I need help with pedals

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Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:30 pm

Re: I need help with pedals

Post by Sammy »

Get a Maxon OD9.

It's the TS9, but the origional schematic, as they origionally made the TS9 for Ibanez.
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Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:30 pm

Re: I need help with pedals

Post by Schniz »

Dude, i recommend you to buy a Multi-Effect to learn the types of effects that you want
Its more cheaper.
I have a PODxt (That i dont use anymore and I'll sell it soon..) and thats a great thing - but not as a Analog pedal (I now have the ToneBone Plexitube and its great! Great analog distortion with 2 channels... thats awesome!)
And dont forget that effects don't make your guitar into gold - the guitar sound IS matter. on your tele, a distortion will be like a toy and if you won't be on the middle position you will have a annoying HUMMMMMMMMMMM sound (thats why the humbuckers called like this.. cause they buck the hum. lol)

I recommend on a multi-effect, cause its cheap (but dont buy a very simple multi! buy something that sounds good -) Check out the PODxt Live.. it suppose to be kinda cheap cause there is a new version of POD (X3)
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