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Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:00 pm
by d4rkst4r
I've been really into Jimmy Eat World lately and supportive of them and they got "Always Be" ON TRL voting thing

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:08 pm
by Sum-42
d4rkst4r wrote:I've been really into Jimmy Eat World lately and supportive of them and they got "Always Be" ON TRL voting thing
Now that just doesn't have anything to do with anything....

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:37 am
by d4rkst4r
Sum-42 wrote:
d4rkst4r wrote:I've been really into Jimmy Eat World lately and supportive of them and they got "Always Be" ON TRL voting thing
Now that just doesn't have anything to do with anything....
lawl, im just saying if i aint voting sum41, might as well vote for someone else

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:53 am
by Phili
kevin5064 wrote:i agree with darkstar.

sum 41 doesnt really seem to care anymore. they are being lazy and it seems as if the money is way more important overall.

from experience:

fans showed up literally HOURS before the show on 9/27/07 and not a sign of the guys leaving the damn bus except when people from a fucking horrible radio station arranged 3 minute photos with the band ONLY to those who won some fucking guitar hero contest, not the fans waiting for hours.

so we suck it up and enter the show and patiently wait for sum 41 to get on stage and when they finally do, they play for ONE HOUR (yes 60 minutes), no excitement from the band and it was as if they didn't even want to be there. the performance was rather poor (unlike the past two times they have came to grand rapids in 2004-05).

after the show was done (about 10:20 pm) kids waited outside for the band once again, and sum 41's touring crew made everyone move about 50ft away from anywhere near the door. and guess what, they didnt even come outside until 1:15 am and according to the very few kids who got to meet them they were not really excited and talked for about ten minutes then left to go get even more drunk somewhere else. apparently it was avril's birthday and she there but that is no excuse at all.
Ok, let me fix that after-concert thing right now. I know 2 people very well who were there. They spoke with both Steve and Cone who were extremely friendly, signed stuff, talked to people, took pictures. Smiles all around. The fans had a birthday gift for Avril, and Cone went some lengths to make sure that they met her. Deryck and Avril came out about half an hour later (they were having a party for Avril at the venue, sue them), Avril greeted her fans and Deryck greeted everyone (by greet, I mean did the whole fan-band meeting thing). They were out there for at least 20 minutes total, and considering the small amount of people, that's quite a long time.

And hold on. Since when is 10 minutes a short amount of time? The guys spent 6-7 minutes with us (and that was pushing their handlers' requests), and everyone there left satisfied.

But yeah, the setlist is shorter (more like 80 mins, though).

Ha, d4rkst4r, I'm still not sure what that had to do with anything...

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:02 am
by d4rkst4r
aight fine it didn't then.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:57 am
by Gebirgskuchen
kevin5064 wrote: so we suck it up and enter the show and patiently wait for sum 41 to get on stage and when they finally do, they play for ONE HOUR (yes 60 minutes), no excitement from the band and it was as if they didn't even want to be there. the performance was rather poor (unlike the past two times they have came to grand rapids in 2004-05).
Exactly! I just can support this opinion.
I really like Deryck and Sum 41 itself, considering their music (AKNF, DTLI and Chuck). But I never really had the feeling that the guys were actually enjoying the show they did here in Germany, for example. It's just very motor, planned and predictable what they do. I never saw that there was HONEST enjoyment by the guys.
I know enough bands, mostly unpopular, who come on stage, smiling like 5-year-old little kids, screaming to the audience like "Yeah, I'm so glad to be on stage right know and will offer you the best show you ever had!"
Actually I didn't see this concerncing Sum 41, yeah besides the fact that their shows never were longer than 70 minutes, what is really sad, concerning the ticket prizes. The should play at least 90 minutes for the money they get.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:34 pm
by kevin5064
Phili wrote:
kevin5064 wrote:i agree with darkstar.

sum 41 doesnt really seem to care anymore. they are being lazy and it seems as if the money is way more important overall.

from experience:

fans showed up literally HOURS before the show on 9/27/07 and not a sign of the guys leaving the damn bus except when people from a fucking horrible radio station arranged 3 minute photos with the band ONLY to those who won some fucking guitar hero contest, not the fans waiting for hours.

so we suck it up and enter the show and patiently wait for sum 41 to get on stage and when they finally do, they play for ONE HOUR (yes 60 minutes), no excitement from the band and it was as if they didn't even want to be there. the performance was rather poor (unlike the past two times they have came to grand rapids in 2004-05).

after the show was done (about 10:20 pm) kids waited outside for the band once again, and sum 41's touring crew made everyone move about 50ft away from anywhere near the door. and guess what, they didnt even come outside until 1:15 am and according to the very few kids who got to meet them they were not really excited and talked for about ten minutes then left to go get even more drunk somewhere else. apparently it was avril's birthday and she there but that is no excuse at all.
Ok, let me fix that after-concert thing right now. I know 2 people very well who were there. They spoke with both Steve and Cone who were extremely friendly, signed stuff, talked to people, took pictures. Smiles all around. The fans had a birthday gift for Avril, and Cone went some lengths to make sure that they met her. Deryck and Avril came out about half an hour later (they were having a party for Avril at the venue, sue them), Avril greeted her fans and Deryck greeted everyone (by greet, I mean did the whole fan-band meeting thing). They were out there for at least 20 minutes total, and considering the small amount of people, that's quite a long time.

And hold on. Since when is 10 minutes a short amount of time? The guys spent 6-7 minutes with us (and that was pushing their handlers' requests), and everyone there left satisfied.

But yeah, the setlist is shorter (more like 80 mins, though).

Ha, d4rkst4r, I'm still not sure what that had to do with anything...

avril's birthday should not be an excuse to remain distant from fans. the very few who met them before the show(contest winners) said there was no excitement among the band. the band's security and crew went some lengths too, to make sure nobody came in contact with the guys...obviously something they had been told to do.

yea sure 20 minutes is a long time but why did they only spend it with those kids after the show, and not the ones who showed up hours before? it is not like they were out doing something more important.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:42 pm
by Sum-42
^ :lol: I know, right?
It's like they think they're Brad Pitt or something.
Steve has snubbed me multiple times.
I my case, there wasn't like, a swarm of fans were mobbing them.
It was me, and like, one other person.
And they can't even stop and say hi.
If I had a would be broken by now.....

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:59 pm
by kevin5064
i have heard by multiple people about steve being the worst when it comes to shit like that. where they wait out back and he just walks by as if he doesnt even see you.

luckily i grew up to this music and love it, other wise if i 'just liked the music' then found out that they act like that i would not like them at all.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:25 am
by d4rkst4r
As I think about this more and more, maybe, Sum 41 is distancing themselves from their fans because of the low ticket sales? :?

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:59 am
by Sum-42
I grew up to their music too. And because I loved it, I really didn't care how they acted. that their music has gone rapidly downhill.....I've become slightly less tolerant.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:09 am
by kevin5064
d4rkst4r wrote:As I think about this more and more, maybe, Sum 41 is distancing themselves from their fans because of the low ticket sales? :?
i was thinking the same thing. i know for a fact their shows havent been selling well. here in grand rapids their first two times here they sold out a larger venue than the one they came back to recently, which was a very small club and it wasnt even anywhere near selling out.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:20 am
by Sum-42
I saw them at a heritage museum.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:23 am
by Phili
Alright. I understand that you guys are frustrated with Sum 41 right now. That's fine.

But my God, this is a Sum 41 FANSITE.

Either back off or take your little negativity-fest somewhere else. You are entirely entitled to your opinions but this just isn't the place for them.

When I met Steve, he was the first out of the bus to sign autographs and take pictures. His parents were there, I would've totally understood if he had hurried by us. But he didn't. They had 5 minutes to get to their limo, they spent much longer than that making sure that everything got signed. Steve seemed genuinely interested in the event that 2 other fans were telling him about, and genuinely apologetic when he heard the date and realized he couldn't make it.

And Sum 41's security has been extremely moody lately. At the MusiquePlus thing, the guys were taking pictures with fans and stuff and their security came and deleted the photos.

I don't know who's been telling you all this stuff about their lack of enthusiasm with fans, but they seemed very happy when I met them and I've heard nothing but good things from people I know who have met them elsewhere. There's a great story that this girl from Bandaids has from the Australian tour. I will happily post it here.

I do agree that they don't look nearly as happy onstage as they used to.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:52 pm
by TomiT14
Phili wrote:Alright. I understand that you guys are frustrated with Sum 41 right now. That's fine.

But my God, this is a Sum 41 FANSITE.
Does it mean that fans have to pretend being positive all the time? Even if you're a very big and loyal fan, you don't have a right to be negative sometimes?

This is a fansite, yeah, but this is a forum too. Fans can have their say, even if it's negative. That's what makes reading these threads interesting.

I'm too lazy to type some opinions now, but there has been some good posts, for and against.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:59 pm
by Gebirgskuchen
Totally agree!
This forum wouldn't be worth shit for me personally, if there were only positiv opinions about Sum 41. It would be a waste of time. But how it is here, it's very interesting to read so many different, understandable and argumenative opinions. That is what a Forum is about!
The people can met here in discuss about different aspects, no matter if they are against or for something.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:08 pm
by SociallyInept
Phili wrote:And Sum 41's security has been extremely moody lately. At the MusiquePlus thing, the guys were taking pictures with fans and stuff and their security came and deleted the photos.
They can do that. Next time I take pictures at a show, I'm removing my memory card and hiding it so that shit can't happen.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:14 pm
by d4rkst4r
Phili wrote:Alright. I understand that you guys are frustrated with Sum 41 right now. That's fine.

But my God, this is a Sum 41 FANSITE.

Either back off or take your little negativity-fest somewhere else. You are entirely entitled to your opinions but this just isn't the place for them.

When I met Steve, he was the first out of the bus to sign autographs and take pictures. His parents were there, I would've totally understood if he had hurried by us. But he didn't. They had 5 minutes to get to their limo, they spent much longer than that making sure that everything got signed. Steve seemed genuinely interested in the event that 2 other fans were telling him about, and genuinely apologetic when he heard the date and realized he couldn't make it.

And Sum 41's security has been extremely moody lately. At the MusiquePlus thing, the guys were taking pictures with fans and stuff and their security came and deleted the photos.

I don't know who's been telling you all this stuff about their lack of enthusiasm with fans, but they seemed very happy when I met them and I've heard nothing but good things from people I know who have met them elsewhere. There's a great story that this girl from Bandaids has from the Australian tour. I will happily post it here.

I do agree that they don't look nearly as happy on stage as they used to.
The entire purpose of a forum is for everyone to express their opinion, how isn't this the place for it????????????????????????????????????/

As for you meeting Steve (and possibly the other band members?), maybe the rest of us at this internet forum would have more faith in Sum 41 if they took the time to meet more of us. Maybe there's a deeper fucking lesson for them to learn here? I can guarantee you that, if I would have meet Steve, or any of them, I would have been a lot happier the night I saw them live. You've had that lucky privilege, some us haven't. I find it fairly outrageous that you have the nerve to call us negative here, when I'm sure you would be negative to if you didn't meet Sum 41. I haven't meet them and I've been dying to since about 2003. You? Your a moderator. You met Steve. You come on here and tell the world about how "I received a special message from cone yesterday via secret source that no one else can know about....blah blah blah". For me, I think I'm lucky if they read a question that I submit on their website.

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:43 pm
by kevin5064
phili you say all this bullshit as if you are the band's official spokes person. well fyi you arent the ultimate sum fan just bc you have seen them live and met them a bunch of times, mod a fan site, get messages back from them on myspace, and think they are the greatest people ever and never get angry with them.

you really shouldnt have the nerve to tell us to leave just because we dont want to get down on our knees and suck the band's dick 24/7

Re: Supporting Sum 41

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:15 pm
by Bass Cone
I actually have to agree with you guys here. After seeing anti-flag last night, Sum 41 just doesn't live up to them. Justin hopped down and shook people's hands and hugged me-i didn't even approach him he came to me. Chris #2 stayed down after the show and waited for people to buy things to get autographed and took pictures with people. They wanted to be with the fans- Chris #2 even threw his bass to someone else and jumped in the crowd during a song. When I saw Sum 41 in September it was nothing special. They didn't stick around or anything.

I still really like Sum 41, but right now they seem a little diva-ish. And this is just my opinion so please don't attack me for it