; full education, schooling, loving homes/friends, etc.

i know i am right on this issue. i have seen both sides of this issue, call me ignorant if you want, but maybe you are ignorant for not listening to me and seeing my side of the argument.

i still am sorry for jumping off the handle and telling V to "crawl in a hole and die", that was way uncalled for, and i apologize.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:20 am
by Brownsound
bobbyjames wrote:there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them.
this right here is the answer to life.

Obama 08

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:09 am
by LTS
Brownsound wrote:
bobbyjames wrote:there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them.
this right here is the answer to life.

Obama 08
i hope you know Obama is pro choice.. wheras Mcain is pro-life.. so your statement is contradicting itself..

EDIT: I just now noticed your sig.. it should be "I Pledge Allegiance, to the underclass, as your hero at large"

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:26 am
by ejk41
Brownsound wrote:
bobbyjames wrote:there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them.
this right here is the answer to life.

Obama 08
Obama's definitely pro-choice. Got that backwards.

Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:14 am
by Childish Gambino
Brownsound wrote:
bobbyjames wrote:there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them.
this right here is the answer to life.

Obama 08
Lol, kid, get your issues straight before you come in here and act like you know what you're talking about.

Obama = pro choice

McCain = pro life.


Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:32 pm
by LTS
Armorforjack's! wrote:
Brownsound wrote:
bobbyjames wrote:there's never gonna be a right or wrong answer to abortion. every one has their own views, and their entitled to them.
this right here is the answer to life.

Obama 08
Lol, kid, get your issues straight before you come in here and act like you know what you're talking about.

Obama = pro choice

McCain = pro life.

it could have been worse. he could have said. "I beleive that we need to get out of iraq as soon as possible. i also think i liberal would be best suited for running this country.

McCain 08


Re: Obama or McCain?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:59 pm
by V
