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Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:11 am
by Queso Man
The church has nothing on you. Faith is faith. Believe what you want to believe, and not just because someone tells you to. How can you honestly think God didn't create this world? Take a look at yourself. You're thinking to yourself inside your head. How could that ability develop from a cell?

God works wonders when you choose to follow him. It's not as simple as saying you believe in him and expecting good things to come to you. Bad things happen to good people all the time, and do they blame someone? No, they get back up and try harder with the faith to do better.

As my father was hanging from a string to death after a severe stroke, it was against all odds that he would survive, let alone recover and be supporting me in my life as I grow up. Good and bad are opinions, and God works in mysterious ways. He gives and he takes, but hopefully you learn what He is trying to teach you. I know I have.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:27 am
by Tyler41
samueeL wrote:Yeah and about the bible, why should we follow over 2000 years old rules? And churches just follow rules that are good for them. Who is church to say no to gay marriage? These people live in past.

In Finland it seems like believers are the most intolerant people I've seen.
people follow constitutions that were written hundreds of years ago as well. i know thats not anywhere near 2000 years but still, things have changed since the 1700s but we still follow those rules.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:50 am
by Bass Cone
This is tl;dr

I really doubt that there is a God and I have no doubt in my mind that the Christian (especially Catholic) religion is a bunch of shit. I've been in Catholic school since Kindergarten and I've found that the more I learn, the clearer the contradictions and fallacies of the religion become. People pick and choose parts of the Bible they want to follow. In 1 or 2 Timothy, there's a passage about keeping women silent and subordinate to men. In another, it outlaws wearing clothing woven from two different kinds of threads and declares anyone who doesn't give animal sacrifices to God as evil as a murderer.

I've also learned that the Catholic teaching is that God has a plan for us, knows exactly what will happen in our lives, but we still have free will. If God knows everything that we will do, then how can we change it? Doesn't that support predestination and make any effort at all to improve useless? If we are meant to live holy, altruistic lives then by this logic, we will and can't change that. If we aren't, we won't. It destroys Jesus' teaching of good works/moral lives to obtain salvation. It also destroys the point of prayer. If you pray for a sick relative, what good does it do? If something bad happens, it will be "part of God's plan." That's always the excuse for failed prayer. But, if things come out in a favorable way, people will praise God for his kindness.

I personally think organized religion is a hoax and purely meant to control the people. That's not to say that developing some sort of spirituality on your own is wrong. True power comes from self-reliance and thinking for yourself. Following the Church's every word will only entrap you and your mind in a tiny box. It closes you off from other religions, gods, etc. and prevents you from being able to fully open your mind up to new possibilities. I prefer to live my life the way I intend; to learn as much as possible and try to figure things out for myself. I don't need some preacher telling me how to go about doing this. If God is as loving and lenient as they say he is, then I'm sure he will accept someone who does no wrong but doesn't go to Church every Sunday.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:33 am
by Tyler41
Bass Cone wrote:This is tl;dr

I really doubt that there is a God and I have no doubt in my mind that the Christian (especially Catholic) religion is a bunch of shit. I've been in Catholic school since Kindergarten and I've found that the more I learn, the clearer the contradictions and fallacies of the religion become. People pick and choose parts of the Bible they want to follow. In 1 or 2 Timothy, there's a passage about keeping women silent and subordinate to men. In another, it outlaws wearing clothing woven from two different kinds of threads and declares anyone who doesn't give animal sacrifices to God as evil as a murderer.

I've also learned that the Catholic teaching is that God has a plan for us, knows exactly what will happen in our lives, but we still have free will. If God knows everything that we will do, then how can we change it? Doesn't that support predestination and make any effort at all to improve useless? If we are meant to live holy, altruistic lives then by this logic, we will and can't change that. If we aren't, we won't. It destroys Jesus' teaching of good works/moral lives to obtain salvation. It also destroys the point of prayer. If you pray for a sick relative, what good does it do? If something bad happens, it will be "part of God's plan." That's always the excuse for failed prayer. But, if things come out in a favorable way, people will praise God for his kindness.

I personally think organized religion is a hoax and purely meant to control the people. That's not to say that developing some sort of spirituality on your own is wrong. True power comes from self-reliance and thinking for yourself. Following the Church's every word will only entrap you and your mind in a tiny box. It closes you off from other religions, gods, etc. and prevents you from being able to fully open your mind up to new possibilities. I prefer to live my life the way I intend; to learn as much as possible and try to figure things out for myself. I don't need some preacher telling me how to go about doing this. If God is as loving and lenient as they say he is, then I'm sure he will accept someone who does no wrong but doesn't go to Church every Sunday.
you're not supposed to do exactly what the bible says word for word literally.
idr where it says this but it says something like if they don't believe, kill them. that doesnt mean literally murder the person, but it means don't let them get to you and corrupt the way you are thinking.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:59 am
by Jake-41
I believe in god, and love god with all my heart.

I read a story once about a kid who was walking home. He soon ran into a group of "atheists", who said they would stab him if he didn't say he was an atheist. He didn't say it, and they killed him.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:12 am
by Queso Man
Bass Cone wrote:This is tl;dr

I really doubt that there is a God and I have no doubt in my mind that the Christian (especially Catholic) religion is a bunch of shit. I've been in Catholic school since Kindergarten and I've found that the more I learn, the clearer the contradictions and fallacies of the religion become. People pick and choose parts of the Bible they want to follow. In 1 or 2 Timothy, there's a passage about keeping women silent and subordinate to men. In another, it outlaws wearing clothing woven from two different kinds of threads and declares anyone who doesn't give animal sacrifices to God as evil as a murderer.

I've also learned that the Catholic teaching is that God has a plan for us, knows exactly what will happen in our lives, but we still have free will. If God knows everything that we will do, then how can we change it? Doesn't that support predestination and make any effort at all to improve useless? If we are meant to live holy, altruistic lives then by this logic, we will and can't change that. If we aren't, we won't. It destroys Jesus' teaching of good works/moral lives to obtain salvation. It also destroys the point of prayer. If you pray for a sick relative, what good does it do? If something bad happens, it will be "part of God's plan." That's always the excuse for failed prayer. But, if things come out in a favorable way, people will praise God for his kindness.

I personally think organized religion is a hoax and purely meant to control the people. That's not to say that developing some sort of spirituality on your own is wrong. True power comes from self-reliance and thinking for yourself. Following the Church's every word will only entrap you and your mind in a tiny box. It closes you off from other religions, gods, etc. and prevents you from being able to fully open your mind up to new possibilities. I prefer to live my life the way I intend; to learn as much as possible and try to figure things out for myself. I don't need some preacher telling me how to go about doing this. If God is as loving and lenient as they say he is, then I'm sure he will accept someone who does no wrong but doesn't go to Church every Sunday.
And your misguided understanding of Christianity makes you look like a fool. I too personally find Catholicism to be silly. To be honest with you I don't know what denomination I am or whatever. Like I said, the church has nothing on you. Faith is faith. And perhaps you've been attending the wrong churches.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:13 am
by Tyler41
Jake-41 wrote:I believe in god, and love god with all my heart.

I read a story once about a kid who was walking home. He soon ran into a group of "atheists", who said they would stab him if he didn't say he was an atheist. He didn't say it, and they killed him.
i heard one that was like a group of gunmen came into a church during mass and said if you don't believe in God, leave now. if you do, we're going to kill you. then like everyone left but a few people and the congregation or w.e and the priest. then after they all left the gunman said there you go father, here are your true believers. then the gunmen left.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:31 am
by Dylan
I have been surprised by a lt of things said here buy a lot of people. Personally, I don't think people should follow the Bible 100% or even listen to the bishops or the Pope exactly. What they say tends to help people out in difficult situations, but then I see people like you guys who have been down on your luck repetedly. Personally, I think you're looking fr something/someone to blame. I do not believe God is gong to help everyone out of all their problems, it's the person's life and they shouldn't rely on an intangble being to help BEng order to their lives. Those people are fools.

The Bible, I believe, should never be attacked the way you guys are doing so. "how is anyone expected to follow rules that are over 2000 years old?" the Bible is not a book of laws, it is a tool to be used to make better moral decisions in life. Before I get ahead of myself, I must say that the Bible went through many many revisions by Christian purists and priests and scholars over the years and was translated numerous times. Many stories were mixed up and mistranslated. And nit to mention that the bible isn't 2000 years old, well the old testament is which makes it more suseptable to error, but the new testament is around only 1000 years old. And there really was a Jesus and he was Crucified, but I beleive that's common knowledge by now.

If you only hear parts of the Bibles "laws" then it can be confusing, but i've heard many. I've been in a Catholic school since kndergarten up till grade nine. I've read enough of the Bible to realize the one, and only one, rule that people need to live by; Treat others as you wish to be treated. That's it. It covers everything. If everyone in the world followed this ONE rule, i belIeve the world would be a much better place. And ts not just Christianity who has this rule, everyother religion has this as their basic rule as well.

I don't go to church often anymore, nor do I take a religious class in school. If you are a good person in life, and rreat others right, you will be rewarded after life. Now, I'm not sure wether I believe in an afterlife, but I do t see how we can just cease to exist. It's strange to me, but I'm in no hurry to fnd out.

And my last words are to Shiv; Shiv, it's not Gods fault that you're girlfriend dumped you and said those things, she was misguided and is still pretty confused. We all make bad decisions because we are confused when we are young and especially in relationships. You should be happy knowing that you are a good person and not like her, you will go farther in life than her. Peace.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:29 am
by Neverwakeup
You are not cool enough to get attention by god Shiva. :holyshit:

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:58 am
by Bobbyjames
I am my own God.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:03 am
by Emil
bobbyjames wrote:I am my own God.
And i make my own luck.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:47 am
by Tyler41
2712 wrote:I have been surprised by a lt of things said here buy a lot of people. Personally, I don't think people should follow the Bible 100% or even listen to the bishops or the Pope exactly. What they say tends to help people out in difficult situations, but then I see people like you guys who have been down on your luck repetedly. Personally, I think you're looking fr something/someone to blame. I do not believe God is gong to help everyone out of all their problems, it's the person's life and they shouldn't rely on an intangble being to help BEng order to their lives. Those people are fools.

The Bible, I believe, should never be attacked the way you guys are doing so. "how is anyone expected to follow rules that are over 2000 years old?" the Bible is not a book of laws, it is a tool to be used to make better moral decisions in life. Before I get ahead of myself, I must say that the Bible went through many many revisions by Christian purists and priests and scholars over the years and was translated numerous times. Many stories were mixed up and mistranslated. And nit to mention that the bible isn't 2000 years old, well the old testament is which makes it more suseptable to error, but the new testament is around only 1000 years old. And there really was a Jesus and he was Crucified, but I beleive that's common knowledge by now.

If you only hear parts of the Bibles "laws" then it can be confusing, but i've heard many. I've been in a Catholic school since kndergarten up till grade nine. I've read enough of the Bible to realize the one, and only one, rule that people need to live by; Treat others as you wish to be treated. That's it. It covers everything. If everyone in the world followed this ONE rule, i belIeve the world would be a much better place. And ts not just Christianity who has this rule, everyother religion has this as their basic rule as well.

I don't go to church often anymore, nor do I take a religious class in school. If you are a good person in life, and rreat others right, you will be rewarded after life. Now, I'm not sure wether I believe in an afterlife, but I do t see how we can just cease to exist. It's strange to me, but I'm in no hurry to fnd out.

And my last words are to Shiv; Shiv, it's not Gods fault that you're girlfriend dumped you and said those things, she was misguided and is still pretty confused. We all make bad decisions because we are confused when we are young and especially in relationships. You should be happy knowing that you are a good person and not like her, you will go farther in life than her. Peace.
you hit the nail on the head there

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:09 pm
by Druska
Jake-41 wrote:I believe in god, and love god with all my heart.

I read a story once about a kid who was walking home. He soon ran into a group of "atheists", who said they would stab him if he didn't say he was an atheist. He didn't say it, and they killed him.
i read a story once about a group of people called inquistion who killed and judged people who did not follow the church
see there are fucked up individuals everywhere

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:11 pm
by Sara
This is so confusing. What I think is just.. well, I don't need a religion. It's not that important. I don't know why people make such a big deal out of it.

What's ironic is that I gotta go to church in half an hour. If my parents knew I didn't exactly believe, I think they'd send me to military school or force me to become a nun or something.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:17 pm
by Jake-41
Sara wrote:This is so confusing. What I think is just.. well, I don't need a religion. It's not that important. I don't know why people make such a big deal out of it.

What's ironic is that I gotta go to church in half an hour. If my parents knew I didn't exactly believe, I think they'd send me to military school or force me to become a nun or something.
Your 14, and you don't believe in god?

Jesus christ!

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:32 pm
by samueeL

I decided not to joke about Jake-41.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:49 pm
by Janet
I don't know what i believe. I don't care about religion and i don't think it's important, although i do not judge people who strongly believe in god, because i know that some people rely on faith to get them through the day and knowing that after death there is a better place.
Actually, this is a topic where you can debate forever, the point of most religions is noble and is encouraging people to act like...well, people, yet religion set off wars and from my country's point of view, made living here like a punishment. Ah well, as i said, this can go on forever.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:33 pm
by Jake
i am

-----> <-----

This close.

To banning all religious discussion on TNS.

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:46 pm
by Boni
Jake! wrote:i am

-----> <-----

This close.

To banning all religious discussion on TNS.
That's super close

Re: Renouncing my faith

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:19 pm
by Emil
I don't need a god or a bible to know i'm not allowed to kill people and it's better to be nice. and whoever questioned why we followed laws from the 18th century it may be because that's whne the whole secualristic movement and enlightenment satrted. That's when people realized they could think for themselves adn didn't needed a church to do so.