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Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:05 am
by Jeremy Kill
Do you guys think Sum 41 should make the next album a concept album? If not, maybe sometime down the road?

I'm interested in what they could come up with, story-wise.

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:25 pm
by Hentaiman
I think they should try to do this punk opera thing , kind of concept, like Green Day did with AI, so i guess then people gonna say they again copied Green Day or whatever, so best thing for them is just to do a regular album like always, but again , you know, like most of their albums they have some basic idea, like Chuck, its more about the seriousness and hard shit happening in the world, AKNF is more about teen rebellion and stuff. DTLI is also pretty serious and political mostly, but with a lot of humor too (A.N.I.C lol). Thats what they should do. Concept is just too arty for Sum 41 :ohshiz:
It was great for Pink Floyd, but come on, even Kiss failed on doing concept records. Their concept albums considered their worst.

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:28 am
by Blastero
No and no. Underclass Hero simply does not have as much appeal as either AKNF or American Idiot. It's a big personal letting-my-feelings-out type of record for Deryck, which is fine, but that certainly doesn't sell as much as crazy spikey-haired drunks singing about teen rebellion at a skate park. And as far as American Idiot goes, Green Day simply seems to have some gift where everything they do is super popular and sells millions. Sum 41 has never even approached the level of popularity Green Day has. Sure, having an album sell almost 2 million, and then have a few more than sell maybe around close to half that is not-too-shabby for any band, to say the least, but to have several albums that have sold from 4 to 10 million copies respectively is simply a far greater achievement.

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:40 am
by xmarryxx
^ yes but sum 41 is still THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:53 am
by Jeremy Kill
xmarryxx wrote:^ yes but sum 41 is still THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you being serious or just joking? Not trying to come off as an ass or anything. Sum 41 are a good band, they play music I like to listen to (Infected & Chuck). But unless you listen to all the world's music, it's impossible to say who's the best band ever. And if you really are joking and I made myself look like a dumbass, well...


Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:58 pm
by cool kids
no for both. fat lip is on a different level than underclass hero. fat lip is more in your face teenage stuff. i see underclass hero as more politically charged than teenage anthem.
and American Idiot is a more concept album and GD used the whole rock-opera thing to make it a big success. not to mention Green Day is more popular than Sum 41 (which sucks imo)
oh btw i didn't like american idiot. the slower songs are terrible. out of 13 songs i only liked 6. completely disappointing.
i wouldn't go as far as saying sum 41 is the best band ever. but they are way better than green day.

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:09 pm
by Hentaiman
Well, to be honest, asking right now if UH could be better than Fat Lip is stupid, I mean, no one will say it could, but who knows... maybe it could be as successful or even more successful than Fat Lip.

We say it now cuz Fat Lip is great and is a classic Sum 41 track and everyone loves it and its Sum 41's biggest hit and most successful single and all, so its hard for us to see UH taking its place especially as we think UH is not as good as FL, but maybe if in 2001 before Fat Lip existed, we could see UH, maybe we would love it the way it was back then... I dunno, its hard to say like that. Its always easier to say "No way" and stuff, cuz obiously its hard for us to see UH in the place of Fat Lip.

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:01 am
by spider-man
1. maybe, cause pop punk was the thing back then, so I think it could have worked out had it been UH instead

2. I don't think it could have been as big as AI. no deep reason, just seems like not as many people would like it

Re: Fat Lip or Underclass Hero?! Also, Idiot

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:29 pm
by scottrowan200
plus unerclass hero is liek a wierd rip off of fat lip in a way haha if anyone knows where im coming from