Deryck Strings

Whatever you want to talk about!
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Re: Deryck Strings

Post by fergal41 »

Jeremy Kill wrote:
goonday41 wrote:
Jake-41 wrote:Dude, you joined the day UH came out.
i know...i was a peeker for awhile and finally joined when the album came out. but i was a sumpieces member from way back in the day...anyone even remember that forum?
I remember it. Was that the same as SumTime? I was a member of SumTime and all I can remember was that it was a yellow forum, haha.
Yep it was SumTime's predecessor - then came 'Summer41' (I think? Dunno about the order of things now!) and then TNS I think

Sum Pieces was down for a few months when the post Chuck lull happened and there was no active Sum 41 fansite for me to look at but rarely post on briefly (!)
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Re: Deryck Strings

Post by mikey41 »

your signature should read "i tried to be deryck" lolololol
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