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Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:40 am
by Jake
Armorforjack's! wrote:
(Rock) Superstar wrote:^thanks for pointing that out. So your saying that a 14 year old is making better decsions than you?
Armorforjack's! wrote:
(Rock) Superstar wrote:I'm in better shape then anyone here.
That's a pretty bold/cocky statement, don't you think? :roll:
Sorry, re reading that it kinda is. But our coach believes in being in shape. (we run about 30 minnutes of sprints EVERY DAY.) So let me rephras.

I'm one of the better when it comes to being in shape.
That's much better.
We all know im in the best shape.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:44 am
by Childish Gambino
Jake wrote:
Armorforjack's! wrote:
(Rock) Superstar wrote:^thanks for pointing that out. So your saying that a 14 year old is making better decsions than you?
Armorforjack's! wrote:
(Rock) Superstar wrote:I'm in better shape then anyone here.
That's a pretty bold/cocky statement, don't you think? :roll:
Sorry, re reading that it kinda is. But our coach believes in being in shape. (we run about 30 minnutes of sprints EVERY DAY.) So let me rephras.

I'm one of the better when it comes to being in shape.
That's much better.
We all know im in the best shape.
It's true, Jake's hawt.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:51 am
by Jake
Case dismissed. Topic locked.


Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:06 am
by Bass Cone
P. probably is one of the best in shape, if not the best. And he's right about the smoking thing.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:33 am
by samueeL
And Im right when I say: Live life, if you sometimes drink alcohol, IT DOESNT MAKE YOU WORST THAN OTHERS. Before I was 16 I ''hated'' everyone who drank, but then I realized that if you have fun like once in month it doesn't kill you or make you worst or something

but now I think I gotta go sleep cause clock is 4.35 in morning here :D

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:11 am
by withchappedlips
All I ever do is smoke weed. I don't give a fuck.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:19 am
by tomhoppus
Porn isn't a drug, is it? Cuz it sure is addicting

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:27 am
by iemnaiz
uhh i only drink wine but only on special occasions. i'll never ever smoke/do grandfather passed away with lung,brain and pancreas cancer, and he got it all from smoking. gaahhhh i miss him :(
people who smoke(underaged) are a huge turn off for me. alot of people in my school thinks that smoking is cool.I DONT KNOW WHY.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:09 am
by Childish Gambino
Kyle wrote:All I ever do is smoke weed. I don't give a fuck.
Lawl, I love you.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:10 am
by boof
im a drinker, no denying it I quite enjoy throwing back a few
i don't smoke, i have enough issues with breathing as is and also like iemnaiz a family history that has turned me right off...
personally I have never used drugs but for the most part I tend to have an each to their own mentality about it (within reason of course, im talking more your party drugs than hard stuff like heroin and ice, that stuff is messed up)

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:38 am
by Asho_DirtyPoo
I'm listening to Sum 41 right now, so I thought I'd stop by and happened upon this thread.

I drink. Not all that often anymore because my friends and I are all working too much and conflicting schedules so we don't get to hang out all that often anymore...but I certainly will have a drink or two out for dinner, and get myself good and drunk when out with friends and in the right mood to drink.

I smoke the occasional cigar and blunt wrap. I've never taken even a single puff off a cigarette. I've smoked weed a couple times...but it triggers my anxiety disorders and that's not fun so what's the point in smoking it?

...and for the record, I think it's retarded that someone was trying to call a 14 year old down for saying smoking is stupid and unhealthy just because they're 14. Kid's 14 and smarter than a pathetic amount of the population in Ontario that are older than him - give the kid some credit. Kudos to you for not being a stupid little sheep who smokes because they think it makes them cool (like 70% of the kids who attend my old highschool). Sincerely. Kudos.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:02 am
by Gibsum 41
Never done any of them and it'll hopefully stay that way...

... And Asho, we miss you :sad:

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:05 am
by Asho_DirtyPoo
Awe! I miss you guys too! (and by "you guys", I mean a very select group of you)

I just don't have much/any reason to come on here anymore since I'm not into Sum 41 (and I'm not in an angry life-place right now where it's fun to come tell teh world I don't dig them anymore haha)...and...yeah...

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:09 am
by Billy41
Im from the netherlands where it's to drink when youre 16yo, but every kid above 12 has been wasted. Im 18now so do your maths:P I smoke tabacco and weed, I tried salvia once and I'll be doing shrooms for my second time today lol

Im not addicted or anything but I find this kinda stuff really interesting to discuss.

Drugs aren't bad if you use it with your mind

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:52 pm
by Druska
iemnaiz wrote:uhh i only drink wine but only on special occasions. i'll never ever smoke/do grandfather passed away with lung,brain and pancreas cancer, and he got it all from smoking. gaahhhh i miss him :(
people who smoke(underaged) are a huge turn off for me. alot of people in my school thinks that smoking is cool.I DONT KNOW WHY.
well where i live drinking wine or champagne(it's not exactly champagne it's a drink called cava) is like drinking water so we don't usually count them as "alcohol"
my friend's granpa passed away this week and he got it from smoking too

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:52 pm
by Shiv
Billy41 wrote:Im from the netherlands where it's to drink when youre 16yo, but every kid above 12 has been wasted. Im 18now so do your maths:P I smoke tabacco and weed, I tried salvia once and I'll be doing shrooms for my second time today lol

Im not addicted or anything but I find this kinda stuff really interesting to discuss.

Drugs aren't bad if you use it with your mind
false lol
they actually destroy lots of fucking brain cells....that dont come back

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:20 pm
by cool kids
"...and for the record, I think it's retarded that someone was trying to call a 14 year old down for saying smoking is stupid and unhealthy just because they're 14. Kid's 14 and smarter than a pathetic amount of the population in Ontario that are older than him - give the kid some credit. Kudos to you for not being a stupid little sheep who smokes because they think it makes them cool (like 70% of the kids who attend my old highschool). Sincerely. Kudos."

thank you. i agree. smoking is NOT cool. and the only reason kids start is because they think it makes them cool. wtf.

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:45 pm
by samueeL
You are all retards and misunderstood me SO BAD

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:43 pm
by Peterr
^ok. Then what you sayen?

Re: drugs.....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:48 pm
by tomhoppus
Peter, my cat is WAY more in shape then you. Yesterday, I spent like 10 minutes having him running around in circles chasing something.