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Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:53 pm
by Rick
hey man! i've been a sum 41 fan from HHOP so you can't say shit!

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:56 pm
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Rick. wrote:hey man! i've been a sum 41 fan from HHOP so you can't say shit!
I know I know.

I said I apologise.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:58 pm
by Jonny
Fucking hell.
Think before you type, or atleast, if you make a point, stick to it, and argue your case.
Don't just see that everyone disagrees and go 'OK GUYZ IM SOZ I AOPLOGIZE'.
Stay by your fucking arguments or don't start them.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:01 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Jonny wrote:Fucking hell.
Think before you type, or atleast, if you make a point, stick to it, and argue your case.
Don't just see that everyone disagrees and go 'OK GUYZ IM SOZ I AOPLOGIZE'.
Stay by your fucking arguments or don't start them.
I realized after i posted that they were right

but its because of cunts like you, that i thought that.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:03 am
by Jonny
Well you're obviously getting the wrong idea, as i, as much of a 'cunt' as I am, never said I didn't like the album, or that i'm not a fan of Sum 41.
And if I don't, so what?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:04 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Jonny wrote:Well you're obviously getting the wrong idea, as i, as much of a 'cunt' as I am, never said I didn't like the album, or that i'm not a fan of Sum 41.
And if I don't, so what?
IF you don't GTFO. This is a sum 41 fan site. So that would make it obvious your here for media.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:07 am
by Jonny
Lmao, if I didn't like Sum 41, why would I want their media?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:09 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Jonny wrote:Lmao, if I didn't like Sum 41, why would I want their media?
Lmao. It's called "Other Media"

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:23 am
by Jonny
What did the post say before you edited it?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:26 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Jonny wrote:What did the post say before you edited it?
Same thing. I just put more emphasis on IF.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:28 am
by Jonny
Right ok.
This site isn't great for media, so there wouldn't be much point.
+ I don't have .rar so i can't really download any of the media, neither do i want to.

I hate sum 41 they are fags.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:44 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Jonny wrote:Right ok.
This site isn't great for media, so there wouldn't be much point.
+ I don't have .rar so i can't really download any of the media, neither do i want to.

I hate sum 41 they are fags.
Stop being sarcastic, i said IF you were. IF

Also as in hypothetically .

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:00 am
by Jeremy Kill
What the fuck is a true fan anyways.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:04 am
by I'm A Cunt [*banned*]
Gunner wrote:What the fuck is a true fan anyways.
Some one who doesn't change their opinion after getting attention from an older member of the opposite sex...

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:10 am
by Jonny
You totally missed the point of what I said on the other page so I'll explain again, in simpler words.
I love The Cure, I am a fan of The Cure.
I have a couple of their albums and really like them.
So the other day i got their album 'Pornography'.
It was absolutely shit and boring.
I still like the other albums, I am still a fan.
Understand now?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:15 am
nobody has the right to say that their a bigger fan than someone or the biggest fan simply due to the fact that being a fan by definition is so broad and different for everyone.

Are you more of a fan because you have purchased every commercial item with a 41 on it, or downloaded everything they ever did, or can name every original member because you looked it up on the internet?

There's a line between fan and follower.

I think that people who enjoy music in general who don't judge ppls music, who connect with a band for a reason other than the fact that they were on TRL or think they're good looking, can CONSIDER themselves a fan.

i believe that fans are optimistic and never give up on a band for foolish reasons, who are there from the beginning and stick with them even if many others don't.

I realized something this summer: Those 13 year old girls in the front row may be ignorant and are only aware of sum 41 because of their latest album, but they aren't the ones out of place. Those girls will grow up and most likely move on to something else. It's the older fans who were in the front row in the beginning and still go to shows (but stand back a little) who are out of place, but they still support them because of the connection they established with the music at a young age.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:19 am
by Jeremy Kill
sumfan wrote:
Gunner wrote:What the fuck is a true fan anyways.
Some one who doesn't change their opinion after getting attention from an older member of the opposite sex...
Sorry, but my opinion was my own from the beginning. Ash just happened to agree with me. Whether she did or didn't wouldn't have affected my later opinions.

I also didn't think that ultimately Underclass Hero was their best album. It is their best lyrically, but not instramentally. It's a good thing that Deryck added in vocal harmonies, piano, multiple drum kits and the like or else Hero would've been a weak-sounding album. This is an opinion I've always stood by.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:33 am
by fergal41
This is the most retarded thread I have ever seen. You're all a pack of fucking idiotic poseur (yes, that is how it's spelt) bastards. Fucking spastik cunts. I have come across a number of people on this board that seem like real fans that I can count on one hand. And 'Sumfan'; yourself and Phili arent included there. You fucking rat bastards cant comprehend music. It's fucking ridiculous the amount of bullshit that is spoken on this board.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:34 am
by fergal41
This is the most retarded thread I have ever seen. You're all a pack of fucking idiotic poseur (yes, that is how it's spelt) bastards. Fucking spastik cunts. I have come across a number of people on this board that seem like real fans that I can count on one hand. And 'Sumfan'; yourself and Phili arent included there. You fucking rat bastards cant comprehend music. It's fucking ridiculous the amount of bullshit that is spoken on this board.

By the way, stop licking Phili's arse she's just some little ten year old bitch who pretends like she actually knows something about the band

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:34 am
by Asho_DirtyPoo
Dude...people have different tastes and opinions.

If people are saying those things about UH to try and sound cool or agree with the "popular opinion" or whatever - that's lame.

But if that's actually how a person feels about the album - they're entitled to that feeling.

And you say people aren't fans of the band, they're fans of certain albums - I say people who are fans of ALL the albums but one or two...that still counts as fans of the band, and just NOT fans of specific albums.

It's not a contest, being a Sum 41 fan, or at least I didn't realize it was. Maybe I'm out of the loop.