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Re: Green Day

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:08 pm
by 182sins
I downloaded Kill The DJ, but yeah I don't like it... It's just kind of boring, I don't think like they put a lot of effort on this one. The production is still amazing though.

Oh love was definitely a deception for me. I read somewhere that the 3 albums are going to be completely different, with Uno being a soft album, Dos being more aggressive, and Tré being even more aggressive. At least that's what I think I remember so... I think that the other tracks on the first album are going to be way better (Carpe Diem, for instance is a song I really like).

Re: Green Day

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:24 pm
by Gutter Dreams
fenderrocks wrote:Kill The DJ is catchier and more has more energy than Oh Love, but I'm not sold on any yet. All three songs are very repetitive, which is like Jer said probably nice to listen to in the car. I've been playing Franz Ferdinand lately and it's like that, good vibe, but I'm not emotionally/lyrically invested in it like Sum41 material, it's just background music.

The songs do seem to lack that "oomph". But props to them for trying a new sound I guess, even though a lot of the guitar parts/backing vocals sound like stuff from previous albums.
this is how I feel, I can't get into any of their new stuff. Honestly, I can't sit through the entirety of any the new songs. I get bored.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:25 am
by Resident Skumfuk
Here's the music vid for "Oh Love" this has got to be one of the most lame music videos ever... but I guess that fits the song.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:09 am
by Gregorovich
I agree. The song itself isn't bad, but the video has got to be the worst one they've done. Which is disappointing, as Green Day usually do brilliant videos.
Walking Contradiction, Holiday, 21st Century Breakdown, all amazing videos. This is just the band playing with intermittent shots of hookers.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:42 am
by Ardi41
i like geek stink breath :hehe:.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:45 am
by Gregorovich
What's with every chorus on this album just being the song title repeated over and over? I know it's meant to be like classic garage rock but come on.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:55 pm
It sounds like barely any effort was put into these songs! :sosad: Anyone could've written that song in 10 minutes!
I'm afraid that I don't like the new Green Day... :sosad: so dissapointing.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:48 pm
by Tyler.
cladam41 wrote:It sounds like barely any effort was put into these songs! :sosad: Anyone could've written that song in 10 minutes!
I'm afraid that I don't like the new Green Day... :sosad: so dissapointing.
Coming from a huge GD fan (I even love 21st Century Breakdown) I gotta say I agree...these songs just lack any originality or imagination at all, I would say you are right about them being written in 10 minutes.

I mean, aside from Oh Love they've been listenable and sort of catchy, but nothing new or interesting to hear in my opinion, and a huge step backwards.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:24 pm
by Ardi41
these guys sold out big time and they know this , and they also know that their fanbase is made of little mtv kiddies in puberty who will buy literally everything these guys do , even if they make a recording session with them taking a shit for the whole album ... so they thought : let's make an album full of songs we'll write in 10 minutes these idiots will still buy it .. so we can make money without putting any effort into it ...
WAIT .. what if we release 3 albums full of garbage ?? that's means even more money for almost the same amount of work !!!

i hope that i'm wrong (wich i know i am ) and the rest of the songs are good ...

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:10 pm
by TomiT14
Talked with Deryck about this, what makes Sum 41 superfans better than Green Day superfans is that Sum-fans don't fall for everything the band does, whereas GD fans are crazy about everything, even if Billie Joe sneezes. It's just so fake that the GD fans scream from excitement after hearing Oh Love. Like, seriously, that's GARBAGE! And that's coming from a ex-GD-superfan. I have all their records along with few singles, seen their show twice (on the same tour even), but now I'm really falling off their wagon. Too much glory has gone up to their heads.

Even if you're a superfan, you're not forced to like everything the band does.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:27 pm
These 2 posts ^ are EXACTLY how I feel about this whole thing. Green Day has sold out. :balling:. But the kiddies are gonna jizz over it anyway. DAmmit! :angry: GD ALWAYS wrote awesome music! I'm not used to this crap, let alone this band with SO MUCH potential releasing shit for the kiddies to buy.

Green Day- You suck now. :sosad: I'll listen to the album(s)...but I'm not looking forward to it. Which is a shame- cause I thought this was a badass idea considering GD is SUPPOSED to write top notch material (as they've always been up until now)

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:53 pm
by Gutter Dreams
I really hate the direction these albums are going. None of the songs released thus far have caught my attention.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:04 pm
by Jeremy Kill
TomiT14 wrote:Talked with Deryck about this, what makes Sum 41 superfans better than Green Day superfans is that Sum-fans don't fall for everything the band does, whereas GD fans are crazy about everything, even if Billie Joe sneezes. It's just so fake that the GD fans scream from excitement after hearing Oh Love. Like, seriously, that's GARBAGE! And that's coming from a ex-GD-superfan. I have all their records along with few singles, seen their show twice (on the same tour even), but now I'm really falling off their wagon. Too much glory has gone up to their heads.

Even if you're a superfan, you're not forced to like everything the band does.
My hope and dream for TNS is to never become "that fansite" where everything about the band is amazing and if it's not that band then it sucks.

I hope Cyril is right in that these songs get faster and more aggressive with each album. After all, there should at least be a point to this trilogy album, like, what makes it a trilogy? These songs sound like they should've been b-sides to Foxboro Hot Tubs. That album is so much more enjoyable than what they have put out so far for ¡Uno!.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:37 pm
by Noreason757
99 Revolutions Full Song Live Great Quality

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:23 pm
by samueeL
lol'd so hard, AGAIN same kind of chorus :D

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:43 pm
by Dylan
maybe the the point of Uno, is to have ONE line per chorus, Dos; TWO and Tre, we get THREE lines!

how generous.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:29 pm
by Noreason757
TheWatchmaker wrote:maybe the the point of Uno, is to have ONE line per chorus, Dos; TWO and Tre, we get THREE lines!

how generous.
well 99 revolutions is on tre so...

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:29 pm
by Gregorovich
Alright, so I'm going to attempt to address some of the concerns most of you have about the upcoming albums. Bear with me. Any 'tl;dr' and I'll cunt-punt you.

SO, I'm not a gigantic fan of some of the songs we have heard so far, but I really do think most of you are being too harsh on Green Day. So what if they're not making the epic rock-operas which slingshotted them back into the limelight after their Classic Punk era ended with Warning?

Out of the songs I've heard so far, I don't see anything much to complain about. When I heard Stay the Night a year or two ago, I (like most fans) got fucking excited, for two reasons. One - because they were back in business, making music, and Two - they were making fucking good music. I liked what I heard, and as did pretty much everybody else. Then we all (or the fans at least) found good-quality live versions of It's Fuck Time, Carpe Diem and Amy (only the latter of which I disliked based on the fact that it is a tribute to one of my most hated celebrities). Needless to say both Carpe Diem and It's Fuck Time were received pretty damn well (there were a bunch of others but unfortunately the quality of recording was so low that I didn't bother listening).

Then Oh Love came along, after so much hype about the '3 ALBUMS OMG' had built up, and inspired a pretty bad reaction (at least from the lesser fans). Why? Because the song wasn't single quality. It wasn't a bad song, but it lacks in pace, energy and everything else which makes a Green Day single. Also, clocking in at five minutes, it sure as hell isn't radio-friendly. What could you expect? It was the last song on the album. A chill-down song. So, bad decision on the band's part to release a chill-down song as the first single (for a comparison, imagine Sum 41 releasing Best of Me as the first single on UH. Crazy, right? Anyway, then we hear Let Yourself Go (live), which most people agree is pretty awesome song, if a little repetitive. But to most people I've heard from, this seems to be one of the songs people are most excited to hear the studio version of (after Stay the Night and It's Fuck Time). Again, we get another single, Kill the DJ, which Billie Joe describes as 'the closest thing we've ever done to straight-up dance'. Now, to anybody without a hearing aid, this song is not a proper dance song. However, it is a pretty funky neo-dance-rock-garage-combo type number which, yes, is a little repetitive but catchy, fun and chill nonetheless.

Now, with the whole Angry Birds thing, I'll be the first to admit that was a really bad move on the band's part. What was going through their heads when they decided making themselves into disgustingly characterised pigs in one of the most popular mobile indie games? Unless they are genuinely massive fans of Angry Birds (which I can't see happening), I have no idea why they would have done that. And I guess the band took a hit from some non-fans with the short preview of Troublemaker, because to most people (myself included) it sounded pretty tuneless and repetitive. Anyway, moving on... 99 Revolutions (the only song from Tre! we've heard so far), to me, sounded pretty awesome. I know you guys don't like the 'repetitive sing-along chorus' thing they've got in some of their songs, but it really does work in this song. I'd probably say this is the most anthem-ic song they've released since 21st Century Breakdown, and kinda reinforces Billie Joe's statement that the final album in the trilogy will be 'epic-sounding'.

In response to what Tomi said about Green Day fans, I can't say I agree at all. I really do think it's unfair to label fans in that way, when a fair number of them are a little more intelligent than the ones we actually hear from all over YouTube etc. I do have to say that yes, the people who tend to worship anything the band does without any thought process give both the band and its fans a really bad reputation. You can't let them give you the picture that all Green Day fans are dribbling moronic fangirls. They're in a minority - unfortunately for everybody else, that's the minority you will constantly see touching themselves to pictures of Billie Joe on SpaceTube and Youbook and Myface and everything else. And they're pretty damn in-your-face about their stupidity too. They annoy me as much as any idiotic fans, Beliebers or Gleeks or what-have-you; it doesn't make a difference that I like Green Day. Green Day got unfortunate enough to get a significant amount of radio/TV air-time back in 2004, which is enough for these fangirls/fangays to latch on. And brudda, once that happens, there ain't no getting rid of them.

Look, I'm not saying this is the best stuff Green Day have come out with. Because it isn't. They know it isn't. They don't care if it isn't - they just wanna make a bunch of fun songs and travel down avenues of Rock n' Roll they haven't been before. In the end, I just think you guys are being pretty harsh on the band and these new songs, without proper thought in the same way these 'fans' you despise have loved them. without consideration. I'd be lying if I said this was some of Green Day's best work, but I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't really impressed with what they've done so far. If we discount the obvious mistakes of making an ending song a lead single and partnering with Angry Birds, what are we left with? A whole load of pretty cool live recordings of some great songs like Stay the Night, Carpe Diem, It's Fuck Time, 99 Revolutions and of course Kill the DJ. If you can't bring yourself to like these songs, at least try to appreciate what the band is doing. Do it for me.

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:46 pm
by Noreason757
Gregorovich wrote:Alright, so I'm going to attempt to address some of the concerns most of you have about the upcoming albums. Bear with me. Any 'tl;dr' and I'll cunt-punt you.

SO, I'm not a gigantic fan of some of the songs we have heard so far, but I really do think most of you are being too harsh on Green Day. So what if they're not making the epic rock-operas which slingshotted them back into the limelight after their Classic Punk era ended with Warning?

Out of the songs I've heard so far, I don't see anything much to complain about. When I heard Stay the Night a year or two ago, I (like most fans) got fucking excited, for two reasons. One - because they were back in business, making music, and Two - they were making fucking good music. I liked what I heard, and as did pretty much everybody else. Then we all (or the fans at least) found good-quality live versions of It's Fuck Time, Carpe Diem and Amy (only the latter of which I disliked based on the fact that it is a tribute to one of my most hated celebrities). Needless to say both Carpe Diem and It's Fuck Time were received pretty damn well (there were a bunch of others but unfortunately the quality of recording was so low that I didn't bother listening).

Then Oh Love came along, after so much hype about the '3 ALBUMS OMG' had built up, and inspired a pretty bad reaction (at least from the lesser fans). Why? Because the song wasn't single quality. It wasn't a bad song, but it lacks in pace, energy and everything else which makes a Green Day single. Also, clocking in at five minutes, it sure as hell isn't radio-friendly. What could you expect? It was the last song on the album. A chill-down song. So, bad decision on the band's part to release a chill-down song as the first single (for a comparison, imagine Sum 41 releasing Best of Me as the first single on UH. Crazy, right? Anyway, then we hear Let Yourself Go (live), which most people agree is pretty awesome song, if a little repetitive. But to most people I've heard from, this seems to be one of the songs people are most excited to hear the studio version of (after Stay the Night and It's Fuck Time). Again, we get another single, Kill the DJ, which Billie Joe describes as 'the closest thing we've ever done to straight-up dance'. Now, to anybody without a hearing aid, this song is not a proper dance song. However, it is a pretty funky neo-dance-rock-garage-combo type number which, yes, is a little repetitive but catchy, fun and chill nonetheless.

Now, with the whole Angry Birds thing, I'll be the first to admit that was a really bad move on the band's part. What was going through their heads when they decided making themselves into disgustingly characterised pigs in one of the most popular mobile indie games? Unless they are genuinely massive fans of Angry Birds (which I can't see happening), I have no idea why they would have done that. And I guess the band took a hit from some non-fans with the short preview of Troublemaker, because to most people (myself included) it sounded pretty tuneless and repetitive. Anyway, moving on... 99 Revolutions (the only song from Tre! we've heard so far), to me, sounded pretty awesome. I know you guys don't like the 'repetitive sing-along chorus' thing they've got in some of their songs, but it really does work in this song. I'd probably say this is the most anthem-ic song they've released since 21st Century Breakdown, and kinda reinforces Billie Joe's statement that the final album in the trilogy will be 'epic-sounding'.

In response to what Tomi said about Green Day fans, I can't say I agree at all. I really do think it's unfair to label fans in that way, when a fair number of them are a little more intelligent than the ones we actually hear from all over YouTube etc. I do have to say that yes, the people who tend to worship anything the band does without any thought process give both the band and its fans a really bad reputation. You can't let them give you the picture that all Green Day fans are dribbling moronic fangirls. They're in a minority - unfortunately for everybody else, that's the minority you will constantly see touching themselves to pictures of Billie Joe on SpaceTube and Youbook and Myface and everything else. And they're pretty damn in-your-face about their stupidity too. They annoy me as much as any idiotic fans, Beliebers or Gleeks or what-have-you; it doesn't make a difference that I like Green Day. Green Day got unfortunate enough to get a significant amount of radio/TV air-time back in 2004, which is enough for these fangirls/fangays to latch on. And brudda, once that happens, there ain't no getting rid of them.

Look, I'm not saying this is the best stuff Green Day have come out with. Because it isn't. They know it isn't. They don't care if it isn't - they just wanna make a bunch of fun songs and travel down avenues of Rock n' Roll they haven't been before. In the end, I just think you guys are being pretty harsh on the band and these new songs, without proper thought in the same way these 'fans' you despise have loved them. without consideration. I'd be lying if I said this was some of Green Day's best work, but I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't really impressed with what they've done so far. If we discount the obvious mistakes of making an ending song a lead single and partnering with Angry Birds, what are we left with? A whole load of pretty cool live recordings of some great songs like Stay the Night, Carpe Diem, It's Fuck Time, 99 Revolutions and of course Kill the DJ. If you can't bring yourself to like these songs, at least try to appreciate what the band is doing. Do it for me.
THIS! I love all of the songs they have released or played live so far (Stray Heart being my favorite, and troublemaker being my least, but that might be because i havent heard the full song) I am very Excited to hear this trilogy. :silly:

Re: Green Day

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:52 pm
by Boni
Gregorovich wrote:Alright, so I'm going to attempt to address some of the concerns most of you have about the upcoming albums. Bear with me. Any 'tl;dr' and I'll cunt-punt you.

SO, I'm not a gigantic fan of some of the songs we have heard so far, but I really do think most of you are being too harsh on Green Day. So what if they're not making the epic rock-operas which slingshotted them back into the limelight after their Classic Punk era ended with Warning?

Out of the songs I've heard so far, I don't see anything much to complain about. When I heard Stay the Night a year or two ago, I (like most fans) got fucking excited, for two reasons. One - because they were back in business, making music, and Two - they were making fucking good music. I liked what I heard, and as did pretty much everybody else. Then we all (or the fans at least) found good-quality live versions of It's Fuck Time, Carpe Diem and Amy (only the latter of which I disliked based on the fact that it is a tribute to one of my most hated celebrities). Needless to say both Carpe Diem and It's Fuck Time were received pretty damn well (there were a bunch of others but unfortunately the quality of recording was so low that I didn't bother listening).

Then Oh Love came along, after so much hype about the '3 ALBUMS OMG' had built up, and inspired a pretty bad reaction (at least from the lesser fans). Why? Because the song wasn't single quality. It wasn't a bad song, but it lacks in pace, energy and everything else which makes a Green Day single. Also, clocking in at five minutes, it sure as hell isn't radio-friendly. What could you expect? It was the last song on the album. A chill-down song. So, bad decision on the band's part to release a chill-down song as the first single (for a comparison, imagine Sum 41 releasing Best of Me as the first single on UH. Crazy, right? Anyway, then we hear Let Yourself Go (live), which most people agree is pretty awesome song, if a little repetitive. But to most people I've heard from, this seems to be one of the songs people are most excited to hear the studio version of (after Stay the Night and It's Fuck Time). Again, we get another single, Kill the DJ, which Billie Joe describes as 'the closest thing we've ever done to straight-up dance'. Now, to anybody without a hearing aid, this song is not a proper dance song. However, it is a pretty funky neo-dance-rock-garage-combo type number which, yes, is a little repetitive but catchy, fun and chill nonetheless.

Now, with the whole Angry Birds thing, I'll be the first to admit that was a really bad move on the band's part. What was going through their heads when they decided making themselves into disgustingly characterised pigs in one of the most popular mobile indie games? Unless they are genuinely massive fans of Angry Birds (which I can't see happening), I have no idea why they would have done that. And I guess the band took a hit from some non-fans with the short preview of Troublemaker, because to most people (myself included) it sounded pretty tuneless and repetitive. Anyway, moving on... 99 Revolutions (the only song from Tre! we've heard so far), to me, sounded pretty awesome. I know you guys don't like the 'repetitive sing-along chorus' thing they've got in some of their songs, but it really does work in this song. I'd probably say this is the most anthem-ic song they've released since 21st Century Breakdown, and kinda reinforces Billie Joe's statement that the final album in the trilogy will be 'epic-sounding'.

In response to what Tomi said about Green Day fans, I can't say I agree at all. I really do think it's unfair to label fans in that way, when a fair number of them are a little more intelligent than the ones we actually hear from all over YouTube etc. I do have to say that yes, the people who tend to worship anything the band does without any thought process give both the band and its fans a really bad reputation. You can't let them give you the picture that all Green Day fans are dribbling moronic fangirls. They're in a minority - unfortunately for everybody else, that's the minority you will constantly see touching themselves to pictures of Billie Joe on SpaceTube and Youbook and Myface and everything else. And they're pretty damn in-your-face about their stupidity too. They annoy me as much as any idiotic fans, Beliebers or Gleeks or what-have-you; it doesn't make a difference that I like Green Day. Green Day got unfortunate enough to get a significant amount of radio/TV air-time back in 2004, which is enough for these fangirls/fangays to latch on. And brudda, once that happens, there ain't no getting rid of them.

Look, I'm not saying this is the best stuff Green Day have come out with. Because it isn't. They know it isn't. They don't care if it isn't - they just wanna make a bunch of fun songs and travel down avenues of Rock n' Roll they haven't been before. In the end, I just think you guys are being pretty harsh on the band and these new songs, without proper thought in the same way these 'fans' you despise have loved them. without consideration. I'd be lying if I said this was some of Green Day's best work, but I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't really impressed with what they've done so far. If we discount the obvious mistakes of making an ending song a lead single and partnering with Angry Birds, what are we left with? A whole load of pretty cool live recordings of some great songs like Stay the Night, Carpe Diem, It's Fuck Time, 99 Revolutions and of course Kill the DJ. If you can't bring yourself to like these songs, at least try to appreciate what the band is doing. Do it for me.