Warp Tour Interviews

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Re: Warp Tour Interviews

Post by Lars »

This is NOT an interview from the Warped Tour, but one of the European Tour they did back in April. I did my best to translate it for you guys, so don't shoot me because this is probably in the wrong topic.

Hey guys, can you introduce yourself to our readers?
Cone: Hey, I'm Cone.
Tom: I'm Tom, and we're in the band Sum 41

What are -for you guys personally- the best festivals in the world?
Cone: Well we actually never played this [Groezrock] festival before, but maybe soon it'll be one of our favourites. But for now, I'd say Summer Sonic.
Tom: For me it's Rock am Ring and Rock im Park in Germany. We played with Metallica a couple of years a go and that was pretty cool. Warped Tour is fun as well.

How come this is your first time on this festival?
Cone: I don't know actually...

What's your favourite song to play on stage?
Cone & Tom: “Still Waiting”!

And why is that?
Cone: Well, I kinda like the lyrics and it's just a cool song to play. When I talk to fans, it seems like it's the song they like the most as well.

Did you guys have a 'transport problem' to get here since the volcano ashes fucked up the air traffic?
Cone: I came all the way from Toronto, but didn't have any delays or something?
Tom: I did. I'm from the West Coast and my flight over Vancouver got cancelled, just like my flight to LA. Eventually, I was able to reach Milan with some other tickets. I was on the road for like 30 hours.

Well, this is my first show, I've been listening to your music since I was 16. What can I expect?
Cone: Thnaks for being a fan. You can expect a fun show with a mix of our greatest hits.

What's your opinion on people saying that punkrock is dead?
Cone: A lot of people have been saying that for a long time. I don't really care anymore, actually.
Tom: Well, if it was dead, I wouldn't be sitting here. Just like all the other visitors of this festival.

What are your favourite bands, playing here today?
Cone: Pennywise, H20 and Bad Religion, I'll be checking them out tonight as well.

Do you have some rituals before you get on stage?
Cone: Not really rituals. We have some drinks and some stretch excercices, that's all.

What about after the show?
Tom: Fresh up and have more drinks.

How does the Sum 41-future look like?
Cone: Well, we just recorded a new record, that should be coming out around August and we'll be doing the Warped Tour to promote it..

What can we expect from the new record?
Cone: It still has the typical Sum 41-sound, but it’s just a little heavier and more intense. It’s not going to sound metalish, but just heavy and dark.

What’s your opinio non illegal downloading
Cone: It’s one of the things I don’t give a shit about anymore. It just happens and nobody can stop it. I’m not really angry, but I’m not happy either.
Tom: The labels don’t like it, but I’m just happy that fans show up to see us playing live. Luckily, we sell a lot of albums on our shows as well, and that’s what keeps the label satisfied. If the labels would make the albums cheaper, they’d sell more of them, I think.

How do you handle the fact you’re touring around the World all of the time and you have to miss everyone at home.
Cone: It’s not an easy combination, but our friends and family are proud we’re doing this.

What if this band not existed?
Cone: I’d probably be in another band, cause I love playing in front of people..
Tom:I’d go back to university. I don’t like working, but I do like learning a lot.

How do you deal with all the attention you get?
Cone: I don’t know, it just happens and we deal with it the way that seems the best to us. Especially the female attention is cool.

That’s probably the main reason why you started up this band?
Cone: (laughs) It is!

Thanks for your time and have a good time tonight!
Cone: You’re welcome.
Tom: Bye, have a good time tonight.
Last edited by Boni on Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I was asked to underline the last of the questions.
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Re: Warp Tour Interviews

Post by Max »

Here's another inteview -

Introduce yourselves guys.
Steve: I’m Steve, I play drums.
Cone: I am Cone, I play bass.
Steve: For Sum 41.

How has Warped Tour been so far?
Steve: It’s been going great, all the shows have gone really well and it’s been just fun. It’s only been like two week so far.
Cone: Yeah, two weeks.
Steve: It’s just flown by! Five more weeks to go!
Cone: Yeah, only five [laughs].

You’re obviously on the road a lot, how do you deal with being away from friends and family?
[Steve’s Mum is standing in the room with us.]
Steve: As you can see [points to his mum] we just pack ‘em up, put them in the bay of the bus and bring them along! [laughs]. You know it can be tricky, but our wives come out and visit once in a while. We’ve been off for two years, so now we’re about to go on the road for a few years, so we need to have some fun.
Cone: We can’t wait!

Since the beginning of Sum 41 there’s been a line up change with the departure of Dave Baksh, how do you feel this has affected the music?
Steve: Erm, it hasn’t really affected the music that much.
Cone: Well in a way everything that Dave played, Derek wrote. Except for like some solos.
Steve: Yeah! It was kind of a smooth transition. We knew Dave didn’t wanna be in the band anymore so it wasn’t like a big messy break up or anything.

Do you miss him?
Steve: Erm…
Cone: Well I mean we were friends since we were like 14, so it is a little strange not to have him in the band any more.
Steve: We didn’t really hang out though, except for when we were in the band and on the road. And now he’s not on the road any more. He is a great guy though, there’s no hard feelings or anything.

Good, so there is no “beef”?
Steve: No, there’s no beef, and if there was, it would be with Roti [laughter]. He likes the Roti.

What the craziest fan experience you’ve ever had?
Cone: You tell it.
Steve: OK, I’ll do this. Here is a funny one. So I was at Warped tour, and we were doing a signing, and this kid walked up to the table and says “Hey can you sign my leg?”, so I was like “Sure!”. So he takes his leg off, it was a prosthetic leg, and he’s like “Here” and gives me the leg. So I’m like “Woah… OK” and I signed it. And then some other kid took the leg and ran off with it! And this other kid was like hopping after him! [laughs] So yeah, that was kind of weird.

That is the best fan story I’ve ever heard! Who is the most embarrassing band or artist on your iPod?
Steve: I got a little bit of Britney [Spears] on there.
Cone: Do you really?
Steve: Yeah I love Britney. C’mon, Womanizer… you don’t like Womanizer?
Cone: I’ve got George Michael on my iPod. Is that embarrassing?
Steve: Yeah I’ve got some Wham on there. Wham’s album Make it Big.
[Steve starts singing and clicking his fingers]

If you could host your own Warped tour, who would headline and who would support?
Steve: I think we definitely have a soft spot for the way it was when we first went to Warped.
Cone: Yeah!
Steve: We would have NOFX and Pennywise and The Vandals.
Cone: The Bosstones!
Steve: Yeah, so basically like a time machine back to like 1996.

Let’s play word association!
Steve: Sum 41, new record coming out this Summer!
Cone: Good one.
Steve: What? I just thought I would sneak that in there.

Band mates.
Cone : Sum 41.
Steve: Morons! As my mother would say, professional morons [laughs].

Steve: Morons! We are morons in Amsterdam! That’s the best city for Sum 41!
[Cone turns around and looks at Steve’s Mum.]
Cone: There are so many stories I can’t tell you right now.
Steve: I know! My mum is watching us!
[Steve's Mum pretends to leave the room]
Steve: Erm… yeah. Good times in Amsterdam!… and Bicycles, a lot of bicycles!
Cone: They drive on the wrong side of the street in Amsterdam.
I think you’ll find Cone, tat you guys drive on the wrong side of the street!
Steve: [attempting a London accent] Actually, yeah… listen love, alwright! Listen mate!

Lady Gaga.
Steve: I like Gaga! I like Gaga!
Cone: I know a couple of songs, they’re good songs!

Steve: [Steve sighs] Interesting.
Cone: Yeap.

Steve: Aged.
Cone: I get bloated [laughs].
Steve: Yep! He’s a lactose, he gets gassy.

Cone: I don’t eat it.
Steve: I’ve been a vegan for a while, but I think I’ve eaten a bit of it for some of this tour [laughs]. I’ve fallen off the wagon!

Steve: Brown Tom.

Steve: Handy? [laughs]

Steve: Great food.
Cone: Yeah, great [said sarcastically].
Steve: Ahh dude, c’mon, that was a burn. I said it as a complement.
Cone: I said “great”.
Steve: Yeah, but the way you said it.
Cone: No, I mean it!

Gary Coleman.
Cone: [changing the subject] Where are you from by the way?
Steve: Ooh, Eng-er-land.
Cone: Where in England?
Cone: I love London.
Steve: Gary Coleman? Life cut short.
Loving the pun!

FIFA World Cup.
Steve: What?
FIFA World Cup.
Cone: So, what?
Steve: I don’t know what that is…
You know, the worldwide football tournament that millions of people have been watching?
Steve: We don’t watch American Football.
Cone: It’s soccer.
Steve: Oh, we don’t watch soccer either. So did that happen already? Is that going on? But it’s so boring!
We are genuinely in shock.
Steve: You’re in shock? We have put you in shock? Should I get a medic in here? [laughs]

How do your USA/Canadian fans compare to UK fans?
Steve: Well the UK are pretty damn good.
Cone: Yeah, they are rough!
Steve: No, but they’re awesome though.
Cone: That’s what I mean, like a rough crowd in a good way! They’re solid.
Steve: Oh yeah.
Cone: Like if they don’t leave our show bleeding they’re not happy.
Steve: Yeah, I love playing there crowds are always great.
Cone: I like it over there a lot.

What is next for Sum 41?
Steve: The album is coming out this fall probably, no specific time as of yet. You can go to sum41.com in a week or so and download a free song! A free song!
Cone: And actually, we are going to London in November! Full UK/European tour!

Sex drugs or rock ‘n’ roll?
Steve: Rock ‘n’ roll! And if it’s sex, after you’re married with the wife and only for the purpose of making grandchildren!
[Steve looks at his mum with an angelic face]
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Re: Warp Tour Interviews

Post by Max »

New reply for emphasis on the most important points here -

Steve: The album is coming out this fall probably, no specific time as of yet. You can go to sum41.com in a week or so and download a free song! A free song!
Cone: And actually, we are going to London in November! Full UK/European tour!
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Re: Warp Tour Interviews

Post by Mitchell »

Steve: Morons! We are morons in Amsterdam! That’s the best city for Sum 41!
That's another reason for me to be excited...
2 weeks of europe in september and 5 weeks starting in November :glad: unfortunately Steve says that the album will be out after those tours :balling:

he mentioned TNS again :silly: but he didn't mention the 12-minute song :confusion:
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Re: Warp Tour Interviews

Post by Mitchell »

2 weeks of europe in september and 5 weeks starting in November :glad: unfortunately Steve says that the album will be out after those tours :balling:

he mentioned TNS again :silly: but he didn't mention the 12-minute song :confusion:
Last edited by Mitchell on Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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