The Lower (Story time with GRANDPA!) Pt. 4 & 5 Up

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The Lower (Story time with GRANDPA!) Pt. 4 & 5 Up

Post by grandpa »

Alright kiddies, now sit around, i have a story to tell all of you. As you may know, along with kyle, i kind of write stories every once in a while. So take a read please.


The Lower

Here’s a little something for you to think about. What happens if we don’t make it? What happens when we lose to the Bigger? What will happen to us then? We don’t have what they do. We don’t have the brains, the looks, or the time. We’re just the lonely pieces of trash you just walk by on the street, and don’t even notice. We’re the rotten apple that gets thrown out. We’re the ideas that seemed good at the time, but then are never remembered. We are the last of the Lower.
We were the kids that smelt like shit when you sat next to them in class. We were the kids who got in trouble, when we were only trying to get by. We were the kids who never got help, because no one would give us any. We were the kids who lost the chance. The chance to make it. The chance to be normal, to be the same. We lost the chance to fit in to society. And it wasn’t, and still isn’t, our faults.
If you go back far enough, there was a time when we were there, and we had the chance. We tired to fit in, we tried to make the best of life, but we were push around. We were pushed out. At first, our elders thought it’s just because that’s the way it was. They thought “Let kids be kids,” and never looked at the problem beyond that. Well look who’s dead now, and look who’s in charge. But those times were when destruction of the worlds was only thought as a problem, not an actual problem. All the shit that was put into the air, the water, the ground, has started to come back and bite us in the ass. And it bit hard. The air is almost to thick for us to breath, and it’s slowly killing us. The water taste like old burnt cigarettes and smells like piss. The ground is barely solid enough to build a house on, and there are only few patches of good soil to grow anything in. It’s a world we are trying to adapt to. But, I think that we aren’t going to adapt in time.
But this problem is barely a problem for the Bigger. The Bigger are the ones who didn’t let us in. They were the ones with money, the looks, the time. They were the ones who got the help, even when they didn’t need it. They were the ones who went on to colleges, played sports, become movie stars. They were the assholes who were to self-centered to realize what they’re doing to us, and themselves.
So I, with the rest of my clan, live on the streets. Except, our side of town is all streets. There are no houses, no stores, or restrooms anywhere. We sleep on the ground with blankets made from the fur of some animal that was killed. If you have a pillow, your like the high class of our side of town. But that’s not saying much. But there is one house, called the Black Hole.
The Black Hole is a huge, old mansion. 10 people live in this house. They don’t have names, only numbers. The were the last gang to ever kidnap the Bigger’s leader. They called themselves “The Kid’s of the Black Hole” or “The Kids” for short. The leader wasn’t found till 5 years later. He was wearing the exact same cloths as when he was kidnapped, and he looked as well as he had before he left. But, 10 days later he died. When they checked him, he had no brain. It was completely gone. Only a note. The Kids haven’t been out of the house since.
Untill last night.

Rude Awaking

It was late. By the look of the moon, probably somewhere around 2:30ish. I felt a sharp jab on my left side. I roll over. Maybe it was just some passerby who didn’t see me. No, it wasn’t. I feel two more, now on both sides.
“Get up,” a raspy voice says.
Shit. Did I mess with a Bigger? No, not that I recall. But they’ve been known jus to take random people, well, “Animals” as they call us.
“Who the hell are you, and what do you want?” I ask as I stand up.
Shit. Again. There’s not one, or two, or even three. There’s like, 8 or 10 of them. I can’t quite tell. They’re all in black. Black trench coats, black sweat pants, black Vans, and black brimmed hats. The shadows from the hats hide their faces. This doesn’t look good. But who the hell are these…people? Are thy people? I think so. They’re about my height, and nothing looks distortional. Ok…so they are people. Who? They can’t be Biggers, and those cloths are too nice for something like me and my friends to wear.
I keep thinking. No ones talking. I’m just breathing heavily. They don’t even sound like they are breathing. “Who the FUCK ARE YOU!” I yell at them. They don’t say anything. They just start to circle me. “Alright, if you wont tell me, at least tell me what you want” I say again, but I get the same response as last time. Then they all reach into their coats and pull out a…I’m not sure. It sprayed out a gas of some sort, and I was down. The lights have gone out. No ones home.
“Hey, kid, can you hear me?” a voice says.
“Wha..what?” I asked wearily.
“Sit up,” he said. “Alright. Sorry we scared you. We couldn’t say much, and we need to get out of there quick.”
“But wh…” I tried to say
“Shut up,” he said. “It’s our turn to talk. 3rd rule: We do the talking. We’ll go over the rest later. I’m One.”
WHOLEY SHIT! The leader of the Kids!
“Welcome to the Black Hole, kid. You’re the 13th person ever to step foot in here. No one has come in here but us. And we normally never go out.”
I finally start to realize what going on. I’m in the Black Hole. Shit. That could be a great thing…but then again, this could be really bad.
He starts laughing, “No, we aren’t going to hurt you. Or fuck with your body. We need you.”
“Wait..what?” I said, shocked.
“We need you,” He said again.
He looked up. The shadow over his face went away. This had to be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. One, who has to be close to 60 years old, and he doesn’t look a day over 15. No wrinkles, no big droopy ears, nothing.
“We aren’t as young as we used to be. Although, who could tell?” he laughs. “We are eventually going to die, one way or another. We weren’t meant to live forever. They’re starting to find out where we are. They’re finding out who we are. But that’s ok. We knew this would happen one day. So we need you, to help us do our last little…project,” he said, with a grin.
“Project? What kind of project?” I asked.
He laughs, and he looks at me. But his face wasn’t the same. His eyes were glowing red, and the rest of his face pale white.
“The last act of destroying the human race.”

You’re Kidding, Right?
“Whoa…wait up there. We’re going to kill, every last one of us?” I asked. That sound of panic has crept into the sound of my voice.
The red vanishes, and the color to his skin returns. Makes it a little less scary, but not much.
“Well, not exactly. We’re only killing the ones who don’t deserve to live,” One says, normal again.
“Who deserves to live,” I asked. The panic has taken over. There is no voice.
“Don’t worry. You, your loved ones, will be fine. As for the rest of us, we’re…”
“Wait. You didn’t say “us”. You just said me and my loved ones. Which, frankly, I don’t have. But that’s beside the point. You’re not going to kill yourselves, too?
One just smiles. “ We can’t go out without a bang, can we? But, basically, you need to learn a couple things. They’re mainly skills, but some little tid-bits of information. But for now, you will need to know two things. One, you will be the one in the end the ends all of it. And two, after me, and the rest of my brothers and sisters, you no longer have a name. You will no longer have an age. You will no longer be apart of the Lower, but the Bigger will not exist. You will be the second coming of the Kids from the Black Hole.
I look at One straight in the eyes. My eyes are glazed over, amazed at what I just herd. His eyes have a chilly, devilish look to them, but comforting at the same time. My jaw is dropped, he’s got that same shit-faced grin that you always see.
“” I ask. My voice is back. Added with some amazement and fear.
“Kid, you’re going to do things you never knew possible. You’re not ordinary. You don’t know that, or believe it yet, but you are. You have something we all had. But you don’t know it. The world will be yours, but you don’t know it. If you fallow us, you will someday, know it.”

Meet the Kids

“Alright. So do you have any questions?” One asks.
“Yeah..wh,” I tried to say.
“Alright, great. So, why don’t we go show who your going to work with,” One says, as he turns his head around. “HEY! GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!”
Then, the rest of the Kids filed in. Almost as if they were in a police line up. They were all smirking, but walking with their hats down so the shadows covered their faces. They still had their trench coats and their sweat pants on. Why sweat pants? You’d think if they had trench coats they’d have fancier pants. But then I noticed something, on all of their hands. Make that their right hands. There was a big black circle. But it didn’t look like a tattoo, it looked like there…there were holes in their hands.
One points at the first on in line.
“This is Two. Two is a male, and is younger than me, but older than the rest. Two doesn’t talk at all. You actually can’t communicate with him, unless. Well, we’ll go over that later. He’s also a fucking great street fighter, so don’t fuck with him,” One says, almost as if he was reading a description. He points to the next one.
“That’s Three. She, is a she. Unlike Two, she does talk. But sometimes too much. Just tell her to shut up if she does. She usually will, or, she’ll…basically…eat you alive.”
“The person behind her is Four. Four never leaves Three. Just for the fact that they are twins. But Four doesn’t talk much. He’s very good at taking things in. Like, you can ask him a question about…oh…I don’t know…every street we took to find you, and he could tell you exactly which ones in which order. Shit like that. He comes in hand every once in a while.”
“That’s five. She’s probably the smartest. She’s hacked into the Bigger’s computer system about 6 times in the last day. But, she didn’t do anything horribly bad to it. She just now has hardcore gay porn playing every time a computer or T.V. is turned on. It’ll be a couple days before they get it out of there. She’s also got that whole part fot he city on surveillance. It’s kind of funny to watch the look on those peoples face when they see the shit she does.”
“Six is right next to her. He basically just gets in the way and distracts you. He really doesn’t listen to anyone, either. So it’s hard to get him off your back.”
“Seven and Eight. Seven is a girl, eight is a guy. Both of them are very good at making themselves change…appearance. They usually walk around the city, dressed as either a Lower, or Bigger. But no one knows it is them. That’d be why every thinks we haven’t been out of this house for so fucking long. Most of us haven’t. They have though.”
“Nine isn’t a guy or girl. Nine won’t tell us what the hell…it is. We usually just refer Nine as a “him”. Nine is probably one of the fast people on earth. With his hands, feet, and brain. He can think of plots that would take you years in a bout a day. He could build, furnish, and decorate a house in about 2 days. He can also run across water. Not walk, run. Water actually becomes like concrete if you go fast enough.”
“And last but least, Ten. Ten is just…Ten” and that’s all that was said about Ten.
“We are the people you are going to help. We are the people that you, and your friends, will become. We are the people, who are, the Kids from the Black Hole.”

Boring Rules

“Alright, before we take you to your room, I have one more thing to go over. Rules.
First Rule: You do not speak of us, to anyone, but us. Unless given permission.
Second Rule: You do not take anyone near, or into, the Black Hole. If you do, we won’t punish you, the house will.
Third Rule: We do the talking, you do the listing.
Fourth Rule: You do as we wish, not as you wish. We know what we’re doing, you don’t. Don’t fuck with it.
Fifth Rule: You do not bring any supplies into the House. The House will provide everything you need. And if you do bring extra things into the house, the house will, once again, punish you.
Sixth Rule: Before this is all over, you must have fallen in love.
That’s all the rules. They’re straight forward, simple, and fair. You break them, it won’t be good.”
What the hell? I have to fall in love? With who, and why the fuck is it so important? And why cant I bring anyone in here? Is it going to eat them? What the fuck?
“ We can hear what your thinking kid, just don’t mess with the rules, and you’ll be fine,” One says, as we walk around the house.

The End

So i woke up the next day. Laying in a bed i've never slept in. I'm in a room i've never been in. My asshole is hurting like it's never hurt before. What the fuck? Why does it hurt so bad.
"We all got you up the ass about 6 times, each," said One.
"WHAT! WHY?" i yelled, back, in a panic.
"Because getting kids like you up the ass is fun! We do it all the time. And you agreed to it too. We even put the video up on YouTube!
"No, I'm not. You are. Now turn around and pull down your pants. I'm ganna fuck you all the way to mars!" One said.
Last edited by grandpa on Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:51 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Kylio »

Dude. I love it.
Shock-Writing for the win, I think that's what your going for. Whatever it is, It's out of this world good.

Keep writing. I know I hate it too when people dont respond, but ive got you as a reader, and youve got me. Just need to get it out there.
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Post by Mr. Penguin »

You're REALLY good.
Phili is my new mom, and Claudia is my child.
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Post by grandpa »

new part...for those of you who do read
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Post by Zam »

Very good! Dammmmn...
I envy you and Kyle... but once again, Ive got my lyrics writing ability.8)
Byzzy wrote:i'm leaving this forum for good
Byzzy wrote:fucking whores u think u can ban me? i'll be back whenever the fuck i want, zam fuck ur mom cuz she's a slut, fucking chinese

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Post by Jon Nolan »

Wow, thats awesome :D
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Post by Byzzy »

what da fuck is this
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Post by grandpa »

Byzzy wrote:what da fuck is this
i guess it's a story i'm starting to make up
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Post by Kylio »

grandpa wrote:
Byzzy wrote:what da fuck is this
i guess it's a story i'm starting to make up
i very damn good story if i may
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Post by erikj9 »

i remember that story "Snap"
that kicked ass gramps.
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Post by grandpa »

erikj9 wrote:i remember that story "Snap"
that kicked ass gramps.
yeah...that makes three of us

(as in kyle)
V wrote:This guy is awesome.
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Post by erikj9 »

and it makes two of me.
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Post by grandpa »

hows that work?
V wrote:This guy is awesome.
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Post by erikj9 »

i put my dick in my ass, this way im getting twice the enjoyment.
jk :lol:
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Post by grandpa »

part 3 up
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Post by Kylio »

Yay i read about it beforehand! Good shiz! keep em comin, i like the story.
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Post by Zam »

Rad, rad, rad.
Byzzy wrote:i'm leaving this forum for good
Byzzy wrote:fucking whores u think u can ban me? i'll be back whenever the fuck i want, zam fuck ur mom cuz she's a slut, fucking chinese

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Post by grandpa »

pt 4 and 5 up
V wrote:This guy is awesome.
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Post by Zam »

Love them!
Byzzy wrote:i'm leaving this forum for good
Byzzy wrote:fucking whores u think u can ban me? i'll be back whenever the fuck i want, zam fuck ur mom cuz she's a slut, fucking chinese

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Post by Kylio »

Yeah I loved the two new parts. amazing
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