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Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:19 am
by xmarryxx
don't know if anybody noticed but there were more questions posted. do i have to keep saying this? i feel obligated...

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:43 am
by Dylan
^ i dub you the official QnAer. or at least i would if i had any say of what goes on in this section.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:35 am
by Jeremy Kill
Oh, fuck me...
HELLO SUM 41!! You guys are my all time favorite band. My question is for who ever reads this. What is your favorite Sum 41 song to play or listen to?
asked by SUM41DABEST on Jan 12, 2009 7:53pm

I still really like to play Still Waiting, Pain For Pleasure (the ego booster), Welcome to Hell. In Too Deep, which we used to hate to play, is actually really fun now.
answered by Stevo on Jan 12, 2009 10:47pm
Hey i really like ur music, but i had a question for Setvo, wel two actually. Firstly do you play double bass cause i notice u had two in the motivation video, and second is when you make your beats do you make them up completely randomly or do you alter one you already know or something like that?
asked by mehulg on Jan 12, 2009 10:25pm

I use a double bass pedal all of the time(DW 5000). I used to play with a two kickdrums and it looks super badass - but it makes the kit so big that it's difficult to get around easily.

Most of the drum parts are in the same ballpark with a few variations. The fills can get weird, but I've been doing the same style for so long I feel like I'm in a rut and need to learn new stuff. Whether that translates into Sum 41 songs, I don't know - but it can't hurt.
answered by Stevo on Jan 12, 2009 11:45pm
hey sum 41,
i loved the rocked in congo documentery.
i was wondering did anything else happen in the congo that wasn't mentioned in the video? just curious.
asked by marrryxx on Jan 12, 2009 10:20pm

I haven't seen the doc in a while so I can't remember what's in there exactly, but I do remember a few things that kind of set the tone for the whole trip. When we first got to the congo, we were stopped by a jeep full of Congolese soldiers (who were very drunk) and they demanded to see our passports - I remember thinking it was strange/funny that one of them had passed out on his rocket launcher because he was so drunk.

Another thing, was that after they let us leave the airport we were stopped about 10 times by different kids with machetes who'd set up roadblocks. Some of the kids were like 6 years old so we'd just drive past them. But the older teenagers... that was a bit intimidating.

After the fighting took place and we were evacuated from the hotel to the UN compound we saw a UN attack helicopter shoot a rocket into the jungle. It was the biggest explosion I'd ever seen. I don't know how many people it must have killed, but after they did that, things got quiet again for a while.
answered by Stevo on Jan 13, 2009 12:21am
Hey Deryck, does this new album have any kind of theme? Like will it be based a lot on your own life experiences like Underclass Hero was? 'cause that made that album really good. Oh and I think you guys should come to New Zealand =)- Wade.
asked by WadeNZ on Jan 13, 2009 6:32am

cool. thank you very much. like every album i have a really hard time repeating myself. there are different themes on this record. and i'm going in directions and areas i've never gone before. thanks for being a fan.
answered by deryck on Jan 13, 2009 1:31pm
Deryck, are you as excited about Barack Obama as I am? -Kyle
asked by kyle6i9 on Jan 12, 2009 7:11pm

yes of course. lets hope he kicks ass.
answered by deryck on Jan 13, 2009 1:32pm
I can't wait to hear the new album. I just have a couple questions about it. How heavy/dark/aggressive are the songs, and about when (best estimate) do you think it will come out?
asked by Zach 41 on Jan 12, 2009 3:19am

not too sure, we're still in the writing phase. it's kind of a bit of everything right now. all i know is that it's going directions that we've never gone before both musically and lyrically.
answered by deryck on Jan 13, 2009 1:34pm
Can't wait to hear from you guys again. It's gonna be awesome w/e you do. Are you planning on touring anytime soon? ESPECIALLY from the Rhode Island area? Because that would be EPIC. I've seen you once before at Lupo's and would GLADLY go again with many, many friends.
asked by iameternity on Jan 13, 2009 3:57am

we do plan on touring again. not sure when but we hope to be out this year sometime.
answered by deryck on Jan 13, 2009 1:36pm
Hey Cone or Steve-o 32, is the operation md comin' out in the U.S.?
It's not that i don't sum-41 i just like a couple songs from the operation md album-
Keep posting stuff about the new album- What's the name of Davebrownsound's band? thanks.
asked by theoperationmd on Jan 14, 2009 8:15pm

I think Cone is just finishing up vocals with Todd in Toronto. They may have one more song to sing. Not sure if it's coming out in the US yet - it should, because it's good. If not, I'm sure they'll be a way for you to get it. I'd check back on the Op Md site over the next few months for more accurate updates. I don't really know anything because I'm just the hired-gun drummer.

Dave's band is called brownbrigade.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 12:48am
Hey, I love your song "With Me" and my finace and I really want to use it for our first dance at our wedding. Are you by any chance making an acoustic version?
asked by cvanheeswyk on Jan 14, 2009 10:50pm

I don't think there are any official versions of With Me played on acoustic. There may be something kicking around the internet from a performance in a radio studio or something. But I don't there's an official acoustic version. Sorry. Glad you like the song though. Good luck with the wedding - being married is super kickass.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 12:50am

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:38 am
by Jeremy Kill
can I look forward for some great guitar solos in new album?
asked by Evelyn7 on Jan 14, 2009 9:48am

It's possible - so much is still up in the air. What I'm really hoping for is a shredding accordion solo from Brown Tom.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 12:54am
Hey, do you guys have any tips for bands out there just starting out playing original stuff? Or any advice for lyric writers?
asked by Littleboybassist on Jan 14, 2009 8:37pm

If you get signed and your pimple-faced best friend is still your manager you may want to fire him before it's too late to find out he would've made a better roadie.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 12:55am
Hi guys, just wanted to know you think that one day you'll play again some songs that were great, like:

Summer, Mr Amsterdam, What I believe, Second Chance For MH, Hyper Insomnia Para Condroïd...

Or even Astronaut ! (for those who don't know this song -> ) do you remind of this song ?

Thanks !
asked by LaXatiffS on Jan 14, 2009 12:06pm

I don't know if we'll ever get around to Astronaut. That's going back - pre-pubes back. It'd be fun to bring back Mr. Amsterdam - I miss that one.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 12:57am
Hi Stevo!! How r u doing?
I'm from Brazil, and here you have a lot of fans. Do you know anything about brazilian music?
Do you Know the Polish drummer called Igor Falecki?
He's 7 years-old and began playing drums with 4 years-old. He's amazing!
asked by anazus on Jan 13, 2009 2:57am

I love Bossa Nova - in interviews when people ask me what I listen to at home I usually say "Astrud Gilberto". Love her.

I'm also a fan of the brazilian wax and the buttfloss underwear you guys invented for the ladies.

I'm don't usually follow the careers of 7 year olds, but I checked out little Igor on youtube just now. He may be a better drummer than I am, but at least I don't poop my pants (often).

answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 1:03am
Hey Sum!
The fact that you're providing us with another album was the best thing that happened in 2008, AMAZING!! Really hope you're 1: coming to Denmark on your next tour and 2: That the best of Album comes to Europe too. so jealous of Japan! Happy New Year to you and your women/wives!
asked by Peter of of The Sums on Jan 11, 2009 2:55pm

We didn't put out a record in '08, but hey may we'll try harder in '09!

Hopefully next time we come to Europe we'll make it to Denmark. Haven't been there since '04 (or maybe even before that...)

I will send along you message to our women.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 1:06am
Hi there Sum 41!
Your music have change my life and you guys rocks!! I have watch when you were in Congo and the album,Chuck is great! After that you has been to congo,did it change your life and do you see the world on a diferent way?
Good luck with the new album and i really looking forward too hear it!
asked by Sum_Yasmine_41 on Jan 13, 2009 11:14am

The Congo trip definitely changed the way we look at things. It makes you appreciate what we have over here.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 1:12am
Hey sum41 :D Finaly i could make a acoount on your website :D I just want you to know that all of you has changed my life. Im listening to you all the time and im on the road to be your world biggest fan. Well,, i already am;P. But i just wanted to know if you guys came to Denmark? :) Becuase i guess you guys soon is going to split up, maybe its not right. But its a feeling i have :p so that would really sucks if i never been to a concert with you. I wish you all the best luck by Frederik 13 years old from Denmark
asked by Sum41geek on Jan 14, 2009 11:35am

Oh Frederik 13 from Denmark - don't fret your Denmarkian tuchus... We're not breaking up. We'll try and get to Denmark as soon as it's warm there - does it get warm in Denmark?
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 1:15am

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:43 am
by Jeremy Kill
Hey Sum 41, you rock! I thought Underclass Hero was really cool, and I wondered that if you come to the UK on tour, if you'll play any of the songs from Underclass Hero as well as your new songs and old songs? That would be awesome!
asked by mj1994 on Jan 15, 2009 8:07am

Hey, I'm sure we will make it back to the UK on the next album. We love to play there. The crowds are always insane. We try and play songs from every album.
answered by Cone on Jan 15, 2009 12:55pm
Hey guys.
first of all, your'e awesome.

I just wanted to know if you're plannig to go on tour again soon..

thanks alot for you music!
asked by efimoree on Jan 15, 2009 6:50am

When we put out a new album we will be going on tour to support it yes. Just not sure exactly when that will be.
answered by Cone on Jan 15, 2009 12:56pm
hahaha steve, you just answered what was actually supposed to be a comment to some Q&A you did earlier. but since youre already here: why did that sentence catch your attention? was it the sheer pointlessness? or are you that desperate for attention? i know you read this .. now stop it and do you drumming!
asked by schlafanzyk on Jan 13, 2009 8:06pm

It's true I've always been desperate attention whore. It's the way I was brought up - my parents let me pretend I was a dog until my early teens. I was a weird kid...
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 2:16pm
Is this your last album?? I heard somewhere it could be and i hope it's not you guys are amazing!!
asked by xxELSAxx on Jan 13, 2009 4:31pm

I sure hope not. I'm not ready for a real job. Don't worry - I'm convinced we're destined to overstay our welcome.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 2:17pm
so ive seen most of the videos you guys made....whats your guys favorite one?
asked by cnm_300 on Jan 15, 2009 5:42pm

In too deep, Still Waiting and We're All to Blame are up there for me.
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 11:51pm
Hey guys! I'm really pumped for the new album, but just looking in the future when your touring for the album, are you guys still going to have Tom as your touring lead guitarist?? Or is he doing something with G.O.B.?? Please answer :]
asked by Spazmatic101 on Jan 15, 2009 4:59pm

We hope so - Brown Tom is the fucking man. You should see him an accordion - it's shred central.

answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 11:54pm
hey!I know that I'm not so good at speaking english but I'm tryin' to give my best :) so..
I have to thank you for your music...I never go outside the house without my iPod 'cause I need the punk rock =D
last summer I sanged (past of sing??) a song of you on a concert of my school...I think it was not so good :S my favourite song is pieces. There are so much of my feelings in this song...when I'm sad, this song makes me feeling happy.
My biggest dream is to see you live but I think it could go long until I can live my dream =).
Please write back...please one of you, one of the real sum41 write would make me a bit happier :)
Thank you
Stefanie (from switzerland ;D)
P.S.: a big sorry for my bad english ;P
asked by SteffiSteffi on Jan 15, 2009 3:33pm

It breaks my heart knowing there are sad people in Switzerland. It's just not right! Don't the gnomes keep you happy?

We'd love to come back to Switzerland - next tour! We'll try...
answered by Stevo on Jan 15, 2009 11:59pm
Whats up sums.
This question is for Stevo. What do you think is the most hilarious thing you have ever done?
asked by zach 41 on Jan 15, 2009 6:24pm

I got drunk last weekend and cut Deryck's hair. Just kidding of course!
answered by Stevo on Jan 16, 2009 12:00am
There you go, bitches. :cool:

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:18 am
by iemnaiz
i love you jeremy.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:21 pm
by sum54184
heeeeeeeey stevo answered my question :wordyo: :wordyo: :dance: :dance:
hi guys its great that you always keep us posted ? i wanna ask stevo is he gona sing any more and guys if you have enough material for a full album will you guys be putting a full album ? thanks alot guy keep us always updated
asked by h54184 on Jan 9, 2009 4:57pm

I don't know if my vocal chords will be required on any of the new stuff. Maybe I can sneak something on there without Deryck noticing...

answered by Stevo on Jan 10, 2009 10:04pm

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:36 pm
by xmarryxx
more questions posted. :mrgreen:

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:52 pm
by Emil
If they ever go to denmark i'll have to get there somehow since I doubt they'll play sweden.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:27 pm
by xmarryxx
just posted
Jan 17, 2009

Hey guys is Brown Tom going to be in your new music videos cause sum 41 looks better with all 4 of you?
asked by darendude on Jan 17, 2009 12:59am

Not really sure at this point, its always a possibility. One thing is for sure though he is one good looking motherfucker!
answered by Cone on Jan 17, 2009 1:59pm
Ask Sum 41 a question
ahahaha cone!

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:45 am
by Katanamaker
I think that the songs might be a little darker like chuck, but if it is as good as half hour of power and all killer no filler, then it will be hella awsome. but they better ditch brow tom i hate him. he;s not even brown...

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:59 am
by xmarryxx
hate him? do you even know him?

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:17 am
by xmarryxx
(sorry for double post)

more QandA
Hey Sum 41,

I live in Melbourne Australia and i was just wondering why underclass hero was not heavily promoted here like other albums like AKNF and DTLI? Because i know that the album was very successful in America, especially 'With Me' which broke the top 10. And i never really heard many of your songs on the radio or on mtv here, and i know they would have been liked a lot. Will your new album be promoted quite a lot here and will we be able to hear the singles on the radio?

Looking forward to the new album and hopefully a tour which you guys headline this time.

asked by rplyavainn on Jan 16, 2009 10:45am

I didn't know that our album wasn't really promoted over there. Thats not good. I hope that the next one will be promoted then when it comes out. I agree, I think our fans in Australia would have liked the last one.
answered by Cone on Jan 18, 2009 4:19pm
my question is for cone, you have probebley been ask this before,but i wonder which sum 41/operation md song you think is the hardest to play on the bass? i hope you will under stand my bad english...
asked by theoperation41 on Jan 18, 2009 3:23am

There is nothing that I play that is really crazy hard especially in the Operation but there's maybe a few tricky parts in a few Sum 41 songs but I guess I'm just so used to playing them now that its muscle memory now.
answered by Cone on Jan 18, 2009 4:13pm

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:34 am
by Phili
It didn't get promoted 'cause those radio station assholes were actually bitter motherfuckers.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:33 am
by Katanamaker
xmarryxx wrote:hate him? do you even know him?
I don't need to know him to hate him

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:13 am
by Jeremy Kill
Katanamaker wrote:
xmarryxx wrote:hate him? do you even know him?
I don't need to know him to hate him
True. I don't know Pete Wentz, but I hate him.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:31 pm
by Hentaiman
Yeah, I hate Pete Wentz too, and Patrick Stump too, he's so fuckin' annoying.

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:44 pm
by dirk
tom is cool, ;) But i still miss dave.

offtopic: Has tom a 41 Tatto on his arm?

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:54 pm
by samueeL
Haha, don't really think so. :D

Re: Official Sum 41 Q&A Topic 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:18 pm
by Emil
I'm not even sure Dve had on of them. At least I've never seen it.