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Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:30 am
by little-death
Fall out boy and gc normaly get classed as one of those bands that dont have apeal to anyone but 13 year olds, but for some reason i like goodcharlotte

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:56 pm
by MissWhibley
little-death wrote:Fall out boy and gc normaly get classed as one of those bands that dont have apeal to anyone but 13 year olds.
agreed :P

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:12 pm
by Mr. Penguin
little-death wrote:
Mr. Penguin wrote:I never understood the "sellout" accusations. They have never done anything to make it seem like they sold out. I mean, i dont get it. How do you people get these things in your head?
they aim there music at little teens
they changed there music style so they could sell more music, pete doesnt play his bass in studio or live... etc
Yeah.... no. You dont know much about them. Like, at all.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:30 pm
by Colaxallxoverx
as my music taste has grown and developed i no longer really listen to fall out boy or good charlotte but im not ashamed to say that i listened to them at one point. Those were the bands that first got me into the music i listen to now. and yea every now and then if i feel like listening to good charlotte or fall out boy then i do. i don't really care wat other ppl think of them or watever cuz i listen to wat i want . :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:09 am
by rmalik
call me brett wrote:
rmalik wrote:^ i was talking to the emo, used fanboy.
ouch man...... ouch.
ive been called an emo, now my life is over...... fuck off.
and how are FOB emo? the music is considered pop-punk which is the genre i would say most of you people listen to and also the lead singer is a slightly chubby white guy with a unemo apperance. So why do you call them emo?
is it just because of Pete Wentz or what?
when did i say FOB is emo? dumbass. i said you were, which i determined form your avatar. and judging from pete wentz actions of when he took nude pictures of himself and put them on the internet, he probably is emo, because apparently no one is paying attention to him.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:40 am
by Carv!
Colaxallxoverx wrote:as my music taste has grown and developed i no longer really listen to fall out boy or good charlotte but im not ashamed to say that i listened to them at one point. Those were the bands that first got me into the music i listen to now. and yea every now and then if i feel like listening to good charlotte or fall out boy then i do. i don't really care wat other ppl think of them or watever cuz i listen to wat i want . :wink:

I love FOB. They're great live. Especially the second time around.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:55 pm
by Mr. Penguin
rmalik wrote:
call me brett wrote:
rmalik wrote:^ i was talking to the emo, used fanboy.
ouch man...... ouch.
ive been called an emo, now my life is over...... fuck off.
and how are FOB emo? the music is considered pop-punk which is the genre i would say most of you people listen to and also the lead singer is a slightly chubby white guy with a unemo apperance. So why do you call them emo?
is it just because of Pete Wentz or what?
when did i say FOB is emo? dumbass. i said you were, which i determined form your avatar. and judging from pete wentz actions of when he took nude pictures of himself and put them on the internet, he probably is emo, because apparently no one is paying attention to him.
Wtf? Leave her alone. You can determine someone is emo from their avatar? You dont even know her. Jeez. Talk about judgemental. And, seriously, you guys need to get over Wentz and the things that happened in March '06 and start seeing the band as a whole. There are three other members in it, and they're just about the opporite of emo. One smokes pot, one is an animal rights activist, and the other obsessed over music on his PC. Oh and another thing. I know plently of other people who are MUCH older than 13 who LOVE them. The 13-year-olds only like them because of one song. They have a LOT of other songs that are better than that, though i asume the majority of you haven't heard them. Take This To Your Grave isn't exactly 13-year-old material.

-end rant-

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:04 am
again, whats wrong with emo? Its like calling somebody gay, who cares?

all their albums are really good

although, they aren't good live, hence the theatrics of their last tour

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:34 pm
by valderie
little-death wrote:Fall out boy and gc normaly get classed as one of those bands that dont have apeal to anyone but 13 year olds, but for some reason i like goodcharlotte

:oops: i like fob & gc
but then i started listening to them when i was 13 so maybe thats it?
they weren't as bad back in 2003! swearsies!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:45 pm
by Lithium
I like them their last two records were amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:57 am
by sumday4182
well i see where most of you are coming from, i used to hate FOB and really there was no reason for it, you see i just went off of what other people said like "oh they are so emo." which made me not listen, but honestly what does emo evn matter so i of course listend to sugar were goin' down which im sure is the song most of us were introduced to the band with and i liked it then i also noticed how pete wentz was allways the center of attention and it kinda pissed me off again i was just uneducated on Fall Out Boy you see Pete writes all the lyrics and he is pretty much the front man beacause Patrick the singer has some stage fright and is shy so he just lets pete be the head honcho so to speak and as far as the sell out thing who cares its all just a distraction from the music really, and whoever said they dont think that much of petes lyrics they are actully really good its just cause they are not very blunt the are very thought out and you have to really listen to get what they mean there are a lot of metaphors and cliches' which make you think and i guess some of you dont like to think, but once you really listen to the music and i mean listen start off with Take this to your gave. you really appreciate the music, the only reason most of you hate them is cause you know nothing about band an just listen to what others have said just give them a chance and if you still dont like them then what ever, but they can rock though let that be known.