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Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:34 pm
by FuckT41182
haha, who gives a fuck anyway ? I have already seen them 3 times and I have no urge to go once again ....

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:57 pm
by SumGeek
Saw this message & hashtag from the TNS twitter. Let's all trend #GetWellSoonDeryck

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:59 pm
by Shelley41
FuckT41182 wrote:haha, who gives a fuck anyway ? I have already seen them 3 times and I have no urge to go once again ....
:surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:02 pm
by FuckT41182
I don't get why are you still so worried about his health ? he will have his back hurt for another 50 thousand times if he won't stop underestimating it, and obviously, the problem with his back isn't so bad, Tom Delonge has been through much bigger pains and now he can perform his gay dancing with AVA everyday, all that Deryck needs to do is take a rest or see some doctor that will fix him up ...

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:27 pm
by Hideo_Kuze
the unluckiest man in pop punk

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:32 pm
by Dylan
this is pretty much a year since that they had to cancel because of his back last time.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:49 pm
by Boni
Mothafucking Monster wrote:I don't feel bad for Deryck so much as the fans. If you're in a touring band, and you set up shows, you should play them. Why can't Deryck play those shows with a messed up back? He doesn't necessarily need to move around much, or to even stand if he doesn't want to. He could sit in a fucking chair on stage for an hour for all I care.

I feel like they could also change up the set so that it's a bit slower and lighter if that was necessary. The point is, it's disappointing that he can't tour regardless. They shouldn't set up so many shows if they can't make it through the entire tour.
It's properly more to do with the pain than anything else.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:17 am
by Nic
God dammit!

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:31 am
by withchappedlips
SumGeek wrote:
Mothafucking Monster wrote:Why can't Deryck play those shows with a messed up back? He doesn't necessarily need to move around much, or to even stand if he doesn't want to. He could sit in a fucking chair on stage for an hour for all I care.
Well, I do believe last year when this happened for the second time, Deryck did continue to play other shows but now I guess from him not taking care of the injury properly and still playing shows, it has worsened to the point where now they really do have to make sure Deryck takes time off.
I don't really watch their shows, but I know they used to jump whenever they played fat lip and stuff. I mean, if they were really worried about his back, they could have him settle down and just stand there at the mic and sing. I don't see the problem in that. It wouldn't be the best show, but it would at least be a show, rather than a cancellation. He doesn't need to play guitar, either... he could just literally stand there without a guitar, just stand at the mic and sing like a Jesse Lacey statue.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:45 am
by SumGeek
Mothafucking Monster wrote:
SumGeek wrote:
Mothafucking Monster wrote:Why can't Deryck play those shows with a messed up back? He doesn't necessarily need to move around much, or to even stand if he doesn't want to. He could sit in a fucking chair on stage for an hour for all I care.
Well, I do believe last year when this happened for the second time, Deryck did continue to play other shows but now I guess from him not taking care of the injury properly and still playing shows, it has worsened to the point where now they really do have to make sure Deryck takes time off.
I don't really watch their shows, but I know they used to jump whenever they played fat lip and stuff. I mean, if they were really worried about his back, they could have him settle down and just stand there at the mic and sing. I don't see the problem in that. It wouldn't be the best show, but it would at least be a show, rather than a cancellation. He doesn't need to play guitar, either... he could just literally stand there without a guitar, just stand at the mic and sing like a Jesse Lacey statue.
Yeah, i've noticed that. But even in the Chuck era, I didn't see Deryck jump at all during Fat Lip. I see your point. I just think Deryck would rather give his all to the shows knowing that's what the fans would expect of him. I think I'd rather him rest up and have him feel better knowing he's ready to play shows, you know? Knowing that he's not in pain and enjoying the show too, just as much as the crowd.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:48 am
by Dylan
we don't even know the extent of his injury, maybe he cant even walk?

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:58 am
by SBMurder
Mothafucking Monster wrote:
I don't really watch their shows, but I know they used to jump whenever they played fat lip and stuff. I mean, if they were really worried about his back, they could have him settle down and just stand there at the mic and sing. I don't see the problem in that. It wouldn't be the best show, but it would at least be a show, rather than a cancellation. He doesn't need to play guitar, either... he could just literally stand there without a guitar, just stand at the mic and sing like a Jesse Lacey statue.

They Haven't Jumped during Fat lip on a regular Basis since B4 the Chuck Era

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:06 am
by SumGeek
2712 wrote:we don't even know the extent of his injury, maybe he cant even walk?
You'd think after the 3rd time injuring his back, this would be the case! let's hope it's not too serious.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:08 am
by SBMurder
SumGeek wrote:
2712 wrote:we don't even know the extent of his injury, maybe he cant even walk?
You'd think after the 3rd time injuring his back, this would be the case! let's hope it's not too serious.
I may Be wrong but wasn't he In a WheelChair after his injury in 2007 for a bit?

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:14 am
by Sum41Ant27
Hope he gets better soon, but thank goodness they didn't do a USA tour, cause if one of the shows were canceled I would flip a shit!!!

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:46 am
by Gutter Dreams
I haven't even seen them once :sosad:

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:07 am
by Hexidecimal
lol. he slipped a disc before, have any of you had that happen? It can be painful enough that you're paralyzed with it (this requires an annoying surgery).

But once you're treated with either physical therapy and maybe learn some exercises you can jump around all you want, hell after the surgery you can go running after 3 weeks.

But deryck isn't that responsible while on tour, so none of that would happen.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:18 am
by Tyler.
This man needs to eat his greens and drink more milk.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:03 am
by kILLDR3n
He is pretty fucking weak actually. Horrible posture and doesn't pay any attention to his health.

Re: Deryck's back AGAIN

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:43 am
by stevo32
Maybe if they put again this in their setlist, this "back injury story" will finish...
No seriously, for me they have to take a long break : Deryck looks like shit these days,he needs to stop, take care of himself and then come back as new. I'm sorry for the fans especially who never saw them live, but his health is more important than everything.