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Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:22 am
by xmarryxx
but its not his show to play at. Avrils fans didn't pay concert tickets to see him (well at least most of them didnt :roll: ) I mean when i go to a sum 41 concert i don't really want to see Avril play. or any other band for that matter. i want to see them. if they really want to play together then they should make some kind of duo concert, (if there is such a thing). I do see the other side of it though, that its just some casual thing that he can just play what ever he wants, and i think its ok if its a one or two time thing. if he starts doing it alot ... then... well i don't know what ill say.
and plus its a bit cheesy don't you think?

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:52 am
by Jeremy Kill
Open Your Eyes wrote:Here's the full performance. The sound is a bit drowned out, but it's probably the best quality we'll see. I'm standing to the left of the camera, directly in front of Deryck's mic stand.
Oh, what the shit? He's playing Avril's Telecaster.

And I think Sum 41 already sold out anyways.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:00 pm
by scottrowan200
man if he thinks its cool .eave him alone he just spending time with his wife doin sumin fun and diffrent

they hardly get 2 see each other

he was probs drunk haha

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:35 pm
by Hentaiman
Adam, thanx for the video. wow, you were really there near Deryck! nice :surprised:

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:02 pm
by Open Your Eyes
Lol yeah I understand where you guys are coming from. If it makes you feel any better, he was like the same old Deryck from what I thought while he was playing. I didn't think he dropped down any levels. Also, I think he was only doing this for the two Ontario shows because both Avril and Deryck's families were at the shows, as were some of their friends.

Back in March, I had asked Avril if she was planning to do anything special for her Toronto show (which she was filming for DVD), and she said that she really wanted to have Deryck play on stage with her for a song, but he had to leave for Australia, so it wouldn't have happened. So I think she's been thinking about this for a long time, which doesn't make it that cheesy :p

Glad you enjoyed the video!

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:59 pm
by Open Your Eyes
I think that Deryck is actually playing at all of Avril's Canadian concerts (she's just doing about five of them to wrap up her tour), because so far, Deryck has played with her during her encore in Sudbury, Toronto, St. Johns, and Moncton. I doubt he'll play any of her Asian tourdates, though he's pretty big over there.

(sorry for double posting)

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:47 am
by spider-man
I think this is very cool. it's actually best to do something together at avril's show I think. cause most sum 41 fans that hate avril would freak out if she came on stage on "with me" or something at a sum 41 concert lol

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:17 pm
by xmarryxx
i would definatly freak. i don't hate avril though.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:11 pm
by adrianSum
i love her so i don't mind if they play together

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:21 pm
by cool kids
he should have used his own guitar though. thats the really lame part. have you no backbone deryck?

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:24 pm
by Open Your Eyes
^Lol! I thought it was funny. Shows that he's actually comfortable, especially with a pink/black checkered guitar strap. Though pink is "in" nowadays.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:49 pm
by xmarryxx
"he should have used his own guitar though. thats the really lame part. have you no backbone deryck?"

maybe he had last minute notice and didn't have his guitar with him

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:39 pm
by cool kids
Open Your Eyes wrote:^Lol! I thought it was funny. Shows that he's actually comfortable, especially with a pink/black checkered guitar strap. Though pink is "in" nowadays.
if it was his decision or he didn't have his guitar it would be funny. but i have a feeling avril "suggested" he use hers. i guess we will never know.
the lyric "You just do what i say" comes to mind.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:26 pm
by Open Your Eyes
HQ Audio: ... esPageId=1

"In To Deep" - Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley in Toronto Ontario 08.06.08

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:44 pm
by Spencer
i was ust going to make a topic aobut this casue my friend was at the avril concert in newfoundland and he told me that deryck played in to deep and i didnt believe him haha

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:20 am
by Phili

Ok, I know most of you are a few years older than me, but you are being SO selfish and SO immature about this.

Let's just address, well, everything. I think I've seen, maybe, 3 comments in here that don't make me embarrassed that I am a member, an ADMIN, on TNS.

"Deryck has sunk to a very low level and he's selling out and ruining Sum 41."
Let me get this straight. Because he went and performed with his wife at 5 of her shows for 4 minutes to do something nice for the person he loves, and to do something special for these final Canadian dates, he is doing something awful and RUINING SUM 41?! How fucking melodramatic can you get? Yes, they're playing a Sum 41 song. That isn't the end of the world, and it's probably the best way to do it. She is doing a Sum 41 cover and he is simply contibruting to it. If he was doing this with, I dunno, Miley Cyrus, I'd understand your outrage, but this is something special and fun that he's doing with a loved one.

"Deryck has no backbone and he's lame because he's not playing his own guitar."
He's on tour with his wife! Do you honestly expect him to drag his own guitar around when they've already got a whole bunch of shit and equipment everywhere. He's clearly comfortable with the guitar, why shouldn't he play it if it's so much easier? Honestly. I'd find it way lamer if he was playing his own guitar. It would look so prepared and stupid. cool kids, this is the second forum I've seen you over react about this in and it's getting a bit tired. I usually get along very well with you and have come to expect WAY better. At least you didn't pretend he was 8 and claim that he was embarrassed by the pink strap again.

"It's not his show so he shouldn't be there, they came to see Avril and they don't like it."
Ok, number 1. If you watch any video surrounding his intro or listen to any audio of this performance, you will hear just how excited the entire crowd was to see Deryck come out onstage. They weren't pissed off, they thought it was cool because they got to see their favourite singer cover a new song and they got to see her having fun performing it with not only the original singer but her husband. Most Avril fans adore seeing Deryck with Avril and have been waiting for it forever. They were doing it for them. Number 2, as I said before, he was there for a grand total of 4 minutes out of 90 and Avril sang both the chorus and the verses' backing vocals. It was her cover turned into a duet because she had the resources to pull it off. When she covered Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls she did it with their lead singer. When Sum 41 covered Judas Priest at MTV 20, they did it with their former lead singer. It's almost the same thing. Chill.

"It's cheesy."
Well, no it's not. One, it's a fast, hard-hitting, break-up song. They could've EASILY done "With Me." Two, it wasn't Deryck coming onstage and doing a little sing-along or play-along with one of her songs, it was one of his own songs and as I have said a lot now, it was an Avril cover turned into a simple duet. Three, their voices sound GOOD together, it was a good performance. It wasn't some cheesy "we're singing this badly but it works because we're a couple" thing, they just sang together and they did it well. Four, it's not like they're doing an entire show together, that is the epitome of cheesy and they didn't do it that way at all.

"Deryck should be doing the b-side or writing new material right now."
I think sometimes you guys forget that Deryck is not your slave or a superhero, he is a human being. Yeah, he chose this career, and yeah, I wish he was working on that stuff, but we have been spoiled by Sum 41 over the years. We are disappointed now because what we're getting is the alightly above-average version of band behaviour after a few years in the spotlight and some growing up and some lack of success. Most bands go into seclusion, break up in a situation like this. Cone is writing and performing with The Operation MD and constantly answering questions from Sum 41 fans, even though he is also in the middle of planning his wedding. Steve's directing videos and well very little else, but he is also planning his wedding, which we know is only 2 months away. Deryck is out there amusing fans of both Sum 41 and Avril, and he will eventually get around to mixing the b-side and writing the new album. He's probably not writing right now mainly because of the disappointment of what he thought was his greatest work and a lack of inspiration, really. He needs some time to breathe, to think, to heal. Back off. He is allowed to spend this time with his wife, OK? When he's working he rarely sees her, and he's often not on tour with her.

End of. I never thought I'd have to go on like that. I wasn't expecting the best reaction in the world, but most of what I'm seeing is frankly immature, melodramatic, and shameful, really.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:13 am
by Open Your Eyes
And that's why you're my bffl.

313 fo lyfe

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:37 am
by Hentaiman
Yeah Phili is right. Deryck should do whatever he wants and as long as he's happy i think its cool. He's not ruining Sum 41 and people really overreacted here.
I mean, i don't find it that great either and as much as i would like him to sit down home and write some material for the next album or mix the b-side, i dont plan his life or priorities for him, he does, and well, he decided to do this and he's happy with it, so thats it.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:39 pm
by c4rlsson
Simple question, was this show filmed by a professional ? Like to an DVD or something ? ;P

I dont know who Forgott3nis on youtube and if its some off you here so tell me and I will delete the video if you don't want to have it here. <- Same clip just better sound. I grabbed the sound from the fansite, I know wrong in the beginning and removed the old audio that way its more look able to me ;P Hope you don't mind, tell me and I remove as fast as I see the message.

Re: Deryck Plays On Stage With Avril in Toronto

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:49 pm
by V
As usual, I have to agree with Phili.

And it's nice to know that when people start saying stupid shit about somewhat irrelevant situations we have our own superheroine to come and save us from ignorance.