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Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:51 am
by Jables
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:57 am
by Gutter Dreams
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?
not at all actually.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:05 am
by Jables
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?
not at all actually.
Tell Jables the bad thing and he shall attempt to make it seem better with his semi-famous wit and positive attitude.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:27 am
by Gutter Dreams
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?
not at all actually.
Tell Jables the bad thing and he shall attempt to make it seem better with his semi-famous wit and positive attitude.
School is just REALLY stressing me out, my teacher is a twat and can't teach to save his life and I don't understand and I went home and had a meltdown and cried for two hours because I was so stressed. And everyone else sucks. I feel like people only want to be my friend when they want something and when I'm having a bad day no ones there for me.

Also, I'm having a lot of er, medical issues which aren't looking to good either. My left SI joint has been inflamed for over a year, and when it flares up sometimes I can barely walk. The pain is sharp and it shoots down my thigh, to my knee. I've been in and out of physio and on and off prescription anti-inflammatory pills for months now and nothing seems to help because it goes away for a while but comes back. They've said it's just inflamed and possibly surrounded by a muscle spasm - nothing else. But it's gotten worse, my other hip has started acting up too.
So I went in for an assessment with a second physiotherapist at the hospital for a second opinion/she knows more about backs and stuff and it seems there's a lot more going on than my inflamed joint. Due to the inflammation all the muscles on the left side of my back have compounded and tensed up, while my right side hasn't but instead has upslipped (meaning everything on my right side is up higher than the left). They did a test to see if there was something abnormal about my leg lengths but they're only a half cm difference which is normal. It seems that my muscles aren't doing what they should and supporting my pelvis so there's more pressure on the joint (I've been wearing a support belt for the last few months to try and ease it, but I now I have to start build up muscle in my TAs (abs) and my butt to support it. I've already known I've had mild scoliosis (slightly curved spine) but the second physiotherapist wants standing X-rays so I have to get that done. And flat feet. But it turns out (only found out because I went to get new orthotics for my feet because the second physiotherapist recommended me to get stability running sneakers for my feet and new orthopedics) that my feet aren't flat - I actually have a large arch, and because it's so large when I walk and put my weight on it, my foot falls in and appears flat. There's also an alignment issue with my heel and a tendon in my foot which affects my entire leg because my knees are bent in as well. Which all contributes to the stress I've been putting on my hip and making it hurt.
I'm also missing a lot of class time because of all the appointments I have, I'm going to miss 5 class in 3 weeks - which for me is a LOT, so that's not helping my stress in school either.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:56 am
by Jables
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?
not at all actually.
Tell Jables the bad thing and he shall attempt to make it seem better with his semi-famous wit and positive attitude.
School is just REALLY stressing me out, my teacher is a twat and can't teach to save his life and I don't understand and I went home and had a meltdown and cried for two hours because I was so stressed. And everyone else sucks. I feel like people only want to be my friend when they want something and when I'm having a bad day no ones there for me.

Also, I'm having a lot of er, medical issues which aren't looking to good either. My left SI joint has been inflamed for over a year, and when it flares up sometimes I can barely walk. The pain is sharp and it shoots down my thigh, to my knee. I've been in and out of physio and on and off prescription anti-inflammatory pills for months now and nothing seems to help because it goes away for a while but comes back. They've said it's just inflamed and possibly surrounded by a muscle spasm - nothing else. But it's gotten worse, my other hip has started acting up too.
So I went in for an assessment with a second physiotherapist at the hospital for a second opinion/she knows more about backs and stuff and it seems there's a lot more going on than my inflamed joint. Due to the inflammation all the muscles on the left side of my back have compounded and tensed up, while my right side hasn't but instead has upslipped (meaning everything on my right side is up higher than the left). They did a test to see if there was something abnormal about my leg lengths but they're only a half cm difference which is normal. It seems that my muscles aren't doing what they should and supporting my pelvis so there's more pressure on the joint (I've been wearing a support belt for the last few months to try and ease it, but I now I have to start build up muscle in my TAs (abs) and my butt to support it. I've already known I've had mild scoliosis (slightly curved spine) but the second physiotherapist wants standing X-rays so I have to get that done. And flat feet. But it turns out (only found out because I went to get new orthotics for my feet because the second physiotherapist recommended me to get stability running sneakers for my feet and new orthopedics) that my feet aren't flat - I actually have a large arch, and because it's so large when I walk and put my weight on it, my foot falls in and appears flat. There's also an alignment issue with my heel and a tendon in my foot which affects my entire leg because my knees are bent in as well. Which all contributes to the stress I've been putting on my hip and making it hurt.
I'm also missing a lot of class time because of all the appointments I have, I'm going to miss 5 class in 3 weeks - which for me is a LOT, so that's not helping my stress in school either.
Right... well I assume you're rather clever with school, so I shall begin by making you feel better about that by telling you about how I did so badly in my last exams that all my friends/teachers were shocked to see that I'd bothered coming back for another year. I too have had my fair share of bad days, due to being borderline depressed from January until about June/July.
Also, all this medical unfortunateness is obviously awful. Although, you could always think about it like this, it is much more likely that you could never have been born at all. If you really think about it, the improbability of your existence is quite unlikely if you consider the odds of everything on the path to your birth e.g. the timing of your conception and you being the fastest sperm (congrats on that by the way). So as dire as things may seem, it could always be worse, you could not exist... Or you could be Jake.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:14 am
by Gutter Dreams
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote: Right... well I assume you're rather clever with school, so I shall begin by making you feel better about that by telling you about how I did so badly in my last exams that all my friends/teachers were shocked to see that I'd bothered coming back for another year. I too have had my fair share of bad days, due to being borderline depressed from January until about June/July.
Also, all this medical unfortunateness is obviously awful. Although, you could always think about it like this, it is much more likely that you could never have been born at all. If you really think about it, the improbability of your existence is quite unlikely if you consider the odds of everything on the path to your birth e.g. the timing of your conception and you being the fastest sperm (congrats on that by the way). So as dire as things may seem, it could always be worse, you could not exist... Or you could be Jake.
I finished last year with an overall average of 97, with a 95 in math. So not understanding things is rare for me, and when it happens it's not to this degree. Because when I looked at the problems I felt like he didn't teach it at all because he was leaving out key points on how to solve questions. And this is a course I really need to do well in because of universities.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:22 am
by Jables
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote: Right... well I assume you're rather clever with school, so I shall begin by making you feel better about that by telling you about how I did so badly in my last exams that all my friends/teachers were shocked to see that I'd bothered coming back for another year. I too have had my fair share of bad days, due to being borderline depressed from January until about June/July.
Also, all this medical unfortunateness is obviously awful. Although, you could always think about it like this, it is much more likely that you could never have been born at all. If you really think about it, the improbability of your existence is quite unlikely if you consider the odds of everything on the path to your birth e.g. the timing of your conception and you being the fastest sperm (congrats on that by the way). So as dire as things may seem, it could always be worse, you could not exist... Or you could be Jake.
I finished last year with an overall average of 97, with a 95 in math. So not understanding things is rare for me, and when it happens it's not to this degree. Because when I looked at the problems I felt like he didn't teach it at all because he was leaving out key points on how to solve questions. And this is a course I really need to do well in because of universities.
Have you tried telling this incompetent plebeian of a teacher these things? If not then you really should, and if nothing improves then is there not another class you could move to which contains a person responsible for your future who can actually be entrusted with the job?

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:48 am
by Emil
Gutter Dreams wrote:I finished last year with an overall average of 97, with a 95 in math. So not understanding things is rare for me, and when it happens it's not to this degree. Because when I looked at the problems I felt like he didn't teach it at all because he was leaving out key points on how to solve questions. And this is a course I really need to do well in because of universities.
It could be worse, you could be a law student like me and not understanding shit about how the swedish constitution contradicts the maastricht treaty and how we should change our legal system to make it more efficient.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:07 am
by Gregorovich
Emil wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:I finished last year with an overall average of 97, with a 95 in math. So not understanding things is rare for me, and when it happens it's not to this degree. Because when I looked at the problems I felt like he didn't teach it at all because he was leaving out key points on how to solve questions. And this is a course I really need to do well in because of universities.
It could be worse, you could be a law student like me and not understanding shit about how the swedish constitution contradicts the maastricht treaty and how we should change our legal system to make it more efficient.
Study Scots Law. It's the best in Europe.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:20 am
by Druska
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote: Right... well I assume you're rather clever with school, so I shall begin by making you feel better about that by telling you about how I did so badly in my last exams that all my friends/teachers were shocked to see that I'd bothered coming back for another year. I too have had my fair share of bad days, due to being borderline depressed from January until about June/July.
Also, all this medical unfortunateness is obviously awful. Although, you could always think about it like this, it is much more likely that you could never have been born at all. If you really think about it, the improbability of your existence is quite unlikely if you consider the odds of everything on the path to your birth e.g. the timing of your conception and you being the fastest sperm (congrats on that by the way). So as dire as things may seem, it could always be worse, you could not exist... Or you could be Jake.
I finished last year with an overall average of 97, with a 95 in math. So not understanding things is rare for me, and when it happens it's not to this degree. Because when I looked at the problems I felt like he didn't teach it at all because he was leaving out key points on how to solve questions. And this is a course I really need to do well in because of universities.
If it makes you feel better I haven't seen such grades in like 10 years except for english and history

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:02 pm
by Mitchell
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
Dr. Cliterus of Ponty wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote::(
You alright?
not at all actually.
Tell Jables the bad thing and he shall attempt to make it seem better with his semi-famous wit and positive attitude.
School is just REALLY stressing me out, my teacher is a twat and can't teach to save his life and I don't understand and I went home and had a meltdown and cried for two hours because I was so stressed. And everyone else sucks. I feel like people only want to be my friend when they want something and when I'm having a bad day no ones there for me.

Also, I'm having a lot of er, medical issues which aren't looking to good either. My left SI joint has been inflamed for over a year, and when it flares up sometimes I can barely walk. The pain is sharp and it shoots down my thigh, to my knee. I've been in and out of physio and on and off prescription anti-inflammatory pills for months now and nothing seems to help because it goes away for a while but comes back. They've said it's just inflamed and possibly surrounded by a muscle spasm - nothing else. But it's gotten worse, my other hip has started acting up too.
So I went in for an assessment with a second physiotherapist at the hospital for a second opinion/she knows more about backs and stuff and it seems there's a lot more going on than my inflamed joint. Due to the inflammation all the muscles on the left side of my back have compounded and tensed up, while my right side hasn't but instead has upslipped (meaning everything on my right side is up higher than the left). They did a test to see if there was something abnormal about my leg lengths but they're only a half cm difference which is normal. It seems that my muscles aren't doing what they should and supporting my pelvis so there's more pressure on the joint (I've been wearing a support belt for the last few months to try and ease it, but I now I have to start build up muscle in my TAs (abs) and my butt to support it. I've already known I've had mild scoliosis (slightly curved spine) but the second physiotherapist wants standing X-rays so I have to get that done. And flat feet. But it turns out (only found out because I went to get new orthotics for my feet because the second physiotherapist recommended me to get stability running sneakers for my feet and new orthopedics) that my feet aren't flat - I actually have a large arch, and because it's so large when I walk and put my weight on it, my foot falls in and appears flat. There's also an alignment issue with my heel and a tendon in my foot which affects my entire leg because my knees are bent in as well. Which all contributes to the stress I've been putting on my hip and making it hurt.
I'm also missing a lot of class time because of all the appointments I have, I'm going to miss 5 class in 3 weeks - which for me is a LOT, so that's not helping my stress in school either.
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:34 pm
by Gregorovich
blackhawk1105 wrote:When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:57 pm
by Susanne
I hope everything gets better for you Sarah!

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:35 pm
by Jables
From the other Saturday, I can't remember this all too well but it amuses me all the same.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:04 pm
by Gutter Dreams
blackhawk1105 wrote:
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:06 am
by Mitchell
Gutter Dreams wrote:
blackhawk1105 wrote:
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.
Cause my back is totally fucked up.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:10 am
by Gutter Dreams
blackhawk1105 wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
blackhawk1105 wrote:
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.
Cause my back is totally fucked up.
same brotha whats wrong with yours?

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:21 am
by Resident Skumfuk
blackhawk1105 wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
blackhawk1105 wrote:
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.
Cause my back is totally fucked up.

I've had my DTLI cd on repeat for a couple of days now, getting ready for the shows!

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:24 am
by Mitchell
Gutter Dreams wrote:
blackhawk1105 wrote:
Gutter Dreams wrote:
blackhawk1105 wrote:
It'll turn out just fine, believe me.
When I was 14 (maybe 15, idk) I missed 4 months of school after my surgery and I ultimately managed to graduate from high school with decent grades. Keep in mind that I'm a huge slacker unlike you.
Cause my back is totally fucked up.
same brotha whats wrong with yours?
I was born with an open back, which resulted in 2 surgeries for that particular 'injury', and might lead to more in the future.

Re: The TNS Toilet

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:03 pm
by lisaNL
I just can't get over how good this cover is.. :shock: