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Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:40 am
by xmarryxx
Im not making it blantantly clear that i think your making shit up. in fact most of the time i agree with and believe your views. but i want the proof so i know the fool story, not just a small summery.

EDIT: oh and i have been looking for it, but i still cant find it.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:48 am
by CIRCUITzach
Phili wrote:
xmarryxx wrote:ARG! LINKS PLZ! I WANT PROOF :ah:
Go look for it, then. I'm not going to go to the lengths of the earth for someone who's making it blatantly obvious that they think I'm making shit up. d4rkst4r told you what to look for, and there's also a few interviews (including one for Playboy).
jus curios, y would playboy have it

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:50 am
by xmarryxx
i remember the playboy interview it said something about him getting high or something. ill try to find it if you want it.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:52 am
by Phili
Deryck talked about cocaine and marijuana use in his Playboy interview.

...The full story is that Sum 41 did drugs until 2004. Do you honestly expect that we have the links just lying around to give to people? I'd have to go digging just as much as you.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:54 am
by xmarryxx

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:17 am
by Phili
Deryck was a bit of a dick in the early days.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:57 am
by iemnaiz
:confusion: :sosad:

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:19 am
by Jeremy Kill
xmarryxx wrote:^
Im not making it blantantly clear that i think your making shit up. in fact most of the time i agree with and believe your views. but i want the proof so i know the fool story, not just a small summery.

EDIT: oh and i have been looking for it, but i still cant find it.
I think there is no real proof out there. You just have to assume, and the theory that d4rkst4r and Phili mentioned is pretty believable.

I doubt the song would be about Deryck's dad since he's clearly not saying anything nice about him in Dear Father. It would be completely pointless to then make a song saying "sorry." Sorry for what? For writing Dear Father?

And the song is way to lovey-dovey sounding to be about anyone else than Avril.

"I won't break your heart, I won't bring you down?"

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:21 am
by Blastero
I propose that A.N.I.C. is about Deryck's dad.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:31 am
by iemnaiz
A.N.I.C's all censored -_-

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:27 am
by Phili
ANIC's not all censored...

Your signature is too big, please make it smaller.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:42 pm
by Hentaiman
Well, yeah, to be honest, All I know about them doing drugs is from what Deryck told the Playboy interview and just stuff I heard, mostly I guess from here on TNS, and from Phili, and you know, you hear all the time that they did drugs and that there's another song about that, I think, or something like that, that was also written about drugs or something.

So you keep hearing it, but its really hard to find real solid proof. As much as I would like to know the real full story and all, I'm sure not sure there is one, and that we could really find solid proofs and all, but I guess Phili summed it up. They were doing drugs up until 2004, not they don't.

What is hard to believe is Cone and Dave doing drugs :lol:
Its just too fuckin' hard. I mean, I can imagine Deryck and Steve doing drugs, definitely, and maybe even a little bit Cone (even its too kinda hard seeing him high or something haha), but Dave, its too weird to imagine Dave doing drugs lol. You guys agree?

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:56 pm
by xmarryxx
I do agree with you that its hard to see Cone and Dave doing drugs. But it seems pretty impossible that Deryck and Steve would do drugs and the rest wouldnt pitch in just a little. I mean they are around each other endlessly, so there bound to affect each other you know? Cone and Dave probably didnt do it to the extent Deryck and steve did. and i think steve did it the most. thats my guess

And i also agree that Deryck seemed to be somewhat of an asshole dureing aknf and dtli ara. he also seemed to be alot more fun and energetic, that might of been becuase he was always drunk or on some shit though. :sosad: oh well

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:27 pm
by samueeL
yeh I can't imagine cone & dave doing drugs :D

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:06 pm
by d4rkst4r
If your agreeing with Phili then your agreeing with me and vice versa.

I wouldn't have made that comment if he didn't start first. I only said that in retaliation to what he said, if he wants to provoke me then do it, but don't expect me to sit still. If you want me to search the two ends of the internet for you for evidence I won't, mainly because it's a topic that isn't discussed much and not a lot of information on it. TBH, if deryck did drugs up to 2004 (which he probably did), then I think I like the band better especially live when their on then. They seem more alive and into the crowd then without the influence of drugs/alcohol. Just go compare say summer sonic 03 to 07. You can really see a difference in performance. I wonder how hardcore of drugs the band got into? Cocaine is really serious addictive shit.

More logic that this song is not about deryck father is, how could deryck be sorry? His dad took off, there was nothing deryck could do to stop him.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:11 pm
by V
d4rkst4r wrote:You guys act like it's a huge mystery, when it's not. I'm sure if V took a little time out of whatever social life he lives and emailed deryck for the 1000th time and asked him about it, he'd likely agree.
Thanks Phili for backing me up.

And Mr. Darkie... Give me his email address and I'd gladly ask him about his drug using habits, and about his hair... People here are dying to know how he gets it that way.

Also, if you could actually give me some hints on getting a social life I would like make you the king of and I don't know... I think you would be my hero like for forever.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your breakfast while watching "Why Do Squirrels Always Walk Around Naked?" on the History of Cell-Phones and Other Cool Things Channel.

Nevertheless, I apologize, d4rkst4r, I didn't mean to insult you by pointing out that thing about your signature and avatar.
8. Ever use drugs to enhance your sexual experience?

DW: I've never taken drugs for sex, but I have had sex on drugs. When I'm coming down from coke, I can't be alone for some reason. I always want to then. But when I'm high I'm more into talking and having fun.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:26 pm
by Druska
i'll gop to LA and ask him a few things
1 do you do drugs back in the early days?
2 could tell me why youre getting bald ?
3 do you sleep with the lights on or off ??
4 could you tell this to cone?"dude your shirts are amazing !2

yes i'm bored

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:57 pm
by xmarryxx
HEY STILL WAITING!! how are you? :happy:

by the way d4 i already told you that i agreed with you.
and i never said that i thought that the song was about his father, that wouldnt make any sense whatsoever.

i think the issue has been pretty much resolved

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:27 pm
by Blastero
In one of the first two of these three interviews Deryck talks about having a bad experience with some kind of magic mushrooms imitation.

And there was another interview where he was talking about the meaning of Pull the Curtain and his panic attacks and stuff. He said he originally thought his panic attacks were due to some mental problem he gave himself through heavy drug abuse.

Re: Best of me?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:32 pm
by xmarryxx
JEEZ!!! REALLY?? god i didnt think it was that bad

thank you very very much