Tales From Beneth Your Mom: A Blink 182 Screen Play

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Tales From Beneth Your Mom: A Blink 182 Screen Play

Post by grandpa »

So i wrote this last year...and i was wondering what you guys thought.
mind you...i just threw in random actors (ones i like) so they really wouldnt be in it.

Blink-182: From Beneath Your Mom
By blink-182 and Anne Hoppus
Screenplay by Grandpa

Opening Scene
As the story starts, the screen is completely black. The yelling and screaming of what seems to be a very large crowd fades in. The crowd keeps on screaming, and another voice, but louder then the screams of the crowd, starts talking. The voice is the voice of Tom DeLonge (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), but the viewer wont know that until later. Tom starts joking around, when another voice, also louder than the crowd, goes (almost yelling) “TOM! SHUT UP!” This is Mark Hoppus (played by Dane Cook) and the viewer will once again not know this till later. The two joke back and forth for a bit (this whole section takes up only 10 to 15 second), when Tom introduces the song. As the very first note is played, the “blank” screen drops like a curtain, and the camera is on the right side of the stage. “Blink-182: Tales From Beneath Your Mom” appears across the screen, and fades away. The stage occupied by three guys (Tom, Mark, and Travis Barker (played by Ryan Reynolds), each with their instruments. The camera then goes from the right side of the stage, and does a “sweep” across the stage onto the crowd. Then a CU of one fan, who has a shirt on that has a name from the credits, but the credit looks like a real t-shirt design. There are multiple fans like this, and the camera does a close up of each. As the “credits” are finished, the songs finishes.
Then a faint sound of an alarm clock goes off in the background, but it’s not heard by anyone on stage or in the crowd. The camera does a close up of Tom, smiling, and throwing his guitar on the ground. The camera backs away, showing a shot of half of stage and half of the crowd. Tom is on the stage, when he runs towards the crowd, and jumps and another CU of Tom (above him) falling onto a ocean of people. Right as the people are about to catch Tom, the scene changes abruptly to a bed, where Tom is laying. His covers are on the floor, and a fan is to the left of the bed, blowing air onto his face. There’s underwear lying on the floor, and a bed stand with a lamp, alarm clock, and what seems to be 5 or 6 bottles of pop. You see Tom’s arm smack the alarm clock onto the floor, and throw his head into his pillow. Then, the camera fades into a CU of Tom’s face. His head turns towards the camera and his eyes are closed and his mouth open. Then his eyes bolt open.

Tom: (his face makes it look like he’s in pain) “OH GOD!!!”
Mark: (not in camera view, and whispering at first) “Scott, get his mouth, quick,” then yelling “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!”
Anne Hoppus (narrator, played by Rachel McAdams): (there’s no more noise from Mark or Tom, the picture completely stops, and stays still) This is Tom DeLonge. Tom is the guitarist and a vocalist for blink. Tom was kick out of school (the frame changes to Tom being carried out by two policemen, Tom has a bottle of beer in his hand) for going to a basketball game drunk.
(The picture returns to the bedroom. But a CU on Mark’s face. Mark has a huge smile on his face, and seems to be really enjoying himself)
Mark: “Say ‘I Love Men’! SAY IT!”
Tom: (sounding a helpless, and muffled) “I LOVE MEN!”
Anne: (picture stops again, on Mark’s face. He has a look on as if he just accomplished something amazing) This is my brother, Mark Hoppus. Mark is the bassist and vocalist for blink. Mark used to live in the middle of no-where, (frame changes to Mark laying on a couch naked, butt up, with a girl looking disgusted at him) but now lives at home again. By the way, that poor girl is me.”
(The scene goes back to the bedroom for the last time, where it’s now a close-up of Scott’s face [played by Justin Long]. Scott is smiling almost as much as Mark, but there’s a look of “work” oh his face, trying to keep what looks like 4 or 5 socks in Tom’s mouth. Scott doesn’t say anything, but the scene goes for about 3-4 seconds, before completely stopping again)
Anne: This is Scott (get his last name in here). He plays drums for blink. Scott is a couple years younger then Tom and Mark (frame changes to Mark, Tom, and Scott in pirate costume running around what seems to be a grocery store, messing with the customers), but he fits in well.
(The scene changes once again to blink (Mark, Tom, and Scott) playing in a bedroom, with a bunk-bed that has loft bed for the bottom bunk. There are empty egg cartons all over the walls, as well as what seems to be yolk stains on some of the carpets. There are amps lining the walls also, with a drum set on the opposite side of the amps. Mark and Tom are very close to each other, trying to avoid collisions with their guitars, while Scott is sitting behind his drum set. The camera does circles around the room as Anne talks. After about two times around, it switches (when Mark jumps into the air) to a blink playing on a stage (the bedroom scene switches right when Mark reaches his highest point in the jump, and the stage scene starts with Mark in that exact same position. The camera then does circles around the guys on stage. This goes through multiple different places. From the stage it goes to the bedroom again, then an outdoor stage, back to the bedroom, and then finally to blink playing “air-band” in what looks like a park.)
Anne: blink started out as Tom wanting a band as bad as Mark did. To shut them up, I had them meet in Tom’s garage, where they almost instantly became best friends. They didn’t pink up Scott till later, at a Battle of the Bands. Then, they were called Duck Tape, but not long after, they changed to blink. Blink didn’t have very many fans at the time, and their EP “Flyswatter” sold less then 30 copies. But this didn’t stop blink at all. They would eventually get a good number of fans, and would release their first full-length album “Buddha”. That bunch of songs would also help out blink’s popularity, and also get the attention of Irish-Techno band also called Blink. Threatening to sue blink, they changed their names to “blink-182”. From here, they would start to record their next album.

Closing Scene
Mark, Tom, and Travis are all in a fairly big room. Tom is pacing behind the couch that is placed almost in the center of the room. Travis sits in a chair near the corner of the room, drumming on a drum pad. Mark can barely be seen, but he runs from the picture, holding his crotch, looking like he has to pee. The room has plane white walls, and the carpet is a sand-stone color. On one wall, what would be the one in the middle, there are mirrors with lights right above them. On the wall to the left, there are three sheets taped up with duct-tape. The right wall can’t be seen, but a door can be herd as Mark shuts it. A black wooden box like thing is sitting by the mirrors. Half of it is opened, and the top has wide slits in it. There are four guitars in it. One pink bass, one sea foam green bass, and two white Strats.
Tom: “Oh shit, oh shit, oh… my God. We’re on in 15 minutes. Oh God, 15 MINUTES! And why of all times do I have to have a COLD!”
Travis: (blankly staring, but then looking at Tom, with out missing a single beat on his drum pad) “Tom, just settle down man. It’s ganna be cool. We’ll just go out there and do our thing, like we have been doing. Just sit down and relax. It’s ganna be fine”
Tom: “Yeah, you right. It’s ganna be fine. Just settle down and… (Tom closes his eyes and lets out a big breath, and sits down on the couch) So how should I sing? Should I sing like this… (Tom sings the na-na-na’s from All the Small Things one way), or like this…(He sings it again, but it sounds a bit different from the first time), or like…”(he’s cut off by Mark yelling from the bathroom)
Tom: “Sorry…”
(Tom keeps going on though, but much quieter, while lounging on the couch. Travis is once again staring at nothing, but he keeps on drumming. A flush can be herd from the right side of the room, and the faucet runs. Then the door opens, and Mark walks into sight, jumps over the couch, and sits down, almost on Tom’s legs)
Mark: “Dude, this night has been amazing so far. We won Best Group! Even if we do suck, we still had an awesome night. We just gotta go out there and just be our selves, and not be fake like (looks around, to make sure no one else is listing) Brittany Spears’ boobs.”
Mark chuckles at his joke, but soon realizes that Tom and Travis didn’t even crack a smile. The grin turns back into his nervous face, and he slouches down even more. Tom is still going through “na-na-nas”, each way slightly different from the other. Travis has finally put down the drum sticks, and has grabbed a roll of tape and starts putting it around his wrist. A twenty-some year old guy walks in. He’s got all black on, with a headset and a clipboard. He says “5 minuets guys,” and walks out the door. All three guys stand up, almost at the same time. Tom runs to the bathroom and shuts the door, Travis grabs his sticks again, and Mark grabs the sea foam green bass from a rack of guitars and slings it over his shoulder. A flush can be herd, and the door opens. Tom walks out, and grabs one of the Strats.
Mark: “Alright guys, lets do this.”
All three guys “circle” around and put one hand in the middle. They close their eyes, and Mark begins to “pray”.
Mark: “Dear God, please, please, help us not suck. We’re super physced that we won Best Group award. (Tom quietly says “F**k yeah!) Now please, please, help us go out there and kick ass one more time. Amen!”
Tom: “A F**KING MEN!”
(Travis opens his eyes and lifts his head up, kissing the air)
Mark: “Alright, let’s do this guys.”
They walk out the door the twenty-some guy came in. They shut the door. Mark goes out first, followed by Travis, and then Tom. They wind through people, most of them saying “Good luck”or“You’ll do great” or things like that. The camera follows them on from the perspective of Tom. First he looks at a couple of people in black, then looks up, and then straight a head, where Travis looks back at him. When Travis looks back, the camera does a “right sweep” and then goes into the perspective of Travis. Travis doesn’t look around much, just straight a head and to the ground every once in a while. When he looks up after about the 3rd time, Mark is turned around and looking at Travis, when the camera does a “left sweep” into Mark’s perspective. Mark then looks in front of him, and looks at the people around him, and then straight forward again. He puts his hands over his face, and pulls them down. Then a loud crowd can be herd, and as they keep walking it gets louder. Not long after the crowd is herd, louder voices are herd.
Travis: “Oh God, The Backstreet Boys are giving their speech. “Blah blah blah…I’m gay and I dance around like a pansy….blah blah blah”
All three of them chuckle. They finial reach the stairs to the stage. The Backstreet Boys are still giving their speech, when 4 or 5 people in all black come up and start hooking up the cords and the technical stuff, while the one of them tells them what they’re doing.
All Black Guy: Alright, as soon as these guys are done, Brad and Jen are going to come out and introduce you guys. They’ll be on the side stage, which will be the only stage that is lit. When they get done, Travis, you can count off. Once you two (eyes Mark and Tom) play your first note, the lights will come on, just like we practiced in rehearsal. Ok? Good.
He walks by them, and off into the path they just came. No more then 5 seconds later, the Backstreet Boys finish and start to walk off stage. As they walk by they say “Good luck”, and as the last one passes by Tom, Tom caresses his arm. As he looks back puzzled, Tom winks and blows him a kiss. His face gets even more puzzled, but he turns around and keeps walking. The camera goes to the front of them, where you can see Tom giggling at his “moment” with the Backstreet Boy. Tom keeps giggling until he walks into the blackness with Travis and Mark. The camera suddenly goes to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.
Brad: “We’re out here now to introduce the next, and last, performer.”
Jen: “These three are one of our (looks at Brad, as he looks back) favorite bands,”
Brad: “Starting out running around naked, to impersonating N*SYNC and The Backstreet Boys (the crowd starts getting louder, catching on to who it is)”
Jen: “Now here’s Best Group of the year…”
Brad and Jen: “BLINK 182!”
The camera then pans out, and onto the main stage. The 3 hits on the high-hat can barely be herd over the roar of the crowd, and then the blast from the guitars and the crowd gets even louder. Tom then comes in with “All the…small things,”, and gets that snotty-nosed punk sound, which fits well with the song. As the first chorus starts, 30 or so punk rock “little people” come running on stage with the rest of the band, and start dancing. Some of them come from the ceiling, and some come from the crowd. The song keeps going, and the “small people” keep dancing. As the song comes to an end, you can see all three guys smiling. The camera slowly, but steadily, gets closer and closer to Tom’s face, until it’s completely black. The credits then start.

Well, I guess I’ll start out by introducing myself; I’m Grandpa, the writer and director. And the actual members of Blink will be joining me later…but for now, you’ve only got me. This starting scene wasn’t all that hard, it was just kinda hard to get Dane and Jake and Ryan to make it look like they knew what they were doing. We actually had them hang out with some rock stars during filming, and we did all the playing scenes last. I think they ended up seen Green Day, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and…someone else, but I don’t remember. I know they also “studied” some footage of the band playing. The last scene was probably the hardest…only because we had to get the audience, which we had to do over a span of two days. I think we let in over two thousand people the first day, and about one thousand the second day. If you look in the movie, some people are in the crowd twice (laughing). We just overlapped each day into both to look like it was a lot of people. Well, thanks for buying the movie, and we’ll see you around.

*Note...i used my real name...not grandpa
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Post by Nic »

Woa. :shock:

I have/already read the book so I know all of this. :P
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Post by dearyou_182 »

Nic wrote:Woa. :shock:

I have/already read the book so I know all of this. :P
Lmfao your a faggit nic.
Last edited by dearyou_182 on Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zam »

Good job!
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Post by kevin5064 »

extremely BAD choice of actors. you have to make sure the actors have the balls to play blink members and some lookalike to them. Jim Carry for tom
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Post by Nic »

dearyou_182 wrote:
Nic wrote:Woa. :shock:

I have/already read the book so I know all of this. :P
You have only read 30 pages!
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Post by grandpa »

kevin5064 wrote:extremely BAD choice of actors. you have to make sure the actors have the balls to play blink members and some lookalike to them. Jim Carry for tom
i said that i just threw in some actors because i liked them, and i needed actors. i said disreguard the actors.
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Post by grandpa »

Nic wrote:Woa. :shock:

I have/already read the book so I know all of this. :P
lol...yeah. well thats what i had to base it off of.
but a lot of it wasnt exactally from the book
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Post by Bobbyjames »

as if i actually read all that, haha. the last bit sounds like a bit off that MTV show they done, where they followed them around Europe, and at the end they play that awards show, and tom has a cold and he's nervous, cos their about to play on TV in front of millions of viewers (and a load of midgets running about on the stage on scooters and stuff)

and yea ive read the book, still sounds rad though
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